
Another powerful domestic suspense film, Tong Dawei and Lan Yingying's acting skills are amazing, and the ending of the case within the case is a magical reversal


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In the past few days, a play has been urged many times in the background, but Sir has not written it yet.

"Misplacement" is said to be another failure of the Misty Theater.

It’s not that I don’t want to write.

But while watching the show, I always felt that there was something vague that was attracting me, as if saying that this show is not that simple.

Sir was reluctant to make a premature judgment.


After watching the last episode, Sir finally confirmed his guess: this drama is not that bad.

In fact, it shouldn't be so "unknown".

This is not a TV show that suits the current pace.

You can't watch it at 2x speed.

It is not a family ethics drama about a man who kills a scumbag, nor is it a 3-minute short video interpretation drama that attracts attention with a "strange case".

Why on earth.

Sir uses 10 details to restore the true appearance of this drama to you


The former "CP" of "Struggle", starring Ma Yili and Tong Dawei;

Produced by Han Sanping.

Let me first briefly introduce the story:

"Misplacement" is adapted from the mystery novel "Interlaced Scenes" by Japanese writer Matsumoto Seicho, which was first published in 1975.

Therefore, it does not have the "internet feel" in the story like Zijin Chen.

When the police were chasing clues, although it was not as hardcore as the orthodox reasoning, they were able to steadily and relentlessly pursue every tiny clue, and finally, they uncovered the truth of the case.

This sense of discovery, of seeing the big picture from the small details, also gives the readers/viewers a sense of sudden enlightenment when they reach the end.

"Misplacement" uses the story of a case within a case in the novel.

A rape and murder case introduces a "plagiarized" novel.

They discovered that the description of the crime scene was exactly the same as that in a best-selling novel.

But when we followed the clues, we found that "six pages" of this novel were not original.

Who is the murderer?

Behind this novel, there is a missing case...

In order to compare the novel with the TV series, Sir spent an afternoon reading the 240-page novel (how can it be a lazy thing for a reader?


The story framework follows the clues of the novel almost completely.

Moreover, if we consider it purely from the perspective of reasoning logic.

There are two good adaptations in the TV series

First, the protagonist's motive for murder was rationalized; second, after an important piece of evidence was found, the chain of evidence was further improved.

So, the adaptation of "Misplacement" is not bad.

But is that all?


Next, Sir is going to talk about these 10 details, which are the real polish that the screenwriter and director buried in the play.

(P.S. This article is a bit long and contains a lot of spoilers. Friends who haven’t read it, please bookmark it and read it after watching the show.)



In "Misplacement", the most attractive and most easily misunderstood couple is Gu Jiming, played by Tong Dawei, and Su Zhenzhen, played by Lan Yingying.

The story of a poor writer hooking up with a rich girl.

But between the two of them, it is not as simple as "the Phoenix man flies to the tree".

A key detail


Hands are the most common subject in their relationship, and are also the subject that most easily brings out each other's inner emotions.

It also implicitly explains the unusual relationship between the two.

for example.

You see, when the two of them first appeared, the camera was not focused on the protagonists in the picture.

But gave a pair of hands.

The woman deliberately held the hand of the man next to her.

Although it looks like a kind of "cheer-up", what is it more like?

That's right, a kind of "clamp".

This was a new book launch for Gu Jiming, and the new best-selling author, dressed in a suit and tie, was asked to go on stage to speak.

After he made his speech, he did something unusual.

He introduced his fiancée, Su Zhenzhen, who was paralyzed in her lower limbs, to the audience.

Amid the audience whispering, Su Zhenzhen was pulled to the front of the stage without her knowledge.

If you look carefully, it was Gu Jiming who handed over the microphone, and Su Zhenzhen looked reluctant to speak this time.

This was more like a public humiliation of her.

At this time, the details appeared and the camera focused on the hands again.

look carefully

Su Zhenzhen's hand was in Gu Jiming's hand and she couldn't get rid of it.

I would like to ask, who is "controlling" whom now?

to be honest.

The relationship between these two people is actually more of an exchange of interests based on mutual exploitation.

So the director used a lot of "hand" metaphors here.

What do hands represent?

Another more straightforward example

After the car accident, Su Zhenzhen's legs were disabled and her fiancé ran away. During her recovery, she drew a picture of a marionette on her hospital bed.

Perhaps, you would think that after Su Zhenzhen became paralyzed, she could only become a puppet and be controlled by others?

But, in fact, she wanted to be that "hand".

Use the power of "hands" to control others and achieve a successful life.

And this person is Gu Jiming.

