
follow-up to the forced demolition of an orchard in ye county, henan: the resume of the deputy county magistrate was revealed, and it turned out to be not simple after reading it.


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as the saying goes, "building bridges and repairing roads will accumulate good karma", but i don't know since when, building roads has become a hot potato.

recently, a forced demolition of a pear garden occurred in ye county, henan did the people-benefiting project become such a chaotic scene? after reading the deputy county chief's introduction, i suddenly realized

it is understood that a college student who returned to his hometown in ye county had painstakingly run a pear orchard for ten years, but it was facing forced demolition due to a road construction project, and the two sides had serious differences over the issue of compensation.

the deputy county chief's words "you can sue me if you want" quickly escalated the incident and made it the focus of public opinion. what exactly happened?

we all know that building roads is to better develop the economy and facilitate people's travel. however, in this process, if the specific issues involved are not properly handled, it will cause trouble to the people.could it be that the ten years of hard work of this returning college student were written off so easily?

the core of the incident is actually the issue of compensation. is the pear orchard an "economic forest" or a "sporadic fruit tree"? this question seems simple, but it actually concerns the amount of compensation.

the deputy county magistrate's experience was exposed by netizens, and it turned out to be not simple after reading it.

logically, the government should actively communicate and coordinate to ensure that the interests of all parties are not harmed. however, from the current situation, it seems that this has not been done.

this time seems a bit weird.

the more i watch, the more outrageous it becomes.

i feel like something is not right.

as the forced demolition incident in ye county, henan province continues to ferment, netizens have different opinions.

some netizens believe that the deputy county magistrate’s attitude is too tough and lacks sincerity in communicating with the people. this approach will only intensify conflicts and is not conducive to solving problems.

some netizens also said that road construction is for long-term development and short-term pain is inevitable, but how come the deputy county magistrate started working at the age of 17?

let’s take a look at the deputy county magistrate. although he has a brilliant resume, he seemed to have made some mistakes in handling this incident.

perhaps, his professional qualities are impeccable, but when it comes to dealing with the masses, it is clear that the deputy county magistrate's appointment time is a bit unrealistic.

building roads is a good thing, but if the feelings of the people are ignored or even their interests are harmed during the implementation process, then the project will lose its original intention.

while promoting development, relevant departments should also listen to public opinion and properly handle every detail. only in this way can they truly serve the people instead of disappointing them.

what do you think about this? there is nothing wrong with building roads and there is nothing wrong with development.obviously, the deputy county chief's approach was not very appropriate.

also, his academic qualifications are questionable. he started working at the age of 17. what do you think about this?