
LPL Summer Season BLG defeated JDG 2-1! Wei's first show rhythm took off, ELK was killed by Ruler many times


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In the LPL Summer Season BO3 group match between JDG and BLG, BLG started with jungler xun in the first game and wei in the second game. After the two sides fought for 3 games, BLG defeated JDG with a score of 2-1 and won the 3rd victory!

In the first game, JDG had Rumble on top, Mantis on jungle, Corki on mid, and Ashe and Leona on bottom; BLG had Quesanti on top, Brand on jungle, Tristana on mid, Senna and Ornn on bottom. JDG had a 2K lead in economy in the early game. At 2 minutes, Kanavi's Mantis killed xun's Brand in the jungle, and JDG took the first blood. At 13 minutes, Kanavi's Mantis killed xun's Brand in the jungle again, but he was also replaced by ELK's Senna. JDG had a 2K lead in economy in the early game. At 16 minutes in the mid game, Kanavi's Mantis killed xun's Brand in the jungle, and BLG pushed down the first blood tower in the bottom lane. At 25 minutes, BLG killed JDG's bottom lane duo in the middle lane and took the first dragon. At 28 minutes, Bin's Quesanti found an opportunity to drive the toothpaste flying, and BLG killed the toothpaste and Corki, and took the waiting dragon. At 31 minutes in the late game, sheer's Rumble was killed in the jungle, and BLG took the second dragon. At 34 minutes, Kanavi's Mantis stole the Dragon, while the rest of JDG killed two BLG top and support players in the jungle. At 36 minutes, when BLG was pushing together, Sheer's Rambo's ultimate skill started the fight, and JDG wiped out BLG and won the first game. The output of both sides in the first game was as follows: Toothpaste Corki dealt the highest damage in the game, and the highest damage on BLG's side was Knight's Tristana.

In the second game, BLG had Kennen on top, Maokai on jungle, Tristana in mid, and Caitlyn and Riel in bottom; JDG had Twisted Fate on top, Brand on jungle, Corki in mid, and Ezreal and Braum in bottom. At 2 minutes, Wei's Maokai ganked top and killed Sheer's Twisted Fate, and BLG got the first blood. At 10 minutes, JDG's bottom lane duo killed ELK's Caitlyn who was alone. At 14 minutes, BLG pushed down the top lane's first blood tower. In the early game, BLG had a 1K economic lead. At 16 minutes in the mid game, Ruler's Ezreal killed ON Riel. At 20 minutes, Ruler's Ezreal killed ELK's Caitlyn in the middle lane. At 24 minutes, the two sides fought for the little dragon, and Sheer's Twisted Fate was killed, and BLG took the first big dragon. At 26 minutes, Knight's Tristana killed Kanavi's Brand in a 1V2 match in the top lane, but he was also replaced. BLG won the second game head-on. MVP was given to Wei's Maokai.

In the third game, JDG had Crocodile on top, Lillia on the jungle, Corki on the mid lane, Jhin and Leona on the bottom lane; BLG had Gnar on top, Brand on the jungle, Tristana on the mid lane, Ezreal and Alistar on the bottom lane. At 6 minutes, JDG had three players ganking the top lane, and Bin's Gnar traded 1 for 1 in the stalemate, and BLG got the first blood. At 11 minutes, Ruler's Jhin killed ELK's Ezreal in the jungle. JDG had a 1K economic lead in the early game. At 18 minutes in the mid game, BLG took the Dragon. At 24 minutes, the two sides fought for the little dragon. Although JDG double-teamed and killed Wei's Brand first, BLG had higher damage, and Toothpaste Corki took the little dragon. BLG took the first big dragon after destroying JDG. At 29 minutes, BLG took the Water Dragon Soul. After that, the two sides fought in a melee, and BLG killed four JDG players and won the game.

So, what do you want to say about this game? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area.