
a man abandoned his wife and took the money to live with his new lover in a mountain village. he tried to have a child but failed, so he killed the woman and fled for 14 years. he was 71 years old when he was arrested.


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14 years ago, a murder occurred in shangxiang village, xichang city, sichuan province. a woman was killed at home. villagers found her body in the toilet of her home, but her "husband" zhang, who lived with her, was nowhere to be found.

the deceased was named zi, and after police investigation, zhang was suspected of committing the crime. in fact, local villagers have always been puzzled. zi and zhang were a "foreign couple" with a difference of more than ten years in age. zi was beautiful, but zhang was 57 years old. "i don't know why she fell in love with the man?" it was not until zhang was arrested this year that the truth came to light.

recently, a red star news reporter interviewed the police officers in charge of the case and local villagers to restore the details behind this bizarre murder case.

▲zhang (second from right) was arrested by the police

it turned out that zhang was a married man who was depressed because of the loss of his son in middle age, until he met the young and beautiful zi. in order to be with zi, zhang abandoned his wife, took away more than 200,000 yuan of compensation for his son's death, and lived with zi in shangcun village, xichang. zhang always wanted zi to "carry on the family line" for him, but later suspected that the other party had an affair. in addition, zi secretly took medicine to abort the child she had finally conceived, and the two quarreled. zhang killed zi and absconded...

at present, the local procuratorate has filed a public prosecution against zhang for suspected intentional homicide.

bizarre murder case:

a "foreign couple" came to the mountain village

woman murdered, man missing

when zhang returned to shangxiang village in xichang to identify the scene this year, he was already 71 years old and had a head full of white hair.

back in july 2010, a bizarre murder case occurred in shangxiang village, xixi township (now anha town), xichang city, which shocked the entire mountain village.

according to villager li mouxing's recollection, zhang and zi were "couples" who were outsiders. his home was not far from zhang's, and the two families had a good relationship. one day in july 2010, he found zi's two children sitting in front of the door. "the door was locked from the inside, and no one answered when i knocked." later, he took the two children to his home to settle down.

the next day, li mouxing found that the two had not returned home, so he and li moucai, a village cadre at the time, found a ladder and climbed over the wall to enter the yard. when they opened the door to the main room, they were shocked to find "a lot of blood in the main room". later, they found blood on the wall of the toilet, opened the toilet cover and found zi's body, and quickly called the police.

▲ zhang (second from right) points out the scene

police officers from the xichang public security bureau rushed to the scene immediately. "zi's neck and trachea were cut open by a sharp weapon, and his heart was pierced. it was obviously a homicide. after investigation, the main room was the first scene." the police officer in charge of the case said that zi was killed and the missing zhang was a major suspect. "we learned from the visit that they were outsiders and had been in the village for more than two years. they first rented a house and later bought this adobe house."

the villagers said that the couple was a good couple. zhang usually made a living by doing odd jobs, and later contracted land for farming; zi was a quiet person, and was more than ten years younger than zhang. the villagers were puzzled, "she (zi) was so beautiful at the time, why did she choose this old man?"

married man:

losing a child in middle age

he took away 200,000 yuan in compensation and left his wife to find a new lover

after the incident, the police investigated the identities of the two people and the results were shocking.

at that time, zhang was 57 years old and from huili, liangshan. although he lived in xichang, he actually had a family in huili and had a son. zi's hometown was butuo county, liangshan.

zi's ​​uncle mi said that in 2006, zhang and his son xiao zhang worked in a mine in huili, and zhang was responsible for guarding the explosives warehouse. that year, xiao zhang was unfortunately electrocuted to death at work, and zhang received a compensation. at that time, zi also lived in the mine. zi's husband used to work in the mine, but later died of illness, leaving behind 4 children. "the oldest was 15 years old, the second was only 13 years old, and the third and fourth were only a few years old."

zhang was depressed after losing his son in middle age and felt that his life had lost its meaning. however, when he saw the young and beautiful zi, he wanted to have another child. at that time, zi was burdened with four children and lacked support. later, the two lived together and he lied to zi that he was divorced.

the police went to zhang's hometown to investigate, and his wife zhao said: "i married him when i was 18 years old. later, our son was electrocuted to death and the whole family was very sad. he had a very bad temper and quarreled and fought with me every day." after a quarrel, zhang left without saying goodbye and never returned home. he also took away more than 200,000 yuan in compensation.

less than a year after his son's death, zhang and his son moved to shangxiang village and settled there as a "couple". his wife zhao said that she didn't know zhang had killed someone until the police came to investigate.

family members tell:

soon after mediating the conflict, i learned that the woman had died.

suspect arrested after 14 years on the run

in this way, zhang and zi lived together for more than three years. zi's uncle mi said that he did not have much contact with his niece, and had only met zhang once, "i was not optimistic about this relationship from the beginning."

as time went by, zhang and zi had conflicts and quarreled frequently. in july 2010, zi called her mother and complained that zhang had beaten her and that she couldn't live any longer. later, zi's family members rushed to mediate the conflict, and zhang also asked villagers li xing and his wife to help mediate.

"he knelt down in front of me and said that it was all his fault, and he would correct it, and there would be no second time, and he would hand over the four children, and he promised to do so." mi recalled that zhang admitted his fault in front of everyone, and zi's mother and daughter also forgave him. "based on the idea of ​​reconciliation rather than separation, the uncle couldn't say anything more."

however, a few days later, her family learned the bad news that zi had been killed and zhang had "disappeared from the face of the earth."

over the years, xichang police never gave up investigating the case and listed zhang as an online fugitive. it was not until march this year that police found zhang in miyi county, panzhihua city.

after investigation, the police from miyi and xichang arrested zhang in a remote mountain village. at this time, the 71-year-old zhang already had a head full of white hair.

in order to evade police pursuit, zhang has been hiding under a different name for 14 years, doing odd jobs to make a living and never daring to use his real name. "he never closes the door when he goes to bed, sleeps in his clothes, and carries all his luggage with him when he flees," the police said.

▲zhang is under police investigation

suspect's confession:

suspecting that the "wife" was having an affair

wanting a child but failing, he killed

after zhang was arrested, the police finally felt relieved. during the interrogation, zhang confessed that he wanted zi to bear a child for him. "she is 15 years younger than me, and i thought she was young and wanted to give me a son to carry on the family line..."

zhang abandoned his wife and got together with zi. later, he suspected that zi was having an affair and deliberately tried to catch her cheating, which made zi very unhappy and the two quarreled constantly. but local villagers said that zi was a very simple person, "as far as we know, zi would not do such a thing (cheating), and he has no evidence."

zhang said that in order to maintain their relationship, he bought a house in the village, and spent more than 100,000 yuan of his son's death compensation on daily expenses. his wish was that zi could give birth to a child for him. in 2010, zi was pregnant, and the news made him ecstatic. unexpectedly, an accident still happened.

zi felt that having another child would add burden to the family since they already had four children, so she secretly took medicine to induce abortion without zhang's consent. after zi aborted the child, zhang became even more suspicious...

on july 10, 2010, the two quarreled again. zhang said that on the night of the crime, zi had strangled his neck with a rope, and he was so angry that he killed zi. after the crime, he locked the door and escaped over the wall.

cao mingkai, red star news reporter jiang long, photo report