
The central bank, the Financial Regulatory Bureau and other five departments jointly issued an important notice


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To support rural revitalization, we have another programmatic document.

August 5,The People's Bank of China, the Financial Regulatory Commission, the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural AffairsJointly issued the "Notice on launching a special action to learn from and apply the experience of the 'Ten Million Project' to strengthen financial support for the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas" (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice").

The Notice proposes to implement financial support for food security, consolidate and expand the effectiveness of financial assistance, provide financial services for rural industrial development, support rural construction, and empower rural governance.Five special actions to promote comprehensive rural revitalization

Study and plan a regular financial assistance mechanism

From food security to rural governance, the focus of this notice isFive major areas to support rural revitalization

existEnsuring food securityIn this regard, the "Notice" clearly states that it will expand financial service scenarios for the entire grain industry chain, including grain production, circulation, storage, and processing, innovate financing models for the construction of high-standard farmland and facility agriculture, deepen seed industry revitalization and agricultural science and technology financial services, and support eligible seed companies in listing, listing financing, and refinancing.

existConsolidate and expand the effectiveness of financial assistanceIn terms of the financial support, the Notice proposes to continue to implement differentiated financial support policies for key counties, maintain the intensity of credit supply in poverty-stricken areas, and study and plan a normalized financial support mechanism after the transition period. Solidly carry out targeted support work.

existServing the rural industrial development sectorIn terms of financing, the Notice requires the use of financing channels such as credit, bonds, equity, and leasing to expand the scope of collateral, revitalize rural assets and resources, promote the integrated development of the primary, secondary, and tertiary industries in rural areas, and support farmers in increasing their income and becoming rich. Actively connect with the financing needs of projects such as county logistics distribution centers, tap the role of data elements in circulation nodes in rural areas, promote the deep integration of supply chain capital flow, business flow, and logistics, and promote high-quality development of rural circulation.

existFinancial support for rural constructionIn terms of finance, the Notice emphasizes the development of residential environment loan products, increasing financial support for rural residential environment improvement and ecological civilization construction, strengthening financial guarantees for rural infrastructure construction and public service facilities, and supporting the integrated development of urban and rural areas in counties.

In addition, in order to furtherStrengthening financial empowerment of rural governanceThe Notice clearly states that innovative financial support for the integration of agriculture, culture and tourism should be adopted to promote the integration of financial services with the promotion and cultivation of good family traditions and rural customs. Rural basic financial services should be strengthened, a digital integration platform in the field of rural revitalization should be improved, agricultural information should be integrated, and support should be provided for the construction of digital villages.

Encourage large and medium-sized banks to moderately delegate product innovation authority

To carry out the five special actions in depth and in a practical manner, we cannot do without strong policy and financial support.

To this end, the "Notice" emphasizes the need to give full play to the incentive role of monetary policy tools such as re-lending, re-discounting, and re-lending for scientific and technological innovation and technological transformation to support agriculture and small businesses, encourage financial institutions to issue special financial bonds, support agricultural enterprises in issuing financing tools, and continue to increase financial investment in key areas of rural revitalization.

In addition to making good use of monetary policy tools,Strengthening the coordination of industrial, fiscal and financial policies, which is also the key to consolidating and expanding the rural economy.

To this end, the Notice requires that the docking service of the financing project database be optimized, and the government-bank-enterprise financing docking service chain of "list push-accurate docking-real-time feedback-monitoring and supervision" be unblocked to promote the precise implementation of credit policies. Government financing guarantee institutions should be encouraged to focus on small and micro enterprises and "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" entities, and effectively play the role of financing credit enhancement and risk sharing.

also,The financial service mechanism also needs to be further optimized.

The Notice clearly states that large and medium-sized banks should leverage their own financial and technological advantages to implementModerately delegate product innovation authority and launch more county-level financial productsIn terms of credit approval, internal funds transfer pricing, staffing, etc., they should give priority to county branches. Rural small and medium-sized banks should further highlight their positioning of supporting agriculture and small businesses, give full play to their advantages in terms of personal connections and geographical location, and better meet the financial needs of various agricultural entities in production and operation, farmers' consumption, etc.Promote the reform and risk reduction of rural credit cooperatives by province and categoryImprove the standardization level and sustainable development capabilities of rural financial institutions. Deepen the implementation of the financial technology empowerment rural revitalization demonstration project and promote the digital upgrade of agricultural financial products, service channels and business processes.

