
the young pioneers joining ceremony of sanchahe middle school in anxiang county: become the successor of communism


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huasheng online news (reporter: meng panpan) in order to enhance the young pioneers' sense of honor and responsibility and inspire students to love the motherland and the school, sanchahe middle school in anxiang county recently held a ceremony for the first-grade young pioneers to join the team. participating in the ceremony were ren shitou, deputy director of the school's moral education and safety department, meng panpan, counselor of the young pioneers, all teachers of the primary school of sanchahe middle school, and all students of the primary school of sanchahe middle school.
at 9:50, all the primary school students entered the venue in an orderly manner under the organization of their class teachers.
led by the host, li yingzi, the leader of the young pioneers of sanchahe middle school in anxiang county, the students sang the passionate team song, officially opening the ceremony. first, counselor meng panpan read out the list of young pioneers. the representatives of the senior young pioneers held the bright red scarves in their hands, slowly walked to the first-grade children, and carefully put them on. the children stroked the red scarves on their chests, with a firm light in their eyes, as if saying: "from today on, i am a glorious young pioneer!"
afterwards, teacher li yingzi led the new young pioneers to take a solemn oath. they raised their right fists and swore with powerful words, expressing their love for the motherland and their loyalty to the young pioneers. at this moment, they seemed to have been given a new mission and responsibility, and their hearts were filled with pride and glory.
finally, deputy director ren shitou spoke at the ceremony, expressing warm congratulations to the new young pioneers and also putting forward several hopes for them.
the joining ceremony ended successfully with the passionate team song. first-grade students, from now on, you are glorious young pioneers. i believe that in the days to come, they will practice their oath with their actual actions, become an excellent young pioneer, and bring glory to sanchahe middle school!
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