
In the first half of the year, 6.98 million new urban jobs were created, and the total income of the three social insurance funds was 4.1 trillion yuan.


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Reporters learned from the press conference of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security that in the first half of 2024my country's urban employment increased by 6.98 million, the national urban surveyed unemployment rate was 5.0% in June.

Improve employment and entrepreneurship policies

The policy of gradually reducing unemployment insurance premiums will continue.Reduce costs for enterprises by 85.9 billion yuanWe will continue to provide job retention subsidies to insured enterprises that do not lay off or lay off fewer employees, and restart one-time job expansion subsidies.

Focus on employment and entrepreneurship for college graduates and other youth. A notice was issued to do a good job in employment and entrepreneurship for college graduates and other youth, proposing 11 measures. Organize and implement the "Three Supports and One Assistance" plan for college graduates in 2024, and the central government will support the recruitment of 34,400 college graduates to serve at the grassroots level. Implement public employment services on campus, organize more than 10,000 recruitment, employment guidance, and assistance for difficulties, and serve more than 8 million graduates. Launch 52 micro-courses on employment guidance for graduates, with a reading volume of more than 100 million people. Deepen the plan to recruit one million trainee positions, and 690,000 trainee positions have been developed. Deepen the implementation of the employment campaign to prevent poverty relapse, and by the end of June, more than 30 million people out of poverty were employed. In the first half of the year, a total of 840,000 people in difficulty were helped to find jobs. Carry out vocational skills training. Continue to implement the unemployment insurance skill improvement subsidy policy, and in the first half of the year, 2.3 billion yuan in skill improvement subsidies were issued to 1.36 million people. Provide employment services for key enterprises, and help 90,000 key enterprises solve the employment needs of more than 1.35 million people. We carried out joint recruitment in large and medium-sized cities, private enterprise service month, and 100 million recruitment in 10 days, and posted job vacancies for over 14 million people.

The operation of social insurance funds is generally stable

As of the end of June, the number of people covered by basic pension insurance, unemployment insurance, and work-related injury insurance was 1.071 billion, 243 million, and 299 million, respectively.The number of people increased by 14.23 million, 3.88 million and 4.78 million respectively year on year.From January to June, the total income of the three social insurance funds was 4.1 trillion yuan, and the total expenditure was 3.6 trillion yuan.The accumulated balance at the end of June was 8.8 trillion yuanThe fund operation is generally stable.

According to reports, in the first half of the year,The national pooling system of basic pension insurance for enterprise employees is being steadily implemented

The implementation of the individual pension system has been generally stable, with more than 60 million people participating in individual pensions. The pilot work on occupational injury protection for employees in new employment forms has progressed smoothly. As of the end of June, a total of 8.86 million employees in new employment forms have participated in the seven pilot provinces and cities. In the first half of the year, a total of 56.2 billion yuan in unemployment insurance benefits, including unemployment insurance benefits and basic medical insurance premiums paid on behalf of employees, were paid. Local governments implemented the basic pension insurance support policy for urban and rural residents, and paid premiums on behalf of 15.38 million people in need in the first half of the year. Promote fund investment operations. As of the end of June, the scale of entrusted investment of the national basic pension insurance fund was 1.9 trillion yuan. There are 1.38 billion social security card holders nationwide, and more than 1 billion people have received electronic social security cards at the same time.

Improve the talent evaluation mechanism

Comprehensively implement the "targeted evaluation and targeted use" of professional titles at the county level and below

We will fully implement the "new eighth-level worker" occupational skill level system and vigorously carry out occupational skill level certification. As of the end of June, a total of 38,000 employers and social training and evaluation organizations have been registered. We will work with relevant departments to strengthen the standardized management of occupational skill evaluation. In the first half of the year, 56 national occupational standards were promulgated. We will promote the work of professional and technical personnel. We will accelerate the training and attraction of young postdoctoral talents. In the first half of the year, we will recruit 11,000 new postdoctoral fellows and set up 643 new postdoctoral research workstations. We will issue and implement the Action Plan for Accelerating the Cultivation of Digital Talents to Support the Development of the Digital Economy (2024-2026). We will deeply implement the knowledge update project for professional and technical personnel and steadily promote the implementation of the digital technology engineer training project. We will carry out expert talent service activities at the grassroots level and the construction of expert service bases.

Solidly promote "getting one thing done efficiently"

95 social security card applications in the field of human resources and social security have been generally launched in various places.Deeply implement the "one-card" application in more areas of people's livelihood services

The "one-card-for-all" system for transportation is advancing in an orderly manner, and 238 cities in 28 provinces have realized the use of cards and codes to take public transportation and subways. The "one-card-for-all" system for cultural experience is constantly expanding, and 242 cities in 28 provinces have opened functions such as borrowing books, entering museums, and entering cultural centers with cards. The "one-card-for-all" system for medical treatment and drug purchase continues to advance, and physical social security cards have achieved full coverage in the field of medical treatment and drug purchase.

(CCTV reporter Li Xin and Zhang Qianqian)

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