
To combat the use of AI to spread rumors, we might as well “use AI to fight AI”


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Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 24 (Xinhua) On July 24, Xinhua Daily Telegraph published a commentary titled "To control the use of AI to spread rumors, we might as well "use AI to fight AI."

Recently, public security organs in many places have announced a number of cases related to the use of AI tools to spread rumors. On June 20, the Urban Rail and Public Transport Corps of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau issued a police report: In order to attract attention, some marketers used AI software to generate a fake video of "Shanghai Subway Violence" and posted it online, causing adverse social impact. In addition, sensational and widely circulated "news" such as "Xi'an sudden explosion" and "A high-rise residential building in Jinan caught fire and many people jumped off the building to escape" have all been verified to be rumors fabricated by AI software. The motivation for spreading rumors is mainly to obtain the clicks and reading rewards given to creators by Internet content platforms, as well as to attract traffic for e-commerce platform operations. In the final analysis, it's all for money.

In the face of the constantly iterating generative AI technology, "seeing is believing" and "pictures are the truth" are being challenged. From the relevant cases, the rumors produced by criminals using the latest AI technology are so deceptive that they can be mistaken for real. Artificial intelligence can also implement personalized rumor generation based on the characteristics of the communication channel, and quickly and accurately deliver rumors to specific audiences, resulting in defamation, information leakage, and personal safety hazards against individuals or specific groups.

For the governance of online rumors, the greater challenge is that convenient AI tools have greatly reduced the cost of rumor-making, increased the magnitude and spread of rumors, and rumor-making has the characteristics of low threshold, batching, and difficulty in identification. Searching the Internet, there are endless advertising articles such as "Graphic creation, AI automatically writes articles, single number easily produces 500+ per day, can be operated with multiple numbers, and novices can easily get started" and "No need to wash manuscripts, AI writes 100 original articles a day", which attract people with ulterior motives to participate in it, and also give rise to the accelerated formation of the gray industrial chain. At the same time, in order to verify the true and false information, relevant institutions and individuals have to invest manpower and material resources, consuming a lot of social costs; some rumors not only cause mental harm to the victims, but also bring considerable losses to the operation of the social economy. All of the above requires us to attach great importance to the "double-edged sword" characteristics of AI technology, take resolute actions, maintain a high-pressure situation, and curb illegal activities to the greatest extent.

More powerful means should be used to eliminate the disease and eliminate the harm. Some Internet content platforms pursue "traffic first", allowing fake news, "clickbait" and controversial topics to spread, providing unhealthy soil for AI rumors to prevail. We should be soberly aware that the traffic brought by the spread of false information cannot last long, and there will never be a business that is profitable without investment. Platforms should first fulfill their main responsibilities, quickly identify the spread of false information including AI rumors, and cut off its transmission chain and interest chain, further optimize the traffic distribution and revenue sharing mechanism involving AI content, and reduce the profit space for those with ulterior motives to produce rumors. Relevant departments should also show their swords in accordance with the law, use drastic measures to cure the disease, severely crack down on individuals and institutions that create false news, and set up a high-voltage line in cyberspace to prohibit AI rumors.

We need to "outrun" rumors in a faster way. In the face of the precise dissemination and intelligent spread of AI rumors, we might as well explore "using AI to fight AI". In recent years, some Internet content platforms have established rumor-refuting mechanisms, and relevant departments have also coordinated and linked to quickly release investigation and disposal results to respond to social concerns. In the future, we should further optimize and improve technologies and mechanisms such as algorithm recommendation, daily monitoring, and clue collection, so as to push rumor-refuting information more quickly and accurately, so that more real and valuable information can "run" ahead of rumors.

We must improve the rule of law to guide technology for good. How to make artificial intelligence develop in the direction of people-oriented and technology for good, in addition to supervision, it is inseparable from the guarantee of the rule of law. At present, my country has promulgated and implemented relevant laws such as the "Regulations on the Management of Deep Synthesis of Internet Information Services" and the "Interim Measures for the Management of Generative Artificial Intelligence Services", but there is still room for further refinement of judicial governance in the field of AI. Only by legislating to set a basic bottom line for the development and use of AI and clarifying the rights and responsibilities of all parties can we prevent risks from the source and avoid the passive situation of "first pollution and then governance".