
financial supervision bureau: urban real estate financing coordination mechanism promotes positive progress in guaranteed housing delivery


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the stable and healthy development of the real estate market is related to the overall economic and financial situation and the vital interests of the people.

on september 24, the state council information office held a press conference to introduce the relevant situation of financial support for high-quality economic development. li yunze, director of the financial regulatory bureau, introduced at the meeting:thanks to the joint efforts of all parties, the urban real estate financing coordination mechanism has achieved good present, commercial banks have approved more than 5,700 "white list" projects, approved financing amount of 1.43 trillion yuan, and supported the on-schedule delivery of more than 4 million housing units.

in recent years, the supply and demand relationship in my country's real estate market has undergone major changes. the continued slowdown in sales has led to tight liquidity for real estate companies, and some sold and under-construction projects are difficult to complete and deliver on schedule. to this end, the financial supervision administration, together with the ministry of housing and urban-rural development, has established a coordination mechanism for urban real estate financing.

"the biggest feature of this mechanism is that it is 'based on cities and centered on projects', which distinguishes the risks of real estate companies from the construction of real estate projects, gives full play to the coordination role of local governments, puts compliant projects under construction and sold into the 'white list', guides financial institutions to meet the reasonable financing needs of real estate projects, promotes the completion and delivery of project construction, and effectively protects the legitimate rights and interests of home buyers." li yunze said that driven by the coordination mechanism,financial institutions are continuously increasing their support for the real estate of the end of august, real estate development loans achieved positive growth compared with the beginning of the year, with real estate mergers and acquisitions loans and housing rental loans increasing by 14% and 18% respectively, providing strong financial support for promoting the stable and healthy development of the real estate market.

at the same time, in order to actively support rigid and improved housing demand, the financial regulatory administration, together with the people's bank of china, guided local governments to optimize the down payment ratio of personal housing loans based on local conditions, lowered housing loan interest rates, and increased support for housing loans.

"on this basis, we are cooperating with the people's bank of china to study how to steadily reduce the interest rates of existing personal housing loans, further reduce residents' mortgage expenditures, and enhance people's sense of gain." li yunze said that the financial regulatory administration will resolutely implement the decisions and arrangements of the party central committee and the state council on real estate work, further promote the implementation of the urban coordination mechanism, and earnestly do a good job of "all those who should enter should enter" and "all those who should lend should lend", resolutely win the battle to ensure the delivery of houses, and promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market.

reporter zhu yanxia

intern editor li haochen

editor: li mengxi

just announced! reduce the reserve requirement ratio, interest rate, and existing mortgage rates!the financial regulatory authority replied: agreed!the latest release from the people’s bank of china!