
A new energy vehicle can be rolled off the production line in 53 seconds


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On August 21, GAC Aion's Changsha plant was completed and put into production, with an annual production capacity of 200,000 new energy vehicles. Photo by Changsha Evening News Omnimedia reporter Wang Zhiwei
Changsha Evening News Omnimedia Reporter Zhu Zehuan Intern Li Chan
On August 21, GAC Aion Changsha Smart Eco-Factory (hereinafter referred to as the "Changsha Factory") was completed and put into production in Changsha Economic and Technological Development Zone, and introduced the first strategic model under GAC Aion’s second-generation pure electric exclusive platform-the Aion S model, as well as Aion’s first global strategic model-the second-generation AION V Aion "Tyrannosaurus Rex".
In October 2023, GAC Aion Changsha Branch was registered and established in Changsha Economic and Technological Development Zone and started construction. The first phase of fixed investment exceeded 4 billion yuan. The factory covers an area of ​​1,220 acres. It integrates core processes such as stamping, welding, painting, and assembly. It has an annual production capacity of 200,000 new energy vehicles, and has reserved more room for capacity expansion for subsequent development, helping to build a super-large automobile production base in the central region.
"Lighthouse Standard", one car rolls off the production line in 53 seconds
A piece of steel plate goes in, a whole vehicle comes out; flexible mixed-line production; robots automatically install power batteries... These production methods full of "future technology" have been assembled in the Changsha factory.
GAC Aion has the world's only "lighthouse factory" for new energy vehicles. "The Changsha factory has fully transplanted the intelligent manufacturing technology of the global lighthouse factory." A relevant person in charge of GAC Aion Changsha Branch introduced that the Changsha factory is characterized by automation, digitalization, greening and modularization, and has built an intelligent production line based on cutting-edge technologies such as comprehensive visual AI applications, 3D vision systems and the world's first self-developed laser spiral welding process.
Walking into the welding workshop of the Changsha factory, you can see orange and yellow robotic arms filling the entire factory. They operate flexibly and can accurately find the connection between two steel plates from various angles. With a series of welding sounds, the two steel plates are firmly fixed together.
After the welding is completed, the industrial camera on the side quickly follows up, flashing white light to quickly inspect the welding results.
"The welding workshop is equipped with a total of 426 robotic arms." The person in charge of the welding workshop of the Changsha factory introduced that with the empowerment of mechanical equipment, the automation productivity of the welding workshop has reached nearly 100%. Through the comprehensive improvement of process design, equipment technology, logistics and transportation, the process area of ​​the welding workshop can be saved by 30% and the delivery cycle can be shortened by 25%.
In the final assembly workshop of the Changsha factory, vehicles of different colors are neatly arranged on a straight production line. Upon closer inspection, these models are not entirely uniform.
"The factory has realized flexible customized production driven by data interconnection and data decision-making, allowing a variety of vehicle models to be produced on one production line." The person in charge of GAC Aion's Changsha branch introduced that customers can choose the vehicle's interior, wheels, exterior, etc., which can generate more than 100,000 matching options, and all of these are within the "range" of the flexible production line.
The "zero switching" in vehicle model production, combined with a variety of robotic arms and robots, has increased the work efficiency of Changsha factory personnel by 52% and the production line cycle by 35%, making it the world's fastest single-line new energy factory, with an average of one new energy vehicle rolling off the production line in 53 seconds.
It is worth mentioning that the final assembly workshop is also the first in the world to use vertical wall photovoltaics. Photovoltaic power generation accounts for 50% of the factory's operating electricity. At the same time, the factory has fully applied miniaturized process equipment and new skills and technologies to reduce the energy consumption of the entire factory's equipment by 20%, further demonstrating its "smart ecology" attributes.
Warmhearted service throughout the entire cycle helps the factory to start production as scheduled
It took only 9 months from the start of the project to the completion of the upgrade and renovation of GAC Aion Changsha Intelligent Eco-Factory. Behind the expressway is a reflection of the concerted efforts and warm service of various departments in Changsha Economic and Technological Development Zone.
On March 20 this year, the Changsha factory project ushered in new progress, and the renovation project of the factory's expert building (hereinafter referred to as the "renovation project") officially started construction.
Previously, the renovation project submitted an application for a construction permit on March 18. The Administrative Approval and Service Bureau of Changsha Economic and Technological Development Zone accepted and completed the application on the same day, and issued the first electronic construction permit certificate to the company after it settled in Changsha Economic and Technological Development Zone, which effectively promoted the rapid progress of the project construction.