Does she love Gu Jiming?

Not love.

Being with him and making him a successful person is just to save my own face.

When she expressed her feelings to Gu Jiming, you looked at her hands that she stretched out.

It seemed like a plea.

Instead of acting like a lover, or holding hands as an equal in status.

Compared with a pair of hands like this.

It was Gu Jiming and his girlfriend

The first time holding hands was tentative and shy.

So, in Gu Jiming and Su Zhenzhen’s subsequent married life.

You'll find that they are extremely in sync with each other's emotional needs.

Also begging each other, Su Zhenzhen asked Gu Jiming to be her puppet, and Gu Jiming asked Su Zhenzhen to publish his book;

They were also controlling each other. Su Zhenzhen was always keeping an eye on Gu Jiming's movements to prevent him from cheating; and Gu Jiming's unscrupulousness was because he understood that he was Su Zhenzhen's other pair of legs and he was her "face".

So, even before the wedding, she had already discovered that Gu Jiming had planned to kill, and even before the wedding, the police came to her door.

She would still choose to marry him.

Gu Ji knew that she couldn't lose this face.

In the end, the two of them walked further and further on the edge of darkness.

They are also accomplices to each other.

Their hands had long since become one.

Is it love? It is more like a perverted and twisted relationship of need. In the end, a "flower of evil" bloomed in their already collapsed hearts.


Flowers, trees, wheat ears

In "Misplacement", grass, trees and flowers are also very important images.

For example, Gu Jiming and his ex-girlfriend Jiang Na met because of a magazine. What was the name of that magazine?

"Southern Willow".

The homonym of Nanliu is "Nanliu".

This was bound to be a bad start.

It's not just a superficial homonym.

Let’s take a look at the title of the article that Jiang Na submitted to Nanliu magazine?

"Ear of Wheat".

It records the story of her living with her grandfather in the countryside.

This simple atmosphere touched Gu Jiming's heart.

That’s right, the reason why he and Jiang Na can be together is because of the familiarity between them, which allows Gu Jiming to tell her about his family without reservation.

So much so that after Jiang Na became pregnant, Gu Jiming gave the child the nickname "Wheat Ear".

Later, when Su Zhenzhen became pregnant, she also wanted Gu Jiming to name the baby. While half asleep, he said the name "Wheat Ear".

△ Even when naming himself, he did not forget to call himself "Da Mai"

And what was Su Zhenzhen’s reaction?

She thought the name was "a bit rustic".

This is exactly the difference in class status between Su Zhenzhen and Gu Jiming.

Wheat ears are what Gu Jiming once believed to be the most perfect, beautiful and warmest things. However, they are useless in this money-oriented society.

Let’s go back to Jiang Na.

Jiang Na has an extremely pure side that Gu Jiming and Su Zhenzhen do not have.

Every time Jiang Na went to a small hotel with Gu Jiming for a date, she would bring flowers with her.

The flower language of purple hyacinth is admiration, happiness and love.

In fact, it also symbolizes Jiang Na's feelings for Gu Jiming.

Her boyfriend is a professional screenwriter for a magazine, but she is a waiter in a hotel.

Afterwards, Jiang Na brought lisianthus, the flower language of which is consistent love.

Ironically, at this time, Gu Jiming had already met Su Zhenzhen, and was approaching Su Zhenzhen with a very beneficial purpose...

There is another scene that also uses flowers to express meaning.

Gu Jiming walked into Su Zhenzhen's ward to visit her, holding a bouquet of flowers of various colors.

But please note that there are also a few elegant platycodons placed on Su Zhenzhen's bedside.

When Su Zhenzhen handed the flowers back to Gu Jiming, the camera gave him a close-up.

He glanced at the bouquet and sighed.

Then, he saw the gentian by her bed, and then looked at the vulgar flower in his hand.

Naturally I understood.

They are not fellow travelers.

However, the director later gave another shot of Su Zhenzhen's ward.

The gentian flowers are still there.

And the messy bouquet of flowers bought at a discount is long gone.



Red wine, in "Misplacement", symbolizes the invisible class divide and is also the kind of life that Gu Jiming desires.

When Gu Jiming and Jiang Na drank red wine in a small hotel for the first time, Jiang Na exclaimed because it was her first time drinking red wine -

It turns out red wine is so sweet.

Gu Jiming was a little surprised that Jiang Na had never drunk red wine, but he didn't show it.

But when has he ever drunk good red wine?

It was at the dinner with Su Zhenzhen that he drank good wine for the first time.

Even the way of raising the glass has become respectful.

