
Wang Xueping: Every reconnaissance mission is a battle with death


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"Every time I carry out a reconnaissance mission, it is a battle with death. But I have never retreated, because I know that behind me is the trust of the motherland and the people, and the expectations of thousands of compatriots." The years have passed, and the brushstrokes of time have left deep marks on the face of 84-year-old veteran Wang Xueping, but those passionate years will always be as vivid as ever.
Different scenes on both sides of the Yalu River
In November 1956, 16-year-old Wang Xueping joined the army, first arrived in Xuzhou, then took a sealed car to Andong, and then took a train across the Yalu River to Sinuiju, North Korea. Wang Xueping's first impression was that although there was only a river between them, the gap between the two countries was particularly large.
"When I set foot on North Korean soil, the heartbreaking scene deeply hurt my heart and I will never forget it." Wang Xueping recalled that towns and villages became dilapidated in the ruthless artillery fire, and ruins could be seen everywhere. The originally flat roads became rugged and potholed, full of craters and ruins, hindering people's passage. The fertile farmland was barren, without the vitality and harvest of the past. The North Korean people lost their warm homes, and their eyes were full of fear and helplessness. The haze of war still shrouded this land like a demon, plunging the already poor country into an abyss of endless pain and despair.
Wang Xueping recalled that although the People's Republic of China was founded only a few years ago, it was full of new hope and vitality. In the vast land of China, farmers worked hard in the fields, sowing the seeds of hope with their rough hands, looking forward to the joy of a good harvest. In the factory, the machines roared, and the busy figures of workers shuttled through them, contributing to the country's industrial construction. In the school, the sound of children reading aloud came. In the city, the streets gradually became regular, the market was bustling, and people's faces were filled with expectations and longings for future life. Despite facing many difficulties and challenges, the whole country worked together to build its own home. People from all walks of life worked silently in their posts, showing their perseverance and vigorous strength.
Across the river, on one side is the devastation and suffering caused by the war, and on the other side is the new scene of reconstruction and hope. "However, we are well aware of the truth that the lips and teeth are cold, and we must not turn a blind eye to the suffering of the Korean people. It is with the firm belief of defending our country and helping our neighbors that we resolutely crossed the Yalu River and threw ourselves into the battle to resist the US and aid Korea. We vow to defend peace and justice with our blood and lives, bring hope to the Korean people, and protect the hard-won tranquility and prosperity of the motherland. We firmly believe that justice will prevail over evil and peace will eventually come." Wang Xueping said with a firm look in his eyes.
Comrades who died in the darkness
When Wang Xueping first arrived in North Korea, he was assigned to the 1st Company of the Anti-Tank Artillery Battalion of the 63rd Division of the 21st Army of the Volunteer Army as a soldier. Three months later, he became a clerk and later became the leader of the reconnaissance squad. Wang Xueping knew very well that scouts shouldered extremely heavy responsibilities.
In 1957, although the war had ended, the mountains of Korea were still filled with an atmosphere of tension and danger.
One night, as quiet as usual, but fraught with danger. As the moonlight shone on the sentry post near the artillery camp, two young soldiers stood guard, their eyes vigilantly scanning the surroundings, not daring to slack off. However, the cunning enemy agents took advantage of the cover of night and sneaked up. Before the two soldiers could sound the alarm, they were covered with their mouths and abducted by the enemy agents, disappearing into the darkness.
When the time for the shift change came, Wang Xueping found that his comrades were missing from the sentry post, and he had an ominous premonition in his heart. He quickly started searching the surrounding area with other comrades. Everyone was in a very heavy mood, and every step forward was filled with a glimmer of hope and endless worries.
Finally, they found one of their missing comrades in a remote cave. But the tragic scene in front of them made everyone gasp, and anger and grief instantly filled everyone's chest. The young soldier's eyes were cruelly dug out, his abdomen was cut open, his intestines were exposed, and he was already dead. He lay there quietly, as if telling the cruelty of the enemy agents.
Wang Xueping, the strong reconnaissance squad leader, could not help but shed tears. The comrades who had fought and laughed together had now left them in such a tragic way. Anger burned in his heart, and sadness weighed on his heart like a boulder. But he knew that this was not the time to be sad, and he had to turn this endless grief into strength, avenge his comrades, and completely eliminate these hateful enemy agents.
A life-and-death battle with spies
At that time, the Korean People's Army and the Chinese People's Volunteer Army jointly shouldered the arduous task of capturing the spies.
It was a sultry summer night, the air seemed frozen, without a breath of wind. Wang Xueping's reconnaissance squad and the Korean People's Army soldiers were quietly lurking on the top of the hill, and the sound of insects could be heard from the surrounding grass from time to time, breaking the suffocating silence. Mosquitoes were buzzing around them, and no one dared to move. Wrapped up tightly with only two eyes exposed, Wang Xueping felt as if he was in a huge steamer, sweat running down his forehead, blurring his eyes. He could only shake his head gently to prevent the sweat from affecting his vision.
"The distance between each soldier is about 10 to 20 meters. The only way to communicate is to whistle or imitate bird calls, otherwise the hiding place will be exposed." Wang Xueping said. From 5 pm the previous night until dawn the next day, the soldiers lay quietly in the grass, motionless. Wang Xueping always maintained a high level of vigilance, without any slackness. He slowly climbed up the hill, and with his rich reconnaissance experience, he keenly noticed something strange. In the grass not far away, there seemed to be a dark shadow moving slowly. He looked closely and saw that it was indeed a sneaky figure.
Wang Xueping's heart instantly rose to his throat. He dared not make a sound, nor did he dare to whistle to call his comrades. He quietly and slowly approached the figure. When he was only a few steps away from the spy, he suddenly jumped up and pounced on the spy like a nimble cheetah.
The spy was frightened by the sudden attack and struggled desperately. In the fierce struggle, the spy took out a sharp dagger and slashed Wang Xueping's palm fiercely. The long wound instantly oozes blood. But Wang Xueping did not let go, but held the spy even harder.
Seeing that he couldn't break free, the frenzied spy picked up a stick and smashed it hard on the back of Wang Xueping's head. There was only a dull "bang" sound, and Wang Xueping felt a sharp pain in the back of his head, but he held on to the spy tightly and refused to let go. "Hurry up! Got him! Got him!" Wang Xueping shouted until his comrades arrived and subdued the spy together.
When everything calmed down, Wang Xueping felt pain and fatigue, but he smiled because he had completed the mission.
Wang Xueping said, "Although I only set foot on the land of North Korea in 1956 and never personally experienced the fierce battles in the early days of the war with rain of bullets and smoke of gunpowder, I still deeply felt the cruelty and ruthlessness of war when carrying out the task of catching spies. The enemies hiding in the dark, their cunning and insidiousness made every action full of unknowns and dangers. However, it was this experience that made me more deeply understand the complexity of war and the difficulty of defending the country."
Wang Xueping
Born in Jiangxi, he entered North Korea in 1956 and returned to China in 1958. He was a soldier in the 1st Company of the Anti-Tank Artillery Battalion of the 63rd Division of the 21st Army of the Volunteer Army.
Lanzhou Daily Omnimedia Chief Reporter Su Xiao Reporter Yu Yongzhao Text/Photo Li Qing/Video