
you can dine in the restaurant and understand the perfect answer to aesthetics, humanity and modern life.


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peninsula omnimedia reporter hao chunmei

in the fall semester of 2024, for students studying at qingdao experimental junior high school, many good news have increased everyone's love and sense of belonging to the school. it turned out that in the summer vacation not long ago, the school carried out a large-scale "repair of the old as it was" and local fine-tuning. the nearly 100-year-old experimental junior high school has a new vitality and style, and what makes students and parents feel most intimate is that at the beginning of the new semester, students of the experimental junior high school can eat comfortably and steadily in the school cafeteria! the solution to this dining problem is what everyone expected and gratifying! from this incident, many people also experienced the troubles and happiness of qingdao experimental junior high school as a nearly 100-year-old famous school, and this renovation can be said to be a perfect answer to the school's teachers, students and society on aesthetics, humanities and modern life.

a new surprise in the new semester: you can dine in the school cafeteria now!

"this year, our child was lucky enough to be assigned to the experimental junior high school, and we parents are very happy. but i heard from other parents that it is a pity that the experimental junior high school does not have a student cafeteria like other schools in the surrounding area. however, today when i walked into the school and saw the newly built cafeteria, it was so clean and beautiful, and i felt relieved! i want to take a video and show it to the elderly at home to reassure them." these are the heartfelt words of a parent of a freshman in the class of 2024 of qingdao experimental junior high school.

for a long time, qingdao experimental junior high school has been synonymous with "good school" in the minds of students and parents in the island city with its high-quality school-running philosophy and strong school-running strength. therefore, every year during the enrollment season, qingdao experimental junior high school will become a popular choice for everyone. if there are any shortcomings in this school, it is that the school cafeteria was too small to accommodate students to eat in the cafeteria, but the meals made in the school cafeteria can still stand the test. "the only drawback is that we have to arrange someone to carry lunch to the classroom at noon every day. after covering it for a while, some green leafy vegetables are not green anymore, and some refreshing dishes are not refreshing anymore," said liu, a student who was feasting in the new cafeteria. now, dining in the newly renovated restaurant of the school is convenient, fast, clean, hygienic, nutritious and delicious, which is a great improvement.

18 million, the famous old school has a new look

qingdao experimental junior high school is located in the core area of ​​qingdao seaside scenic area and historical and cultural protection area. in addition to enjoying the unique blue sky, sea, red tiles and green trees, the school has also faced the problem of difficulty in school building renovation for many years, especially the fact that students have not had a place to eat in the cafeteria, which has also been a big stone on the hearts of successive principals. in 2024, the municipal education bureau invested more than 18 million yuan to comprehensively upgrade the school buildings of the experimental junior high school. during the demonstration and design stage of the project, the municipal education bureau and the school decided to take this comprehensive upgrade and renovation of the school building as an opportunity to deeply tap internal potential and must solve the pain point and difficulty of not having a student cafeteria.

therefore, the school cafeteria started construction on july 8, 2024 and was completed and delivered on august 27, which took 51 days and a total investment of more than 1.8 million yuan. the cafeteria has increased the dining area for students and reduced the dining area for teachers and staff. it can now accommodate 900 students at the same time, achieving a historic breakthrough in the history of the school with so many students dining in the cafeteria at the same time.

reporters learned that in addition to the school cafeteria being open for dine-in, this renovation and expansion project mainly repaired some school buildings, improved the campus environment and facilities, and resolved safety hazards. among them, building repair is the key work, mainly involving indoor and outdoor repair and installation projects such as teaching building no. 1, teaching building no. 2, and library building. according to the school, the total area of ​​the building repair is about 14,000 square meters, and the landscape improvement area is about 3,500 square meters. this renovation has brought a new experience to students at the beginning of the school year.

a perfect answer to aesthetics, humanity and modern life

of course, the hardware upgrade is only a small goal, and the school's philosophy and pursuit are once again fully demonstrated. in terms of restaurant renovation, this summer, the school re-determined the suppliers of bulk food ingredients through a strict bidding and screening process in accordance with food safety requirements. for canteen employees, pre-job training on food safety systems and knowledge was conducted to ensure the food safety of students in school. at the same time, in order to ensure the children's nutritional balance and taste matching, the school's nutritionist and chef jointly formulate a volume menu every week, which is reviewed by the school's principal and announced to the public for supervision. the school has set up a food safety rapid inspection room, equipped with professional food rapid inspection equipment, and has a dedicated person in charge. the canteen implements the "6t" management model and implements "color code" management within the canteen. establish and use advanced food procurement and warehousing management systems, and fully implement the intelligent meal sales system of face payment for student meals, which effectively solves the difficulty of parents' payment and the personalized dining requirements of teachers and students. the entire canteen has implemented "internet + bright kitchen and bright stove", realizing the interconnection and interoperability with the management platforms of education authorities, market supervision and other departments, and actively accepting supervision.

for the renovation of the teaching building, we also tried our best to balance "repairing the old as it is" with modern functions. for example, the unique features of the old building, such as the old carved doors and wall skirts of the no. 2 teaching building, have been retained, but the hardware facilities inside the classroom have been significantly improved, which has enhanced the user experience of teachers and students, and perfectly reflects the spiritual temperament of a well-established and famous school that has been passed down to this day. for example, the renovation of the central hall of the no. 1 teaching building has also implemented the aluminum closure renovation while retaining the original appearance to the greatest extent, ensuring that teachers and students are least affected in rainy and snowy weather. the entire renovation process has brought together the opinions and wisdom of cultural relics experts, designers, construction and other parties. these have preserved the spiritual outlook and cultural relics value of this nearly 100-year-old school while ensuring that the actual experience of teachers and students is better. qingdao experimental junior high school has handed in a perfect answer to aesthetics, humanities and modern life for teachers, students and society.
