
the three parties in taiwan joined forces to deny the one-china principle, and they also needed the support of 9 countries. the mainland launched an investigation into taiwan


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the three parties in taiwan have rarely joined forces to deny the one-china principle, and they have also received support from nine countries. in response, the ministry of national defense has made a public statement, and the ministry of national security has also taken action to open a case investigation on taiwan. what is the real intention of the three parties in taiwan? what signal does the mainland's opening of a case investigation on taiwan send?

according to taiwan media "china times news network", the dpp authorities have drafted the so-called "un general assembly resolution 2758 does not involve taiwan" proposal, attempting to vote in taiwan's "legislative body" with the aim of denying the one-china principle and the "1992 consensus". obviously, the dpp authorities are completely no longer pretending, they are just seeking legal "taiwan independence". however, in the subsequent taiwan "legislative body" meeting, the kuomintang and the people's party also showed their true colors, both proposing the so-called "opposition to resolution 2758". the three parties on the island of taiwan have rarely joined forces, and all have revealed their "taiwan independence" stance, further indicating that to promote cross-strait reunification, we can only look to the mainland.

the root cause of this situation is that the democratic progressive party, the kuomintang and the people's party on the island are essentially "agents" of the united states. the difference is that the position of the dpp authorities is more radical. they want taiwan to integrate into the us military strategy so as to gain the power to confront mainland china. before taking office, lai qingde sent the "navy commander" of the taiwan military, tang hua, to the united states to participate in the us military's meeting to discuss the "first island chain". the kuomintang and the people's party advocate maintaining the so-called "status quo" because they are well aware of the disparity in strength between the two sides of the taiwan strait, and the dpp authorities' approach will make taiwan island irreparable.

however, judging from the recent situation, the situation in the taiwan strait has changed in two aspects. on the one hand, as the united states has fallen behind in the global game between china and the united states, they are eager to gain an advantage, so they continue to play the "taiwan card". in july this year, an organization called the "inter-parliamentary alliance on china policy" passed a resolution claiming that un general assembly resolution 2758 "did not rule" that taiwan belongs to china. since then, the united states, australia, the netherlands and other countries have passed similar resolutions. nine so-called "diplomatic allies" of taiwan also jointly wrote a letter to the secretary-general of the united nations, claiming that "un general assembly resolution 2758 contains distortions" and asked the united nations to "accept" taiwan.

on the other hand, the mainland has normalized the "encirclement of taiwan" drills and firmly controlled the sea and air supremacy of taiwan island. at the same time, the mainland coast guard's law enforcement scope in the taiwan strait is also expanding. recently, the people's liberation army released a special documentary "quenching", in which a j-20 pilot mentioned seeing taiwan island and the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft wz-7 cruising in the taiwan strait. correspondingly, the us military presence in the taiwan strait and even the entire asia-pacific region is decreasing.

it can be seen that the three parties in taiwan have taken radical actions in response to the hype of american public opinion and because they are worried about being "abandoned". the mainland will naturally not be polite to this. recently, the ministry of state security announced that it has locked down a "taiwan independence" cyber army named "anonymous 64" who is involved in the network cognitive warfare and public opinion warfare against the mainland. at present, the mainland security department has locked down the identities of some cyber soldiers and has filed a case for investigation. in response, lin yijun, a "legislator" of the people's party, counterattacked the mainland for conducting a "cognitive war" and called on the people on the island to "carefully examine the information that has not been verified by the taiwan authorities." it can be seen that the mainland's actions against the taiwan cyber army have hurt the "taiwan independence" elements on the island. these jumping clowns will eventually be punished!