
226 business environment supervisors were hired in Shenyang


한어Русский языкEnglishFrançaisIndonesianSanskrit日本語DeutschPortuguêsΕλληνικάespañolItalianoSuomalainenLatina, Shenyang, August 11 (Li Xuan) "I am very honored and feel a great sense of responsibility! I will strive to be a good 'supervisor', 'investigator' and 'propagandist' for optimizing the business environment, and make positive contributions to promoting the improvement and optimization of Shenyang's business environment." The Shenyang Business Environment Supervisor Appointment Conference was held on the 10th. Guan Huiming, representative of the new business environment supervisors and president of Liaoning Danone Electric Co., Ltd., said so at the meeting.

Implementing the business environment supervisor system is an important measure to create a first-class business environment that is market-oriented, law-based and internationalized. It aims to mobilize the social supervision power of supervisors to comprehensively supervise the administrative behavior and service levels of government departments and public utilities at all levels, and urge all units to carry out in-depth rectification and improvement, thereby effectively unblocking the government-enterprise communication mechanism, stimulating the vitality of market entities, enhancing the endogenous driving force of development, and creating a more open, transparent and efficient business environment.

The Shenyang Business Environment Supervisor Appointment Conference was held on the 10th. (Photo provided by Shenyang Business Bureau)

Che Dongyu, Party Secretary and Director of Shenyang Business Bureau, said at the meeting that since 2018, Shenyang Business Bureau has started the appointment of business environment supervisors. This year is the fourth term. Along the way, all supervisors have taken the initiative to take responsibility, fulfill their duties, and contribute to society, especially in being good "supervisors, investigators, and propagandists". For example, focusing on the urgent needs of enterprises and the masses and the bottlenecks and difficulties in business work, all supervisors have conducted supervision work 378 times on the construction of business environment in various regions and units through field research, discussions, open and secret visits, etc., found 183 problems, put forward 257 opinions and suggestions, and all problems have been rectified, making positive contributions to the improvement and optimization of Shenyang's business environment.