
Wuhan has included "adding elevators" in the renovation of old residential areas and raised the financial subsidy standard to 200,000 yuan per unit


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Yangtze Business Daily News●Comprehensive report by Changjiang Business Daily reporter Li Hui

New changes have occurred in the installation of elevators in old residential areas in Wuhan.

Recently, the "Guiding Opinions of the Wuhan Municipal People's Government on Further Promoting the Installation of Elevators in Existing Residential Buildings" (hereinafter referred to as the "Guiding Opinions") was officially implemented, clarifying that the people's governments of all districts should incorporate the installation of elevators in existing residential buildings into the renovation plans for old residential areas in their jurisdictions, increase financial subsidy standards, and expand the use of funds.

The implementation of the Guiding Opinions is expected to solve the "blocking point" of the difficulty in unifying the opinions of residents on installing elevators in old communities. The Guiding Opinions show that owners who wish to add elevators can submit their demands for adding elevators to the street office (township people's government) or community residents' committee where the house is located. The street office (township people's government) or community residents' committee should cooperate with the owners to solicit opinions from all owners of the unit on whether to add elevators. With the participation of owners whose exclusive part of the unit accounts for more than 2/3 of the area and whose number accounts for more than 2/3 of the owners, and with the consent of owners whose exclusive part accounts for more than 3/4 of the area and whose number accounts for more than 3/4 of the owners, an application for adding elevators can be made. If the addition of an elevator is to occupy the exclusive part of the owner, the consent of the owner of the exclusive part shall also be obtained.

It is reported that the "Guiding Opinions" propose that while each district incorporates "adding elevators" into the renovation plan of old communities, it should also implement the pipeline relocation, site reservation and other work related to the addition of elevators; for building units that have reached a consensus and have started the application procedures for adding elevators, the basic construction of elevators can be carried out in advance for them in conjunction with the renovation of old communities; and the implementation of an overall elevator-adding model of "centralized application, unified planning, centralized approval, and batch construction" is encouraged.

In terms of fund raising methods, the "Guiding Opinions" propose that the costs of adding elevators to existing residential buildings be borne jointly according to the proportion determined by the implementing entities through self-negotiation. The implementing entities can withdraw housing provident funds in accordance with relevant housing provident fund management regulations to cover the elevator construction costs actually borne by individuals.

According to public information on the city government's website, the Guiding Opinions also mentioned that for existing residential buildings that are not managed by administrative agencies or enterprises and institutions and are not single-ownership, a subsidy of 200,000 yuan per elevator will be provided. 50% of the subsidy funds can be used for the actual construction costs of the elevators borne by the implementing entity, and the remaining funds will be used for the daily operation, maintenance and management of the additional elevators. It is reported that in the previous policy, the subsidy standard was 100,000 yuan per elevator.