After taking the first sip, how would you rate this bottle of wine?

“This wine isn’t that sweet, but it’s delicious.”

Su Zhenzhen’s answer was: You will know after drinking it a few more times.

What this means is that I can give you this class of life.

When it comes to evaluating red wine, he still uses sweetness as the standard for whether it tastes good.

But what he didn't know was that to people of another class, sweet is cheap.

You see, there was a conversation like this during the police interrogation:

-How much did you spend on the wine?

- More than 300

- I bought a few boxes

-2 boxes

-Where did you buy the wine?

- The supermarket next to our house

Before he became a famous best-selling author, Gu Jiming could only afford such cheap red wine.

The other members present also stopped drinking the wine because it was too sweet.

Why should we focus on the role of "red wine"?

Look again.

There is a scene where Gu Jiming is by the swimming pool, eating pickled vegetables that his mother brought from his hometown.

While drinking red wine.

These two behaviors also symbolize that the two lives in his body are severely divided.

He was reluctant to leave his former "country road", but also couldn't bear to give up his own "road to fame". In the end, he paid the price for his "greed".

He wanted to belong to that class, but he couldn't get rid of his "countryside" habits.

This is also his "misalignment".

Drinking is a kind of identity.

Once upon a time, Gu Jiming, who was still an editor, was at a dinner table trying to curry favor with the CEO of a publishing house.

And after drinking a pot of Moutai.

Scolded by the editor-in-chief: Is this wine something you can drink?

Now Gu Jiming just wants to prove that he deserves to drink this wine.



Is Gu Jiming nearsighted?

Before he became successful, he didn't wear glasses, and even later on, he sometimes forgot to wear them.

But why did I become nearsighted?

In fact, it can be speculated that glasses are a manifestation of his other personality, representing a successful person.

There is such a shot.

He overlaps with the photo of his father-in-law and the chairman of Wanhai Publishing House on the wall.

The two people look almost the same.

Especially, that pair of glasses.

This pair of glasses represents his ambition, and is also a prop he needs to disguise his strong side to outsiders.

When he needs to reveal the original Gu Jiming, he doesn't wear glasses.

For example, when looking for a gunman.

He knew he was in the wrong and couldn't stand up.

He also looked obedient when he was having dinner with his mother.

The purpose of glasses is not to see clearly.

Instead, it requires the other party to not see himself clearly.

When Gu Jiming was a child, his grandfather told him that paper figures have no eyes to prevent him from seeing things he shouldn’t see in a world that doesn’t belong to him.

But, when he grew up.

When he returned to the paper-making shop, he saw the paper figures with eyes painted on them.

At this moment, the order that he maintained in his heart completely collapsed.

See. Can't see.

What does it matter?


Red White Black

In the drama, red is not a common color.

But once "red" appears, it becomes a desire that is incompatible with the surrounding environment.

Even dangerous.

To put it more jokingly, police officer Jiang Guangming (played by Ma Yili) discovered that Uncle Wang next door had already been in contact with my mother, and that Uncle Wang even brought a red cheongsam for my mother when he returned from a trip.

And some romantic ones.

It was the small hotel that Jiang Na and Gu Jiming accidentally walked into, with a tilted camera and red curtains.

This already restless heart now has some uncontrollable desires.

And the most noteworthy.

It was the print on the red wall when they entered the inn.

It is also Jiang Na's upcoming "death notice"

She will die on this road.

When Gu Jiming was ready to kill again, he thought of the red-stained oil painting, the electric kiln he opened to kill people and burn the bodies, and the red reflected on his face.

It is also his uncontrollable desire to kill in the face of his desire for "success".

White symbolizes his former innocence.

When he coaxed Jiang Na to go outdoors, they were both wearing white shirts.

As he committed the murder, he stabbed backwards with the knife.

This is not a common or convenient method, and if the victim moves slightly, the knife can easily stab himself.

But why use this method?

After killing Jiang Na, a part of Gu Jiming also died.

Since then, black has become the most common color on his body.


Match Point

On the eve of Jiang Na's murder, they seemed to have reconciled.

But Gu Jiming had already decided to kill him.

They watched a movie together in the hotel - Woody Allen's "Match Point".

The story of "Match Point" is about a poor boy named Wilton who is determined to change his fate by using his tennis skills to mix in the upper class society. In the end, in order to hide his cheating from his wife, he kills his lover.

The scene on TV was a quarrel when Nora, the lover, wanted Wilton to confess to his wife.

The plot in the movie coincides with the dispute between Gu Jiming and Jiang Na.