The People's Bank of China stated that in the next step it will further strengthen communication and cooperation with the Financial Regulatory Administration and other departments, learn and apply the experience of the "10 million project", timely summarize the effectiveness of financial services for rural revitalization, strengthen statistical monitoring and assessment, promote the implementation of the five major actions, and continuously improve financial service capabilities and levels to help promote the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas.

The full text is as follows:

Notice of the People's Bank of China, the Financial Supervision Administration, the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs on launching a special action to learn from and apply the experience of the "Ten Million Project" to strengthen financial support for the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress and the Second and Third Plenary Sessions of the 20th CPC Central Committee, the Central Economic Work Conference, the Central Financial Work Conference, and the Central Rural Work Conference, conscientiously implement the deployment of the "Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Learning and Applying the Experience of the "Thousand Villages Demonstration, Ten Thousand Villages Renovation" Project to Effectively Promote the Comprehensive Revitalization of Rural Areas", anchor the goal of building a strong agricultural country, adhere to the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee over financial work, learn and apply the development concepts, working methods and promotion mechanisms contained in the "Ten Million Project", focus on the key areas and weak links of the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas, strengthen the guarantee of financial elements, and play a greater role in accelerating the modernization of agriculture and rural areas and better promoting Chinese-style modernization, the People's Bank of China, the Financial Regulatory Bureau, the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs have decided to jointly carry out a special action to learn and apply the experience of the "Ten Million Project" to strengthen financial support for the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas. The specific requirements are as follows:

I. Implementing a special action plan to ensure food security through financial support

(one)Strengthen financial support for stabilizing production and ensuring supply of grain and important agricultural productsExpand financial service scenarios for the entire grain industry chain, including grain production, circulation, storage, and processing, to meet the diversified financial needs of agricultural production entities and agricultural input companies, promote the increase of grain production capacity, and help build a diversified food supply system.In order to ensure the emergency supply of live pig, dairy, beef and mutton production and "vegetable basket" products, and build green agricultural product production, processing and supply bases, we will expand the scope of loan collateral and increase the scale of credit supply.Focus on key enterprise groups in grain, cotton, oil, sugar and rubber import and export businesses, optimize financial services such as international settlement and trade financing, improve the convenience of cross-border investment and financing, and support agricultural foreign cooperation through multiple channels.

(two)Increase financial support for the construction of high-standard farmland and facility agricultureFocusing on the innovation of financing models for the construction of high-standard farmland and facility agriculture, appropriately extend the loan period under the premise of compliance with laws and regulations and controllable risks. Actively participate in the pilot work of interest subsidy and reward for loans in agricultural fields such as the construction of high-standard farmland and facility agriculture. Innovate the scenarios and models of bank-farm cooperation, and support the construction of facility agriculture such as agricultural reclamation milk source bases and urban facility agriculture. Scientifically carry out the screening and risk assessment of financing projects for the comprehensive utilization of saline-alkali land, clarify qualified loan takers and implementation entities, and actively meet financial needs.

(three)Deepen the revitalization of the seed industry and agricultural science and technology financial servicesEstablish and improve a list sharing and financing monitoring mechanism for seed industry bases and seed industry array enterprises. Actively connect with major construction plans such as the modern seed industry upgrading project and the National South Breeding Silicon Valley, and major tasks such as key core technology research on seed sources, major agricultural biological breeding projects, and joint research on breeding. Innovate the guarantee methods such as new plant variety rights, seeds, breeding livestock and poultry, and launch a batch of targeted and widely beneficial credit products. Support eligible seed companies to go public, list for financing and refinancing, carry out investment and mergers and acquisitions, and mergers and reorganizations to help improve independent innovation capabilities. Focus on the production, purchase and use needs of agricultural machinery and equipment, revitalize the "one large and one small" agricultural machinery assets, and support agricultural modernization production through loans, leasing and other means.

II. Implement special actions to consolidate and expand the effectiveness of financial assistance

(IV) Increase financial support for key areas such as the national key counties for rural revitalization and for people who have been lifted out of poverty.We will continue to implement differentiated financial support policies for key counties and maintain the strength of credit supply in poverty-stricken areas. We will provide high-quality and efficient financial services to the people in the resettlement areas of poverty alleviation and actively meet their production and living needs. We will optimize financial linkage and agricultural development measures, guide rural enterprises and assistance workshops to absorb more employment, and promote the continuous increase of income for low-income people. We will do a good job in monitoring the quality of microcredit for people out of poverty and managing loan renewals. We will study and plan a normalized financial assistance mechanism after the transition period.

