
anxiang county central kindergarten promotes mandarin publicity week


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huasheng online news (reporters yao jing and liu jiuyun) the third week of september is the national promotion of putonghua propaganda week. in recent days, anxiang county central kindergarten has carried out a series of putonghua promotion activities with the theme of "increasing the promotion of putonghua and laying a solid foundation for a strong country's language."
the kindergarten has launched initiatives to promote mandarin through display screens, home bulletin boards, and wechat public accounts, encouraging parents to participate and expand publicity and social impact.
in order to create a good atmosphere for activities in the kindergarten, the kindergarten has vigorously enriched the content and form of putonghua promotion activities according to the characteristics of children of different ages. teachers in the small group make full use of all aspects of daily life to jointly create a language communication environment, encourage children to communicate with teachers and peers in putonghua, and experience the fun of language communication. teachers in the middle group promote the significance of using putonghua to children, and provide children with an environment to demonstrate fluent putonghua, so that children can feel the charm of language and characters in poetry recitation. children in the large group make parent-child posters with their parents, and at the same time go out of the classroom and go to the campus radio station to tell stories before nap time to all children in the kindergarten.
through carrying out activities such as "calligraphy" and "lectures on teachers' ethics and style", teachers carefully comprehend the new trends in teachers' ethics and style, and become good promoters of putonghua.
promoting mandarin and building a strong language foundation for the country. this mandarin promotion week activity has allowed the seeds of daring to speak, loving to speak, and speaking mandarin well to take root in the hearts of children.
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