If he published the plagiarized book, Jiang Na would report him to the publishing house. In order to gain a better social status and life, he had no choice but to kill him.

Interestingly, in Match Point, social disparity is cleverly hidden in the conversation at the dinner table.

While discussing which brand of classic car would be better.

On the one hand, I have washed cars of this brand before.

On the side, there was Russian caviar with pancakes;

A simple roast chicken on the side.

For Wilton, the good stuff is a roast chicken.

For Gu Jiming, it is the braised pork made by his mother, which he only eats during festivals and at the end he has to use steamed buns to soak up the soup.

But Su Zhenzhen said that eating like this would cause too high cholesterol.

For people like Wilton and Gu Jiming, because they have no better choice, every seemingly important choice they make is a "match point" where they need to go all out.

They have nothing to lose.

Might as well take a gamble.


A book manuscript

But, you can't hate someone like Gu Jiming.

His tragedy also reflects every little person who desires success but is looked down upon by others.

Especially that scene, when he heard the man driving the Hummer next to him say that he could reach several hundred kilometers with one step on the accelerator, and he refused to move his car.

He had no choice but to climb in through the car window.

He felt wronged and helpless, and finally burst into tears in the car.

This world is so cruel.

Even his novels were treated as garbage at the dinner table and were covered with grease spots.

Or just throw it on the ground, just because he is nobody.

But, it was just half a year later.

After Gu Jiming turned things around, when he met another junior who wanted him to help him, he was afraid that the wine on the table would spill on the manuscript handed to him.

He can use his current status to avenge his past pain.

But he still wiped it clean and put it in his schoolbag.

He knew that this was also someone else's fate.

His darkened soul still retained a little bit of kindness.


Chopin Nocturne in C sharp minor

When Gu Jiming was carrying out his murder plan, he turned on the car stereo.

What was coming out of the speakers was Chopin's last serenade, also known as his posthumous work, "Nocturne in C-sharp minor". As a nocturne written by Chopin for his sister, it is sometimes also called "memories".

This music doesn't just sound like Jiang Na's last song.

In fact, the intention lies in the "posthumous works".

What Gu Jiming plagiarized was the posthumous work of the writer Tang Xun.

But, ironically, his work "Black Rain", which became famous due to plagiarism, eventually became his posthumous work.



In the six pages of manuscript that Gu Jiming plagiarized from Tang Xun, there is this passage:

"He walked up the slope, and the rain flowed down the slope..."

It describes the activities of a murderer on a rainy night.

But, when Gu Jiming killed someone.

You see, he also fell into that crazy novel

He walked up the slope.

This shows what?

Even if it seems evasive on the surface.

But this thing.

In fact, it has already been engraved into his bones and has become his inner demon.


Short Video

There is one last detail that Sir would like to talk about outside of this drama.

When "Misplacement" was about to be broadcast, Sir saw the preview on the short video and was particularly interested.

Because Tong Dawei is quite perverted here.

After watching the introduction in the short video, I almost thought that he was the rape and murderer who wrote the whole process in the novel after killing the person.

Curious, perverted, and eye-catching.

But after watching it, I found that this scene did not exist in the drama at all.


But then I thought, this actually confirmed the plot of the TV series.

Gu Jiming on the stage criticized short videos for only attracting emotional value. After he got off the podium, he asked his assistant to edit his speech into a short video.

It's ironic.

It's also embarrassing.

So is this a one-off case?

of course not.

It is visible to the naked eye that, regardless of the quality, more and more works are adopting this approach, using curious scenes to satisfy everyone's eyes.

It has become a habit.

The purpose is just to get more traffic on short videos and attract more people.

But the problem is.

When audiences come for the large scale and raise their expectations to the highest level, what happens when they find that the final work is not what they expected?

Will this kind of traffic also have a negative impact on the work itself?

The answer is yes.

Just like "Misplacement", in the final analysis,"Misplacement" is not a bad drama.Compared with the current shoddy works, it even abandons the short video approach in terms of creative thinking.

But in the end, I still can't escape this vicious circle

Many people came for the exciting promotion of the short video, but then found that its rhythm was so "slow", its scale was so restrained, and its values ​​were so "out of step with the times", so they gave up watching the show in anger.

I have absolutely no patience to experience the work itself.

This is, to a certain extent, the tragedy of this kind of "alternative" publicity.

At the same time, it is also tragic for us, the audience.

Because our eyes have long been spoiled by short videos, in the end, it will backfire on us.


This is the real "misalignment" between the work and the audience.

The pictures in this article are from the Internet

Assistant editor: Oda No Rangqie