
Beijing traffic control department issued travel tips: As school starts, traffic pressure on roads around campus increases


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On August 23, the official website of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau Traffic Management Bureau issued travel tips from August 24 to 30, 2024.
This week, the National Stadium, Wukesong and other areas will host a number of events, and the traffic pressure on roads around the venues will be high. Temporary management measures will be taken on some roads during the events. The traffic pressure on roads around some schools, passenger transport stations, scenic spots and business districts is high. It is predicted that there will still be rainfall this week. Please pay close attention to weather changes before traveling to ensure traffic safety. The city's public security traffic management department has released next week's traffic forecast and travel tips based on the traffic operation situation and data analysis in recent years.
1. Traffic hotspot prediction
1. Performances will be held in the National Stadium, Wukesong and other areas. Travel is recommended to avoid these areas.
During the weekend, the National Stadium, Wukesong area, and the National Indoor Stadium will host performances. The traffic and passenger flow of the performances will overlap with the travel in the surrounding business districts. It is expected that from the afternoon until the end of the performances, the east-west directions from Beichen Bridge to Anhui Bridge on the North Fourth Ring Road, Beichen East Road, Beichen West Road, National Stadium North Road, West Fourth Ring Road, Fuxing Road, Xicui Road, and Yuyuantan South Road will experience slow traffic. The traffic pressure will be the greatest on the evening of the 24th. It is recommended not to go to the National Stadium and the surrounding areas of the Wukesong business district unless necessary during the weekend afternoon and evening. It is recommended to avoid the slow-moving sections of the North Fourth Ring Road and West Fourth Ring Road.
In addition, many events will be held in the National Grand Theater, Beijing Concert Hall, Exhibition Hall Theater, Old National Exhibition Center, Yichuang International Convention and Exhibition Center, Sanlitun District, Chaoyang Theater, Puppet Theater, Tianqiao District, Beixinqiao District, East Fifth Ring Pingfang Bridge and other areas in the near future. Roads and parking resources are limited around large event venues. Traffic control departments will strengthen traffic guidance and maintenance around event venues, and take temporary traffic management measures on some roads depending on traffic conditions. Please try to take public transportation such as subways and buses to watch performances and exhibitions. If you drive yourself, please obey the instructions of the on-site police and staff.
2. During the summer vacation, traffic pressure around passenger transport stations, landmark attractions, waterfront scenic spots, and business districts is relatively high
In terms of stations, the summer tourist flow and the student flow are superimposed, and the traffic pressure on the roads around the "seven stations and two airports" will further increase. Recently, vehicles have been queuing up on the access roads around Beijing South Station, Beijing West Station, Beijing Station, etc., and the traffic volume on the two highways connecting Capital Airport and Daxing Airport has also increased. Most train stations have direct subway connections. It is recommended to take public transportation such as the subway. For online car-hailing vehicles picking up and dropping off passengers, please follow the traffic signs around the station area to pass and drop off passengers to avoid affecting the passage of other vehicles.
In terms of scenic spots, Badaling, Universal Studios, the Forbidden City, the Wildlife Park, Lama Temple, Tongzhou City Green Heart Forest Park, Gubei Water Town, and some universities have been popular recently. Special reminder: it is still the flood season, and some scenic spots will be temporarily closed in case of rainfall. Please pay attention to the opening information released by scenic spots before traveling.
In terms of business districts, there is concentrated passenger and vehicle flow on roads around shopping districts such as Sanlitun, Blue Harbor, Joy City, Hopson Place, Xihongmen Huiju, Outlets, Longfor Paradise Walk, Century Golden Resources, SKP, and Wanda Plaza. There will be short queues of vehicles at the entrances and exits of parking lots. When the underground parking lots are saturated, you can choose to park your vehicles in nearby legal parking spots.
