
A woman tried to dye her hair while breastfeeding, but her boss refused and she persuaded her instead: Both the internet and her bestie said it was okay to dye her hair


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In this age where everything is about "money", many people are working hard for money. The purpose of doing business is to make money. This has been natural since ancient times. However, many people also understand the principle of making money in a proper way. Although it is often said that all businessmen are dishonest, some people have their own set of standards.

A person's character can be seen from some details. Doing business is the same as being a person. Doing business also has its own standards. Some people must do business to make the money they should make, but there is some money that cannot be made, and some money that goes against conscience really cannot be made.

Recently, a barber refused to dye a woman's hair. Although the woman asked him many times, he refused every time. Many netizens wondered why he refused to do business that was delivered to his door. Let's take a look at what happened.

Located in Henan Province, at a barbershop, the barber washed the woman's hair, blew it dry, put on disposable gloves and was about to dye her hair when the barber casually said, "You haven't had your hair done for a long time." The woman said, "I haven't dressed up since I gave birth."