
Li Rong: Annoying “brain supplement”


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When I watch movies or TV shows, I always "think about it" in my mind.
My family doesn't like watching movies and TV shows with me anymore, because they think I'm too demanding and always think there are loopholes in the plot, or that it's too heavy or too light. Even in classic detective dramas like Poirot and Miss Marple, I sometimes "self-indulgently" want to "fill in the blanks" to make the details more "logically" reasonable.
What annoyed me most was that they would often pester me to have a detailed "discussion" after watching a play. I remember watching a Poirot play and I felt that in one of the plots, the murderer put the pistol in the victim's hand, deliberately pretending that the victim committed suicide, but the left and right hands seemed to be a little mixed up. I made them impatient, so they just stayed away from me and went their own way. I still couldn't let it go, so I looked up Christie's original novel and found that the screenwriter made a little change in this small detail, but it was a bit "bad".
I told my family about my "discovery", and they didn't take it seriously: "Even if you are right, what's the point? Watching a play is entertainment. If you don't relax on logic and use abstract thinking to focus on details, there will be no interest and taste in watching the play. Why bother?" After what they said, I also felt "bored". If this continues, the "scope" of watching plays will become narrower and narrower, and there will be fewer and fewer good plays to watch. Some movies have a good beginning, but they are blamed for not developing reasonably, or ending hastily and not being able to wrap up. It's a pity. But I can't tell whether this pity is a pity for the movie or for me, the person who watches the movie.
Sometimes, my son and his mother randomly pick up various dramas to watch, leaving me alone, regardless of whether they have loopholes or not, just watching them based on their interests, talking and laughing happily, and I also appreciate their casualness. But on the other hand, I also feel that art is really "precise", sometimes it is "more precise and accurate" than the precision of mathematical and scientific formulas. You can accurately feel even the slightest difference in the degree, but it is often not properly conveyed by formulas or words. (Li Rong)