
"Black Desert" game trial play by gamers: Sister, can you chop down trees with me?


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Earlier, online game players would always use a term "Kimchi-style online games". This refers to the fact that some online games produced in South Korea always have similar gameplay and flavors, so players use this term to express their dissatisfaction with the "conservative" nature of Korean online games.

However, as online games gradually evolve and new products emerge one after another, Korean online games have also begun to incorporate various new gameplays that have never been seen on the market into the "Kimchi gameplay", producing many features that are different from mainstream online games, and there are also some outstanding ones. "Black Desert", which started the pioneer test on the national server some time ago, is one of them.

How can a Korean online game be without beautiful women?

I don’t know when it started, but Korean online games are basically always associated with beautiful women. Although Black Desert was developed and released quite early, after a major remake in 2018, the graphics are still very good now. More importantly, with the support of new technologies, the long-legged sisters in the game are even more beautiful.

The excellence of the graphics system can be seen in the face-pinching process when you just enter the game. The overall details of the character are very delicate, and the various optional expressions and actions are vivid and attractive. What is even more surprising is that now that face-pinching has become a "standard feature" of online games, "Black Desert" still has many remarkable aspects of face-pinching. Not only a bunch of complicated adjustment values, but also a visual direction control dial in the game makes your adjustment more intuitive. At the same time, for different hairstyles, there is also an adjustment of hair direction in the game. The whole process of pinching the character shows great richness.

Black Desert uses a system that binds characters, professions, and combat methods. When we enter the game, we can see from the players' preferences that the beautiful women in Black Desert are very popular. In this test, the game has opened a total of 13 professions, including various representative characters, such as the oriental chivalrous woman Meihua and the European-style Valkyrie.

It should be noted that these 13 professions are only temporary during the test period. The official said that when the game is officially launched, there will be at least 27 professions. After choosing back and forth, I chose the Dark Knight to experience one of the most important selling points of the game - the action-based combat system.

The Dark Knight is a swordsman-type character who uses a katana. While slashing with a melee weapon, he can also turn into mist to dodge, or instantly move to the vicinity of the enemy to ambush, taking into account the characteristics of flexible movement and melee combat. During the game, this character can also truly demonstrate the excellent action feel of "Black Desert".

The characters in the game basically have a wide variety of skills

Advance, retreat, and release continuous skills at the right time. In actual combat, the high mobility of the character gives a lot of room for operation. Combined with the many types of skills in the game, I wish I could grow four hands to operate. But fortunately, this is an action-oriented game, and the concept of "output cycle" is not that strong. It still focuses on exchanging moves with monsters, dodging and moving, and the satisfaction generated by the high degree of freedom always fills the combat process.

It is worth mentioning that the game's combat sense is excellent, and is definitely not inferior to the stand-alone action games on the market. The monsters' stiffness when hit, the appropriate sticking of the character's weapon, the fog effect with the Dark Knight, the sword energy fluctuations that cut through the space, all the combat elements are completed in one go, forming a perfect whole, which can definitely be a huge plus for the game.

Black Desert uses a semi-locked combat mode, which means that the player's perspective and movement are completely free most of the time. When approaching the enemy, the game will automatically lock to ensure that all kinds of cool skills can hit the enemy accurately. Different players have different opinions on the settings of locking, non-locking and semi-locking, so I will not elaborate on them here.

The early experience of the game is mainly based on the main quests. In addition to telling the story, it guides players to become familiar with various skills and gameplay. Thanks to the huge world view of "Black Desert", the story content of this part of the main quest is quite high. The interspersed cutscenes and multi-gameplay quests have greatly reduced the number of traditional online game-style "where to kill a few" forms. At the same time, because the experience of action-based combat is quite good, every time you encounter a similar task, even if you have completed the required number, you still feel unsatisfied and want to continue.

When the mission reaches the first boss battle "Red Nose", the life gameplay of "Black Desert" begins to emerge, and the other side of "Black Desert" besides fighting and killing is revealed.

Magic World Life Simulator

How do you make an online game feel like a world? Is it a huge open map, or fishing and cooking? The answer from Black Desert Online is, I want it all.

In order to highlight the immersiveness of the game world, "Black Desert" uses a "stupid method", exhaustive enumeration.

When you click on the "Life Skills" column of the game, you can see a number of densely packed production methods, such as heating, drying, mashing, simple cooking, advanced cooking, etc. Before that, I also discovered during the field missions that this game has a lot of collection items.

Kill a wolf and you can skin it, take its meat, and even collect liquids; you can collect fruits from the bushes all over the mountains, cut down trees for wood, and collect minerals from stones...

Walking in the wilderness of Black Desert, I feel like "Grandma Liu visiting the Grand View Garden". Everything I see is new. This can be interacted with, and that can be interacted with. It gives you the possibility of interaction that can be realized in the real world. It really makes you feel like you are living in another world.

In addition to life skills and material collection, even riding a horse in the game requires "immersion". Players need to pick up their own mounts at the stables, and remember the location of the horses when dismounting in the wild, because they cannot be "refreshed" at any time and anywhere, and will only respond to your call within a certain distance, just like "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild".

There is no doubt that this has greatly expanded the content of the game. Even though the game still contains the "traditional Korean game"-based gameplay of upgrading and socializing, with these numerous details, "Black Desert" has built an extremely rich and complete world, enough to satisfy your various imaginations of the other world, and also provides an extraordinary immersive experience.

At this time, I, who had been attracted by the main story, began to think about what it would be like if I jumped out of the story and saw what the world would be like.

I habitually pressed "M", the map button common to most online games, and a huge 3D map appeared in front of me. If you have played "The Elder Scrolls 5", you should immediately understand what I mean by shocking. But unlike the map in "The Elder Scrolls 5", this map has more detailed details. It shows the road I have walked since the beginning, the bosses I have fought in the main storyline, the mountains and forests in the distance are experiencing a storm, and the fantasy continent is dotted with towns and civilizations...

Black Desert is a game that is unequivocally serious about playing with you. At this point, it is hard for me to say that this is an "online game", after all, "online games" always mean endless development and improvement, stubborn numerical ruts, cooperation and collision between people...

Black Desert is definitely taking a different approach, using the form of an online game to compete with the single-player gameplay. Whether it is the super-large map or the massive and detailed life gameplay, the entire game is quite different under this concept and has a very high playability. Not only that, it is foreseeable that when you meet more like-minded friends in such a game, the social stickiness of the game will also increase sharply, and eventually form a new form that is different from all other online games on the market.


In general, Black Desert Online is a subversive Korean online game with a very distinctive style. While many Korean online games are criticized by players as "Kimchi-flavored" and stereotyped, it is able to retain the excellent parts of the original Korean online games and add a lot of stand-alone gameplay content in a breakthrough way, creating a unique immersive gaming experience. It can be said to be ingenious.

For players who like action online games and like to find real immersion in online games, "Black Desert" is definitely worthy of your expectations.