
Do all men and women born in the 1990s have to retire after the age of 65? Media: Netizens’ estimation, the article is from an unverified media


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On July 22, a message that "people born after 1990, regardless of gender, must retire after the age of 65" circulated on multiple online platforms, attracting public attention.

The reporter from The Paper noticed that the above news came from an article published on July 21 by a self-media WeChat public account called "Voice of Supervision". A sentence in the article, "People born after 1990 (including 1990) will be adjusted to retire at the age of 65, regardless of gender," was widely circulated after being screenshotted by netizens.

However, a reporter from The Paper found that the WeChat public account named "Voice of Supervision" did not have any official certification information, and previously it mainly reprinted and published departmental information from the State Administration for Market Regulation.

The official account that released the message was changed to "Unnamed" on July 22. Its subject information is personal and there is no official certification information.

Since the source of this news has no official endorsement, is the news itself true?

The above article begins by quoting the part about "actively responding to population aging" from the "Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Comprehensively Deepening Reforms and Promoting Chinese-style Modernization" released by Xinhua News Agency on July 21.

The original text of the Decision mentioned that "according to the principles of voluntariness and flexibility, the reform of gradually delaying the statutory retirement age should be promoted in a steady and orderly manner."

In other words, the decision does not have a clear statement that "people born after 1990, regardless of gender, must retire after the age of 65." The above-mentioned self-media account article, titled "Central Committee of the Communist Party of China: Steadily and orderly advance the reform of gradual delay of the statutory retirement age," is mixed with a large amount of content other than the original text of the "Decision," and is suspected of over-interpretation and over-exaggeration.

The original text of "The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China's decision on further deepening reforms in an all-round way and promoting Chinese-style modernization" released by Xinhua News Agency does not contain any statement that "people born after 1990, regardless of gender, must retire after the age of 65."

So where does this statement come from: “For people born after 1990 (including 1990), regardless of gender, the retirement age will be adjusted to 65”?

According to the above-mentioned self-media official account article, this conclusion comes from a "Retirement Age Comparison Table and Related Regulations" and a "2025-2055 Delayed Retirement Policy Age Calculation and Derivation Table". So is there an official basis for this table?

The reporter of The Paper found that this "2025-2055 Delayed Retirement Policy Age Calculation and Derivation Table" had appeared on the Internet platform at least in March or April this year. At that time, the self-media that reprinted this table clearly mentioned that the table was a calculation and derivation table made by netizens based on the prediction of some experts that "the retirement age will be delayed by a few months each year until it finally reaches 65 years old", and it was "for reference only".

In other words, the basis for making this table is the inference made by netizens based on the policy "forecasts" of some experts. Not only is there no official information to support it, it cannot be regarded as an interpretation of the "Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Comprehensively Deepening Reforms and Promoting Chinese-style Modernization" on "steadily and orderly advancing the reform of gradually delaying the statutory retirement age."

Previous online articles that published this table were marked "for reference only".

It is worth noting that in the article of the above-mentioned “Voice of Supervision” self-media WeChat public account, there is such a paragraph: “Before the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security officially announces the delayed retirement plan, it is difficult to accurately calculate how long each person will delay retirement. However, the so-called ‘gradual’ means gradually extending the retirement age bit by bit… Please note that 65 years old is not an absolute conclusion.”

This statement is obviously also a so-called "disclaimer" for the above-mentioned conclusion that "people born in the 1990s, regardless of gender, must retire after the age of 65."

Based on the above information, the so-called "people born in the 1990s, regardless of gender, have to retire after the age of 65" is merely an inference made by netizens based on the predictions of some experts and does not have any official source.