
is the huangpu river backflowing? is the riverside waterfront platform flooded? it’s time to clarify the misunderstanding about shanghai’s flood control wall


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on the morning of september 20, a netizen posted a message saying that typhoon prasang caused the huangpu river to backflow, and attached a video of the river water overflowing the embankment. in response, the shanghai rumor-refuting platform has clarified that the overflow was the cofferdam with a water replenishment function, and the real flood control function was the secondary retaining wall (main flood control wall) behind the cofferdam, with a height of 6.5 meters, and flood control safety was not affected.

however, similar posts on social media platforms continued to appear, and soon there were videos such as "xuhui riverside backflow" and "waterfront platform flooded". the video footage showed that the waterfront platform of xuhui riverside had been submerged by the surging river water, and the relevant footage also caused concern among some netizens.

screenshot of the online post

screenshot of the video circulating online

the shanghai rumor-refuting platform consulted the shanghai flood control office and learned that the picture was taken of the hydrophilic platform on the xuhui riverside, which can be submerged at high tide. the flood control wall that serves as a flood control function is located behind it. the current wind and rain conditions do not affect flood control safety.

in fact, the frequent news of "huangpu river backflow" is related to netizens' misunderstanding of urban flood control walls. in cities, flood control walls not only bear the heavy responsibility of flood control, but are also integrated with urban functions. therefore, they are not just a wall, but have different forms.

according to the function, the part above the ground is called the flood control wall, and the part below the ground level of the wall is the revetment (revetment). conventionally, urban flood control projects with both structures are collectively referred to as flood control wall projects.

it is not limited to the traditional "one wall to the top" form, but also has a multi-level combination form. between the various levels of the flood control wall in the multi-level combination form, hydrophilic platforms, ecological spaces, etc. can be made according to the terrain, forming a "gentle slope into the water" trend.

for example, the flood control wall of the bund section, combined with the comprehensive transportation reconstruction project in the bund area, moved the huangpu river coastline outward to the water side. the flood control wall adopts a hollow box structure to provide space for parking, business and tourism in the bund area. the flood control wall of the south bund section extends an arc-shaped viewing platform on the riverside where the herringbone-shaped old city streets and the river meet, and sets up a riverside platform entrance combined with flood control functions, which ensures visual transparency while providing a platform entrance that is sheltered from wind and rain.

some other areas have adopted a secondary flood control wall structure: the upper wall body and the lower revetment (revetment) structure are arranged separately, forming a two-level retaining wall with front revetment and rear wall body. the front revetment and rear wall body of the two-level retaining wall structure must be designed according to flood control wall standards.

in the previously popular video of the "huangpu river backflow", rihui port adopted a similar design. the cofferdam in the front is used to replenish water to rihui port during high tide, and the secondary retaining wall behind it is the one that actually undertakes the flood prevention function.

in recent years, with the improvement of the landscape function of urban rivers, multi-level combined flood control wall structures have become more and more popular. similar hydrophilic platforms have been set up in many places along the huangpu river and suzhou river in shanghai. they seem to be very close to the water surface and will be submerged when the water level rises. in fact, these sections have completed the secondary flood control wall transformation. while ensuring that the original height of the embankment is not reduced, the area close to the water surface is opened up to allow citizens to get close to nature.

it is worth mentioning that even if the flood control wall at a lower level is flooded, the higher flood control wall behind it will continue to protect the safety of the city.

in addition, the shanghai rumor-refuting platform also found during verification that some video shooters were suspected of intentionally misleading. for example, some only filmed the cofferdam and the waterfront platform, but not the real secondary flood control wall; some falsely called the scene of the "bebejia" attack a few days ago as the "prasang" scene. the above practices are suspected of misleading and falsifying. regarding flood control safety, it is recommended that netizens pay attention to official information, do not draw conclusions without authorization, and do not intentionally mislead.