
Survey | Can you get into college with 230 points? Don’t be fooled by “full-time student aid classes”


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At present, the 2024 college entrance examination admissions work is gradually coming to an end, and some admission notices from unknown sources in various places have begun to move, preparing to "harvest" low-scoring candidates. According to the rules of previous years, the issuance of notices will usher in a peak period in early and mid-August, and some students may receive notices or calls from more than one school. What are these notices about, and can I go to the "schools" behind them?


Direct recruitment by colleges without considering grades

"I don't know how the information was leaked, but it was delivered directly to my doorstep." Luo Yu (pseudonym) recalled that after the college entrance examination last year, he received a total of four admission notices. The hard cardboard and gold-stamped patterns were very exquisite. The strange thing was that he did not apply to these schools at all. "It was so realistic. If I didn't understand it, I might have been tempted to transfer money!"

It is not uncommon to receive an admission letter from a school you did not apply for. On social media platforms, a student said that he was a candidate from Henan and applied for a school in Xinjiang, but received a letter from a school in Hubei. His parents thought Xinjiang was too far away and planned to let him study in Hubei.

After carefully examining these notices, the reporter found that they basically belong to "full-time undergraduate assistance classes for self-study examinations of higher education", with the academic level marked as "undergraduate" and the signature is mostly "Continuing Education College of a certain school". Self-study examinations, assistance classes, full-time, undergraduate... these words are mixed together, which can't help but confuse people. What is the difference between this and undergraduate admissions through the general college entrance examination? What kind of learning form is it?

"230 points? You can go, no problem!" The reporter contacted "Teacher Wang", who is recruiting students for a self-taught undergraduate assistance class, as a freshman with a college entrance examination score of 230. The other party claimed to be an employee of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. "We don't look at scores or regions. We recruit directly from undergraduate colleges, not private junior colleges." During the conversation, "Teacher Wang" mentioned intentionally or unintentionally, "We are full-time and have undergraduate diplomas." He also emphasized that there are only two differences between studying in an undergraduate assistance class and "junior college to undergraduate": first, the tuition is a little more expensive; second, it takes less time. But there is no difference in finding a job or taking the civil service exam.


Using "full-time" to cover up "self-study"

Doesn't it sound great to be able to go to college and get a bachelor's degree without having to take the college entrance examination and paying a certain fee? If you believe such rhetoric, you are likely to fall into the trap. The trap mainly lies in the "self-study" disguised as "full-time".

As we all know, my country's current undergraduate education is divided into two categories: "unified enrollment" and "non-unified enrollment". The former is admitted through the college entrance examination (including ordinary higher education junior college to undergraduate), and the full name is full-time ordinary college undergraduate. The latter includes self-taught undergraduate, adult undergraduate, open education, etc., all of which are non-full-time forms.

In this cognitive context, when people talk about "full-time", they often default to "unified enrollment". However, some student aid classes rent campuses, residential areas, etc., so that the recruited students have places to eat, live and attend classes, and call this form "full-time". They then use the literal meaning of "full-time" to "contact" the "full-time" that represents unified enrollment in the public's cognition, which can be said to be a word game. But no matter how it is packaged, the student aid class is just a tutoring class to help students obtain self-study certificates, and of course, the college entrance examination scores are not required.

"You can't say they are wrong. Studying in school all day is full-time!" Qiyi, a girl, shared her experience of being almost misled. After the college entrance examination, a person who called herself a "senior" introduced her to a full-time student aid class, saying that she would be able to get a bachelor's degree after graduation. "I was really tempted at the time, but fortunately I asked and found out that it was not what I thought."

After communicating with several admissions staff of the "Self-study Full-time Undergraduate Aid Class", the reporter found that not only did the admissions staff not proactively explain the nature of the aid class, they also deliberately omitted the word "self-study" in the full name of the aid class and simplified it to "full-time undergraduate", which made people even more confused.