(V) Carry out targeted assistance work in a solid manner.Financial institutions that undertake targeted assistance tasks must shoulder the political responsibility of targeted assistance, based on the advantages and shortcomings of the assisted areas, carry out consumer assistance, industrial assistance, talent assistance, etc. in various forms, optimize the management of assistance funds, do a good job in tracking the actual results, and promote closer pairing relationships. Strengthen the connection with the planning of the assisted areas, combine the advantages of financial system channels, funds, and information with the scientific research, technology, and talent advantages of social service agencies, and explore and promote "group-based" assistance. It is encouraged to fully combine its own development strategy with targeted assistance work, and turn the "responsibility field" of targeted assistance into a "demonstration field" of financial support for rural revitalization.

III. Implementing special actions to provide financial services for the development of rural industries

(6) Promote the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries in rural areas.Comprehensively use multiple financing channels such as credit, bonds, equity, and leasing to help build a modern rural industrial system. Create a characteristic financing model based on local conditions, support the development of local characteristic industries and agricultural product processing industries, and create local characteristic brands. Actively develop local characteristic agricultural product insurance, and encourage places with conditions to expand the coverage of insurance services based on local conditions. Continuously optimize the "insurance + futures" business model to better meet the needs of agricultural risk management. Enrich new business formats such as eco-tourism, forest health care, and leisure camping. Financial service scenarios, create a matching credit product system.

(VII) Assist in revitalizing rural assets and resources.Support places with conditions to promote rural property rights mortgage and pledge loan business such as rural contracted land management rights. Make good use of the unified registration and publicity system for movable property financing, expand the scope of mortgage and pledge such as living organisms and breeding facilities, and meet the diversified financing needs of new agricultural operators. Implement the plan to deepen the reform of the collective forest rights system, improve the forestry financial service system, support financial institutions to increase forest rights mortgage loans and medium- and long-term loans to forestry operators, and participate in the reserve and development and utilization of forestry carbon sink projects.

(8) Promote high-quality development of rural circulation.In the "leading counties" of county commerce, we actively connect with the financing needs of new and renovated projects such as "county logistics distribution centers" and "township trade centers", and support the construction of key counties (key cities) for backbone cold chain logistics, cold chain distribution centers at production sites, and public cold chain logistics facilities at production sites in counties. We will tap into the role of data elements in circulation nodes such as express delivery stations and e-commerce service points in rural areas, promote the deep integration of supply chain capital flow, business flow, and logistics, innovate the credit evaluation system, and improve the efficiency of credit services.

(IX) Supporting farmers to increase their income and become rich.We will strengthen the implementation of the entrepreneurship guarantee loan policy, actively promote online approval, and support financial institutions in promoting special loans for stabilizing and expanding employment. We will encourage the promotion of active credit and batch credit business models such as "whole village credit" under the premise of controllable risks, increase credit support for high-quality farmers, expand the issuance of small credit loans to farmers, and better meet the "short, small, frequent, and urgent" funding needs of farmers. We will provide services for farmers to invest in high-credit-rating bonds in the interbank bond market through the counters of financial institutions, and improve the convenience of bond purchases in rural areas.

IV. Implementing special actions to support rural development with financial support

(10) Increase financial support for improving rural living environment and building ecological civilization.Actively connect with local rural human settlement environment improvement and improvement actions, and respond to credit needs in a timely manner. Focus on key areas such as rural toilet feces and domestic sewage and garbage treatment, and village appearance improvement, develop human settlement environment loan products, support local governments to bundle qualified projects and hand them over to qualified entities for implementation, and provide comprehensive financing support on the premise of self-balanced income and sustainable operation. Enrich the green credit product system, support comprehensive desertification prevention and control, and promote the construction of key ecological projects such as the "Three Norths".

(11) Strengthen financial support for rural infrastructure construction and public service facilities.Financial institutions are encouraged to proactively provide financing solutions during the project planning period, innovate the cooperation mode between government, banks, enterprises and villagers, and better support the construction of major projects such as rural water supply engineering system, rural power grid consolidation and improvement, rural roads, gas supply to the countryside, rural express logistics system, smart villages, rural homestays, and rural elderly care. Increase financial support for the construction of distributed new energy in rural areas, new energy vehicle charging and swapping facilities in key villages and towns, and other projects. Encourage the implementation of pilot projects on financial support for rural construction in counties, and explore rural infrastructure credit models and financial products.

(12) Support the integrated development of urban and rural areas in counties.Guide eligible entities to expand the sources of funds in new urbanization fields such as the extension of municipal public facilities and the integrated development of urban and rural road passenger transport through the issuance of corporate credit bonds and asset-backed securities. Explore financial support methods for the entry of collective business construction land into the market to serve the integrated development of urban and rural areas in counties. Combined with the new round of urbanization actions for rural migrant population, increase financial support for the construction of affordable housing and the transformation of urban villages, and actively meet the financial needs of rural migrant population in employment, housing, entrepreneurship, education, medical care, and elderly care.

