
Lanzhou Tianlun Men’s Science Popularization: Psychological problems cause male infertility, how to “regain masculinity”?


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In recent years, the incidence of male infertility in my country has been increasing year by year, the number of newborns has dropped sharply, and infertility has become a social problem. Among infertility symptoms, psychological factors also account for a part of the impact. What psychological problems can cause male infertility, and how can men improve it?

Stress and anxiety: Long-term psychological stress and anxiety can interfere with normal hormone secretion, including affecting the hypothalamus-pituitary-testis axis, a key pathway for regulating reproductive hormones. Increased cortisol levels caused by stress may inhibit the production of sex hormones, thereby affecting sperm production and quality.

Sexual dysfunction: Psychological factors such as sexual repression, sexual fear or sexual psychological trauma may lead to erectile dysfunction (ED) or ejaculation disorders, which directly hinder normal sexual behavior and conception process.

Decreased libido: Ongoing psychological stress and emotional problems can reduce libido and the frequency of sexual intercourse, thereby affecting the chances of natural conception.

Decreased sperm quality: Studies have shown that psychological stress can affect sperm density, motility and morphology, which are important indicators for assessing fertility.

Endocrine disorders: Psychological stress can cause disorders in the endocrine system, affecting the levels of key reproductive hormones such as testosterone, and further affecting the production and maturation of sperm.

Changes in lifestyle habits: Long-term psychological problems may lead to the formation of bad lifestyle habits, such as smoking, excessive drinking, lack of exercise, etc., which have been proven to have a negative impact on fertility.