
Shennongjia: Children's "Garden Adventure" in Summer School


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Hubei Daily Client News (Correspondent Fang Zeyang) On August 9, the children of the summer school in Yangri Village, Yangri Town, experienced the charm of a nature class outdoors under the guidance of volunteer teachers from the Hubei University "Runyu Shenghua" teaching team.
"Teacher, what kind of plant is this?" "This is Solanum nigrum. It has bunches of small fruits. Its leaves and flowers are very similar to peppers." In the garden near Yangri Village, the cheerful voices of children were heard. The volunteer teachers of the "Rain Rain Brings Flowers" teaching group introduced the structural characteristics, variety classification and growth habits of plants such as Solanum nigrum, Radix Angelicae Dahuricae, Herba Bidens, Herba Buddlejae, Perilla frutescens and Herba Anthracis in vivid and interesting language. Through on-site teaching, the children were able to get close to and observe the wonders of various plants, which stimulated their curiosity and desire to explore.
"Today I participated in outdoor practical activities and got to know many kinds of plants, including Solanum nigrum, Osmanthus fragrans, Erigeron candidum, etc. I also learned about the classification of various plants, such as herbaceous, woody, vines, etc. I gained a lot today and felt very happy." Summer school student Deng Jinhao said happily.
It is understood that the outdoor nature classroom of Hubei University's "Rain and Flowers" teaching team aims to make full use of educational resources, give play to the educational value of nature, bring nature education into students' lives, encourage students to explore and learn in nature, and understand plants with a scientific perspective, thereby enhancing students' ability to perceive nature and raising their awareness of respecting and protecting nature in their future lives.
Review: Peng Jianli Tian Meng
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