If we ask directly what kind of diploma we got, the other party will argue that the diploma is the same as the diploma of the regular undergraduate program, "but with the official seal of the provincial self-study examination committee." The reporter insisted on providing a sample of the diploma, and the other party could only produce a "higher education self-study examination diploma" and asked in desperation, "Isn't it the self-study examination that you want to study? The full-time undergraduate assistance class is the self-study examination. Do you understand this concept clearly?"

the truth

Non-study classes can also take self-examinations

It should be noted that both the regular undergraduate and the “self-taught” undergraduate are currently recognized by the state. As early as 1988, the State Council issued the “Provisional Regulations on Self-taught Higher Education Examinations”, which “encouraged self-study” in the era when the college entrance examination was like walking on a “single-plank bridge”. After several revisions, it is still in use today. In theory, in situations where a bachelor’s degree is required but not limited to the regular undergraduate nature, a self-taught undergraduate diploma can also be used.

The problem is that times have changed. Now, even a bachelor's degree through unified enrollment is no longer "valuable", let alone a self-taught bachelor's degree? "When looking for a job, a self-taught degree is not recognized at all, it is just a piece of waste paper." "It's true that a self-taught bachelor's degree is a bachelor's degree, but the key is that recruiters don't want it, so it's better to study for a unified junior college"... Objectively, the social recognition of unified and non-unified enrollment degrees is indeed very different.

If you want to improve your knowledge level and obtain a self-taught degree, there are also official low-cost channels. Taking Beijing as an example, more than ten full-time general colleges and universities, including the University of International Business and Economics, have taken on the task of being the main examination school for the city's higher education self-study examination, with a total of 24 majors open to the public.

For example, for the preschool education major, the main examination school is Beijing Union University. The reporter saw that the major lists the required courses and optional courses. Candidates can register through the Beijing Education Examination Authority, take the course examinations as planned, accumulate the required credits, and pass the graduation thesis defense, and then they can be awarded the self-taught graduation certificate for the major. During the process, you can choose to choose a social assistance institution with enrollment qualifications announced by the Beijing Municipal Education Commission for assistance, or you can study on your own according to the examination syllabus, using tutoring materials, video recordings, etc.

Even in Hubei Province, where the full-time self-study assistance classes were piloted earlier and there are more corresponding institutions, there are ordinary assistance classes. Candidates can get assistance services without having to live on campus. Of course, self-study is also supported, and there is no difference in the self-study certificates obtained through various channels.


False advertising should be punished

Under the premise of clearly understanding the above content, if students are still willing to spend tens of thousands of yuan to choose full-time self-study classes and "experience" college life all day long, it is nothing more than a personal choice. But for some students who only have junior college admissions or even have no schools to go to, they are already confused and anxious. The admissions staff deliberately blurs the difference between self-study and unified enrollment, and deceives students into spending high prices to study in a "fake university", which is the root of the problem.

In the reporter's consultation, even the personnel of institutions that admitted that the graduation certificate was "self-taught" also touted the value of the self-taught certificate. For example, they compared the value of the regular undergraduate degree to 100%, and said that the value of the self-taught undergraduate degree was 95%, while the difficulty of obtaining it was sharply reduced to 60%. It seems very tempting, but it is seriously inconsistent with the actual situation.

In 2014, in order to promote the healthy development of social assistance for self-taught higher education, the National Higher Education Self-Taught Examination Steering Committee promulgated the "Trial Measures for the Management of Social Assistance for Self-Taught Higher Education Examinations", encouraging social assistance organizations to carry out various forms of student assistance activities in accordance with the law. However, in the fierce market competition, some institutions take advantage of people's unwillingness to work hard to get a diploma and their desire to go to a prestigious school, and gradually misinterpret the "scripture", giving rise to gray chaos such as "no need to study", "guaranteed to pass the exam", and even using "full-time" to confuse people.

In this regard, Li Qi, an expert from the Examination Institute of the Ministry of Education, wrote that the current policy documents have clearly lagged behind the development and changes of the situation. They only involve the "guidance" and "management" of self-study examination assistance institutions within the education administration system, and lack a restriction and punishment mechanism for self-study training institutions as market entities that infringe on consumer rights. "With the coordination and cooperation of the industrial and commercial, Internet information, public security and other departments, we can create a 'net' to prevent and combat false propaganda of self-study training assistance... In addition to 'blocking' and 'checking', we should also do a good job of 'draining', occupy the self-study examination assistance market with high-quality and free public information services, and let 'good money' gradually drive out 'bad money'."