
after the bp machine exploded, did the middle east orders shift to the mainland? taiwanese businessmen cannot accept it, 60% of the amount is affected


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after the massive explosion of hezbollah pagers in lebanon, middle eastern countries began to actively transfer orders to mainland china. at the same time, taiwanese companies received bad news one after another, and more than 60% of the amount was affected. why did middle eastern countries transfer orders? why did the losses of taiwanese companies continue to expand?

the recent large-scale explosion of bp machines in lebanon has become a focus of attention for countries around the world. recently, the un security council held an emergency meeting to discuss the current conflict between lebanon and israel.the delegates at the meeting took the initiative to issue a warning, emphasizing that the attack meant a continued escalation of the situation, and called on all parties to immediately stop hostilities to ensure peace and stability in the region. however, israel did not respond to the incident, and it seemed that it was prepared to remain silent. it is worth mentioning that the right-wing forces in israel were very happy about the bp explosion, believing that this was a successful counterattack, and declared that israel’s enemies would know what their final fate would be. however, in the view of some experts and scholars, the bp explosion in lebanon will not only cause serious damage to israel’s already poor international image, but will also directly cause a considerable impact on the united states’ status as a superpower. after all, the united states is israel’s biggest supporter.

as for why they chose to use obsolete equipment such as bp machines to launch attacks against hezbollah, it is mainly related to hezbollah’s “living habits”. in order to prevent being beheaded by the israeli air force, hezbollah’s top leaders basically gave up using telephones to communicate. daily information transmission is either through wired phones or bp machines, so this also created an opportunity for israel. it is reported that israel established a shell company in hungary, and then obtained technical authorization from taiwan’s "golden apollo" company to produce and assemble bp machines. during the manufacturing stage, israeli agents deliberately placed small explosives in the bp machines, and after specially compiling the internal code program, they sold them all to lebanon. the result is just as the outside world has seen. israel detonated the bp machine through remote control, causing huge casualties to hezbollah and the lebanese people.therefore, the explosion of the bp machine had two effects: first, hezbollah vowed to retaliate against israel. second, middle eastern countries shifted their orders.

according to local media, when some middle eastern countries place orders with taiwan's electronics industry, they will specifically require that the products must be manufactured in mainland china, and production in taiwan and other regions is not should be noted that, in addition to pagers, walkie-talkies, wired phones and headsets must all be made in mainland china. this situation has greatly annoyed the united states, but there is nothing it can do. after all, the united states' international credibility is basically zero. no one knows whether the united states has left a backdoor in these devices, so to be on the safe side,purchasing electronic products from mainland china, or purchasing products manufactured in mainland china, is the safest choice.some analysts believe that it is a very smart choice for middle eastern countries to transfer orders to the mainland, because the mainland has the most complete supply chain and the most stringent quality standards in the world, so there will basically be no unexpected situations.

however, in this case, the overall production operations of taiwan's electronic companies will be greatly affected. after all, the incident has already happened, regardless of whether it is related to taiwan's companies, the negative impact it has caused to taiwan's companies is difficult to fact, what is giving taiwanese companies on the island a headache is not only the crisis of trust, but also the countermeasures from the mainland.recently, the mainland has cancelled a number of policies that benefit taiwan and is gradually stopping concessions to taiwan. in this regard, lin zujia, a kmt cadre, said that after the suspension of three consecutive waves of policies that benefit taiwan, more than 60% of the amount of money on the island has been affected, which is very serious. he also specifically emphasized that if the lai qingde administration insists on its wrong attitude, then ecfa may be completely stopped. judging from the current situation, lin zujia's prediction is not sensational. the reason why the mainland makes concessions to taiwan is mainly to promote the unification process. however, the dpp always does things that eat and smash the pot, and the mainland will not tolerate this. economic countermeasures are only a means to promote reunification. if necessary, there will be other countermeasures. it depends on how long the dpp can keep its mouth shut.