
How can couples adjust their biological clocks when preparing for pregnancy?


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Having a baby is a big deal for a woman or even a family. A healthy mother is the basic condition for conception. The fast pace of life of modern people, coupled with irregular work and rest schedules, bad eating habits and other issues, will have a certain impact on women who are preparing to get pregnant. It is not uncommon for babies to be born with congenital deficiencies due to their own reasons. So how can we prepare for pregnancy scientifically and adjust the biological clock during pregnancy preparation?

What is biological clock eugenics?

The three biological rhythms that have the greatest impact on the human body are intelligence, emotion, and physical strength, which change in a sinusoidal curve with a cycle of 33 days, 28 days, and 23 days respectively. These three rhythms start from birth and last until the end of life, affecting a person's life.

Every month, the biological clock of each person has a low tide period, a high tide period and a critical period. When these biological clocks run to the low tide period, people show a decline in intelligence and physical fitness, low mood, easy fatigue, slow thinking and easy to make mistakes.

However, when the human body clock reaches its climax, the human body is in the best condition. People appear to be in a good mood, high spirits, full of energy, strong resistance, flexible mind, quick thinking, strong memory, and can do things easily.