
Fund companies conduct self-examination of employees' self-media? Industry insiders: There are verbal reminders


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On July 31, market news said that fund companies organized employees to conduct self-inspection, self-correction and rectification work on their own media, requiring them to check whether the registered accounts and operating content contained any non-compliance, such as showing off wealth, Versailles, black mouths, industry misconduct and other issues.

Screenshots circulated online

In response to the above rumors, reporter asked insiders of several leading public funds, and many public fund insiders told reporters that they had not received such written notices. "We have not checked these things recently. In fact, fund companies have been doing this kind of work for a long time. Our company's compliance requirements in this area have always been quite strict." An unnamed public fund insider told reporters that the company actually had these requirements in the first half of the year. These are some routine compliance requirements every year and are part of the company's daily routine work.

Another bank-affiliated public fund manager also told the reporter that the company would communicate compliance requirements to employees when they join the company, asking them not to post work-related content that has not been reviewed for compliance, and not to post content on social media platforms that criticizes peers and affects the company's image. "Interns also need to follow the standards of regular employees, although we don't have many interns."

A person from a public fund in South China told the reporter,The company did not issue a formal notice, but each department verbally reminded everyone.“But I think our leaders’ point of view is correct: ‘Public opinion is reflected in the media, but what is reflected behind it is problems in the company’s operations and management.’ So in fact, our self-examination is not aimed at the use of self-media, but at the recruitment and management of interns, words and deeds outside the 8-hour work circle, and whether there are problems with the internal management of the department, etc. If we do a good job of self-examination and improvement in this regard, it may be what the organization should do more.”

Written by: Luo Manyu, a reporter from Nandu Wancaishe