
"Customs Front" challenges action scenes, Liu Yase: The premise of fighting for the role is to protect yourself


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Directed by Herman Yau, produced by Shao Jianqiu, written by Li Min and Li Sheng, with Nicholas Tse as the action director and leading actor, and starring Jacky Cheung, Karena Lam, and Catherine Liu, "Customs Front" is now in theaters. As a Hong Kong-style action film, the movie "Customs Front" focuses the camera on customs officers who have rarely been put on the big screen in the past, telling the thrilling story of their cracking of a major smuggling case. The film not only invited Jacky Cheung, who has not filmed for a long time, but also actress Catherine Liu, who also challenged action scenes for the first time. Clean and refreshing looks, cool and free temperament, brave and lovely personality. Catherine Liu treats acting with her heart and proves herself with her works.

For Liu Yase, she has never been in a comfort zone. Photo by Beijing News reporter Guo Yanbing

Before filming "The Customs Front", Liu Yase had a deep impression of Hong Kong action movies. Jackie Chan, Donnie Yen and other predecessors always took action seriously. She knew very well that it would be difficult to present the most perfect effect without personally taking part in the action. Nicholas Tse, who served as the action director of the film, is undoubtedly the core of the film. He often said that special effects and green screens cannot replace the real performance of the actors, and that you must pursue the real things when making a movie. These words deeply touched Liu Yase. "The action shooting is a very big challenge, and even many things are uncontrollable. You see a ball of fire and an explosion point. This is the case when there is no wind, but once there is wind, it is out of control. Every action scene in "The Customs Front" is extremely difficult. You have to keep your body flexible and the escape route accurate. For example, Brother Nicholas Tse was the one who was blown over. Every time he filmed on the set, we would watch him jump from a tall building, keep running to the explosion point, and have to control his emotions, perform, and speak lines. His professionalism infected everyone."

While filming an explosion scene with Nicholas Tse, Liu Yase was accidentally injured by the explosion. A large amount of foreign matter entered her eyes and scratched her cornea. After simple treatment, she quickly returned to the set to continue filming. She believed that "it's okay to be afraid, but the most important thing is the play." As the best actress at the Hong Kong Film Awards, Liu Yase, who devoted herself to the role, was named "the first reckless man in "Customs Front"" because she worked too hard for the role. In this regard, Liu Yase said, "The premise of working hard for the role is to protect yourself. It's not me who is working hard, it's the role. I have always been under pressure when filming. Everyone always says that actors have to jump out of their comfort zone. For me, I have never been in a comfort zone. Every time I shoot a scene, I hope I am a newcomer and can truly and truly present my first reaction and intuition as an actor. I still have a lot of room for improvement."

Liu Yase, who devoted herself to the role, was named "the most reckless man in "Customs Front"" because she worked so hard for the role.


Liu Yase: With more people paying attention to me, I should do a better job as an actor

Beijing News: What new perspectives did “Customs Front” give you on action scenes?

Liu Yase:It gave me a deep understanding of action scenes. I can act in action scenes and be beaten by others (laughs). After all, the psychological pressure of being beaten is not that great. And I really learned a lot from Brother Tingfeng this time, how to make the action more realistic, how to ensure the accuracy of the action scenes, I really want to be an action director.

Liu Yase said that she learned a lot of experience from Nicholas Tse this time.

Beijing News: Are you nervous about working with Nicholas Tse and Jacky Cheung for the first time in a commercial film?

Liu Yase:The pressure was so great that I basically didn't dare to talk to them. I had just come to Emperor Entertainment Group and was working with my senior Nicholas Tse. I also knew him very well. He was a very serious and hardworking person. How could you not be serious when working with your seniors? So, I didn't think it was a big deal that my eyes were injured. I could come again and it wouldn't affect the shooting progress.

Beijing News: After having been tempered by so many big-budget movies of different genres in the past two years, how has your mentality towards filming changed?

Liu Yase:When I was young, my mentality when I was filming was to support my family. At that time, survival was the first priority. Now it is different from before. I really hope to bring more to the role. A director invited me to play a college student before. I felt that my mentality, psychological age, and state were not adolescent, and I was not suitable for playing a college student. So I sincerely told the director that I was very grateful that you believed I could handle such a role, but I really couldn’t recover to the youthful state of 18 years old.

Liu Yase believes that hard work is always necessary.

Beijing News: You have a fighting spirit that even shocked Nicholas Tse. Where does this spirit come from?

Liu Yase:I don’t feel anxious when I’m not filming, but when I’m filming, I worry about not being able to play the role well every day. Sometimes after taking a scene, I would think, would it be better if I presented it in a different way? It turns out that this scene can be performed in this way! I often feel regretful after reflecting on it. Striving is always necessary. No matter what the scene is, if you don’t try your best, you will regret it.

Liu Yase hopes to make some good movies for the audience. Photo by Beijing News reporter Guo Yanbing

Beijing News: What changes have taken place in you since winning the Best Actress Award at the Academy Awards?

Liu Yase:To be honest, I have also changed. This honor is very important to me, and I find that at least more audiences are paying attention to me than before, so I should do a better job as an actor. Seriously speaking, I pay great attention to the choice of each role, and I hope to make some good plays for the audience. Maybe sometimes people don’t quite understand my choices, but at this moment, the role is very important to me. It allows me to complete a breakthrough, a transformation, and also helps me grow. I think the audience and I need to run in both directions. You understand my choices, and I will also be responsible for your expectations.

Beijing News reporter Zhou Huixiaowan Guo Yanbing

Editor Wu Longzhen

Proofread by Chen Diyan