It is understood that the efficient approval of this renovation project is due to the full-process agency service provided by the park. The District Administrative Approval Service Bureau helped the enterprise clarify the handling links, customized the approval process, accelerated the completion of the construction drawing review, and assisted the enterprise in filling in the approval system information through the joint review and management, so as to complete the issuance of construction permits within one working day.
During the project construction, in order to make the entire factory more mobile, GAC Aion Changsha Branch needs to add another factory gate 50 meters south of the logistics gate on the east side of the factory.
After receiving the company's request, the Changsha Economic and Technological Development Zone coordinated with multiple departments such as public security, transportation, urban management, and urban construction to work together. Not only did it meet the company's demand for opening an additional gate as scheduled, it also "added icing on the cake" by helping to consolidate the roadbed of the gate and set up traffic lights at the gate to guide traffic to pass in an orderly manner.
On June 28, as the Changsha factory was about to be completed and put into production, the Changsha Economic and Technological Development Zone held a series of industrial chain supply and demand market activities - GAC Aion Supply and Demand Matching and Automobile Industry Exchange Conference, aiming to help GAC Aion quickly take root in Changsha and produce smoothly.
At the matchmaking meeting, GAC Aion's demand for parts aroused great interest among the suppliers present. Many companies including Ximai Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Hunan Newman Internet of Vehicles Co., Ltd., Hunan First Sensor Co., Ltd., Suzhou Jinhongshun Auto Parts Co., Ltd., etc. actively demonstrated their product advantages. Representatives from many park enterprises such as Changsha Kafulai Auto Parts Co., Ltd. and Changsha Liuhe Auto Parts Co., Ltd. asked questions about GAC Aion's supplier introduction system, vehicle material usage, supplier certification requirements, and intelligent driving technology development, seeking cooperation opportunities.
"As a parts manufacturer, we are very optimistic about Aion's development in Changsha and hope to reach cooperation and grow bigger and stronger together." said a relevant person in charge of Changsha Liuhe Auto Parts Co., Ltd.
This move also coincides with GAC Aion's development goals in Changsha. "At present, the local matching rate of parts for our Guangzhou factory has reached 80%, and the provincial matching rate of core parts has reached 100%. This is also the future goal of the Changsha factory," said Luo Min, director of GAC Aion's purchasing department.
Strengthening and supplementing supply chains to help Changsha's new energy vehicles enter the fast lane
With the completion and production of GAC Aion’s Changsha smart ecological factory, GAC Aion’s Changsha branch has introduced more than 30 suppliers to build factories within the factory or nearby. More spare parts companies will be introduced in the future, including the introduction of local production of battery electric drives.
According to relevant person in charge of GAC Aion Changsha Branch, the company will adopt a nearby supporting strategy, promote the construction of industrial clusters by boosting the layout of supporting industries around the Changsha factory, and contribute "Aion power" to Hunan's accelerated construction of a new highland for the regional intelligent connected new energy vehicle industry.
With the completion and production of the Changsha factory and the increase in production capacity, driven by a project investment of over 4 billion yuan, it is expected to form a new energy vehicle industry chain cluster with a scale of tens of billions.
As early as 2021, in response to the rapid development of new energy vehicles across the country, Changsha Economic and Technological Development Zone and Changsha County have pushed the traditional automobile industry to decisively switch to new energy vehicles.
Since then, Changsha County and Changsha Economic and Technological Development Zone have focused on the new energy vehicle industry, extending, supplementing and strengthening the industrial chain, and have gone all out to promote the construction of new energy vehicle complete vehicle projects represented by Volkswagen New Energy and GAC Aion, and the construction of core projects in the new energy industry chain represented by Soneng Electric Systems, Hunan Electric Trial Research, Continental Automotive Electronics, Bosch Automotive Components Thermal Management Systems and Integrated Electric Drive Systems, igniting the engine of the new energy vehicle industry.
The effect is significant. By 2023, the output value of new energy vehicles in Changsha Economic and Technological Development Zone will account for 46.7%, and the output will account for 65.5%. Traditional vehicles have made substantial progress in switching to new energy tracks.
Looking further ahead, Changsha is currently seizing the commanding heights of the development of the automotive industry with electrification, networking, and intelligence, and has become the only city in China to have collected five "national licenses" in the field of intelligent networking, gradually forming a new energy vehicle industry chain with coordinated main and auxiliary services. Relevant data show that in 2023, Changsha's new energy vehicle production will reach 727,000 units, and the new energy vehicle industry chain will achieve an output value of approximately 160 billion yuan. Changsha has become an important new energy vehicle production base in China.
With the completion and production of the Changsha factory, Changsha's overall strength in new energy vehicles has been further strengthened, and a new trillion-level industry is taking off.
Source: Changsha Evening News
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