In addition, there are many vehicles driving to scenic spots in surrounding provinces and cities during the summer vacation, and the traffic pressure on various highways connecting scenic spots in other provinces and the city will increase. During the weekend, there will be tidal traffic leaving and returning to Beijing on highways such as the Beijing-Tibet Expressway, Beijing-Xinjiang Expressway, and Beijing-Li Expressway, and some sections will experience slow traffic.
3. Increased traffic volume on roads around campus before school starts
As the school year approaches, the number of passengers and vehicles going to colleges to register increases, and primary and secondary schools in the city are also returning to school one after another. The traffic pressure on roads around campuses has increased, and there will be short queues in front of some campuses during the concentrated registration and return period. Parents and friends who send their children home are reminded to check the registration and return reminder information in advance and plan their travel routes.
4. Traffic pressure during the evening rush hour on weekdays is relatively prominent
During the morning rush hour, traffic will be slow on some sections of the urban ring road, Caihuying South Road, Tonghuihe North Road, Xizhimen North Street, Deshengmenwai Street, Yuanmingyuan West Road to Wanquanhe Road, Fushi Road, Lianshi East Road, Xueyuan Road and other roads, and some highways such as Beijing-Tibet and Beijing-Chengde heading into Beijing. The peak period is 7:30-9:00, and the morning rush hour on Mondays with restricted license plates ending in 4 and 9 will be more prominent.
During the evening rush hour, traffic is concentrated in the direction of leaving the city on some sections of the urban ring road, such as Wanquanhe Road to Yuanmingyuan West Road, Tonghuihe North Road, and Lianshi East Road. There will be tidal traffic in the direction of leaving Beijing on highways such as the Beijing-Tibet Expressway, Beijing-Chengde Expressway, Beijing-Tong Expressway, Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway, and Airport Expressway. The peak period is 17:30-20:30, and traffic pressure will be particularly prominent during the evening rush hour on Friday.
2. Travel and safety tips
The roads around large event venues have a large volume of traffic in a short period of time, and the traffic pressure during the evening rush hour on weekdays is particularly prominent. The traffic control department will promptly launch a high-level duty plan, increase the police force on the road, deploy motorcycle patrols, strengthen traffic maintenance and guidance, and quickly clear and deal with accidents. Temporary traffic management measures will be taken on some roads depending on the traffic conditions. Before traveling, please pay attention to the real-time traffic information released by "Beijing Traffic Police" Weibo, traffic broadcasts, outdoor display screens, navigation software and other channels. It is recommended to avoid sections with heavy traffic, slow driving, accidents and peak travel times, choose to detour on unobstructed roads when appropriate, and give priority to public transportation such as subways.
Recently, drunk driving and other violations are still frequent. Drivers are requested to remember "don't drink and drive, don't drive after drinking". Friends and relatives please don't persuade drivers to drink. Pay attention to driving safety when traveling, concentrate, drive in accordance with the law, be civilized and orderly, give way to other vehicles, do not exceed the speed limit, do not go against the flow, do not be distracted, do not answer or make phone calls, do not change lanes at will, do not compete for lanes, do not drive on bus lanes, and do not illegally occupy emergency lanes. Motorcyclists and bicycle riders are reminded to travel in accordance with the law, keep to their own lanes, do not tamper with license plates, do not illegally modify, do not speed, and jointly maintain a good traffic order and travel environment. The traffic management department will continue to strictly manage and discipline all types of traffic violations and punish them according to law.
The weather forecast shows that there will still be rainfall on weekends and some weekdays. Please pay attention to the weather conditions before traveling. When driving in rainy days, you should increase the distance from the vehicle in front, control the speed and turn on the warning lights. It is recommended to reduce travel during heavy rain. When encountering water accumulation on low-lying roads or bridge areas, slow down and pay attention to the water level and the location of the warning line. Do not drive rashly in water to avoid danger. Please drive civilized and law-abiding on rainy days. When there is traffic congestion due to rain, please wait patiently in line and give way to each other. When approaching pedestrians, please keep a low speed and pass slowly to avoid splashing water on pedestrians.