V. Implement special actions to empower rural governance through finance

(13) Finance empowers rural civilization and good governance.Continue to innovate financial support models for the integration of agriculture, culture and tourism, carry out mortgage financing for cultural and tourism intellectual property rights, scenic spot income rights, etc., revitalize cultural resources such as agricultural cultural heritage and rural intangible cultural heritage, and support special rural cultural and sports activities such as village runs, village supermarkets, and village evening parties.Integrate financial services with the promotion and cultivation of good family traditions and rural customs, and explore ways to transform villagers' "intangible" credit assets into "tangible" credit funds.

(14) Support the construction of digital villages.Establish and improve a digital integration platform in the field of rural revitalization, integrate agricultural information such as major agricultural and rural projects, agricultural production and management, and rural social management, integrate payment services, rural credit system construction and other functions, and create a comprehensive application scenario of "one thing and one time" in finance. Financial institutions are encouraged to provide digital management tools for county and township governments, village committees and various agricultural entities to empower rural governance.

(15) Strengthen basic financial services in rural areas.Guide financial institutions to optimize the construction of inclusive financial service points, and actively carry out activities such as improving farmers' financial literacy and anti-counterfeit RMB propaganda. Continue to expand digital payment scenarios and promote mobile payment to counties and villages. Standardize the development of farmer-assisted cash withdrawal service points and improve the level of rural payment services. Improve agricultural credit express services, strengthen the collaboration of platforms such as the financial credit information basic database, deepen the sharing and application of information on agricultural business entities in the financial field, and help financial institutions improve customer identification, risk prevention and product innovation capabilities.

VI. Policy Guarantee and Organizational Promotion

(16) Strengthen support for monetary policy tools.Give full play to the incentive role of monetary policy tools such as re-lending, re-discounting, and re-lending for scientific and technological innovation and technological transformation to support agriculture and small businesses, and guide financial institutions whose credit business is mainly in counties to actively support rural revitalization. Financial institutions are encouraged to issue financial bonds for "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", small and micro enterprises, and green areas, and support qualified agricultural enterprises to issue asset-backed securities, rural revitalization bills, rural revitalization corporate bonds and other financing tools, and continue to increase capital investment in key areas of rural revitalization.

(17) Strengthen the coordination of industrial, fiscal and financial policies.Optimize the docking service of the financing project database, smooth the government-bank-enterprise financing docking service chain of "list push-accurate docking-real-time feedback-monitoring and supervision", and promote the precise implementation of credit policies. Take multiple measures to stimulate the enthusiasm and initiative of financial institutions to serve the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas. Promote government financing guarantee institutions to focus on small and micro enterprises and "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", and effectively play the role of financing credit enhancement and risk sharing.

(18) Optimize financial service mechanisms.Large and medium-sized banks should improve the professional working mechanism of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" financial services, and make use of their own financial and technological advantages. Under the premise of compliance with laws and regulations and controllable risks, they should moderately delegate product innovation authority, launch more county-level financial products, and tilt towards county branches in terms of credit approval, internal funds transfer pricing, and personnel allocation. Rural small and medium-sized banking institutions should further highlight their positioning of supporting agriculture and small businesses, give full play to their personal and geographical advantages, and better meet the financial needs of various agricultural entities for production and operation, farmers' consumption, etc. Promote the reform and risk reduction of rural credit cooperatives by province and category, and improve the standardization level and sustainable development capacity of rural financial institutions. Deepen the implementation of the demonstration project of financial technology empowering rural revitalization, and promote the digital upgrade of agricultural financial products, service channels, and business processes.

(19) Carry out publicity, promotion, monitoring and evaluation work well.Timely summarize innovative practices and typical experiences of financial services for rural revitalization, make full use of various media platforms to strengthen publicity and promotion, and create a strong atmosphere of financial support for rural revitalization. Clarify the business scope of rural revitalization loans, support the establishment and improvement of a monitoring system for rural revitalization loans, and comprehensively reflect the effectiveness of financial support. Do a good job in statistical analysis after the adjustment of the statistical system of agricultural loans, and carry out statistics in key areas such as grain and agricultural product loans and seed industry revitalization loans. Optimize the assessment and evaluation of rural revitalization financial services, and strengthen the sharing and application of assessment results.

Source: China Banking and Insurance News (Reporter Xu Yupeng), Central Bank website