
Wang Hongyan: Technology companies should promote the coordinated development of technological innovation and technological ethics and a positive interaction


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Beijing News Shell Finance (Reporter Luo Yidan) On July 31, the opening ceremony of the 12th Internet Security Conference ISC.AI 2024 with the theme of "Building a Security Big Model to Lead the Security Industry Revolution" was held at the Beijing National Convention Center. Wang Hongyan, member of the Party Leadership Group and Vice Chairman of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, put forward several thoughts on the scene. One is to grasp the theme of the times and actively integrate into the overall situation of national strategic development. "I hope that private enterprises in related industries and fields will serve to improve the national security system and lead a new round of scientific and technological revolution. Actively participate in the major strategic tasks of comprehensively deepening reforms."

The second point of thought is to seize the opportunities of the times and practice the internal strength of innovation. "I hope that capable private enterprises will take the initiative to take the lead or actively participate in major national technological research projects, rely on major national scientific research infrastructure, and carry out basic theoretical innovation, major problem research and key core technology research. Science and technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises should increase R&D investment and promote the integrated development of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation." Wang Hongyan said.

The third point of thinking is to grasp the requirements of the times and always adhere to the principle of science and technology for good. "The majority of science and technology companies should take people-oriented as the standard of science and technology, take benefiting mankind as the criterion of action, promote the coordinated development of scientific and technological innovation and scientific and technological ethics, actively fulfill social responsibilities, participate in industry compliance construction, and continuously improve corporate governance structures and management systems, so that science and technology have both the height of innovation and the warmth of humanity."

"As an indispensable force in promoting my country's development, the private economy has broad prospects in helping to build cyber security and serving the strategy of building a cyber power. In the future, the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce will adhere to and implement the 'two unshakable' principles, better play the role of a bridge and link, encourage and support private enterprises to strengthen their cyber security responsibilities and build a solid cyber security defense line, and truly unify their thoughts and actions with the Party Central Committee's deployment on further deepening reform in an all-round way, and shoulder the heavy responsibility of promoting the new force of Chinese-style modernization." Wang Hongyan said.

Edited by Xu Yuting

Proofread by Yang Li