
"70 years of the national people's congress" "little quick and smart" shows its skills


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huasheng online omnimedia reporter shi quanjiang
how long does a law need to be? the "regulations on the safety management of electric vehicle charging in residential areas of changde city" (hereinafter referred to as the "regulations") gives the answer: 5 articles with a total of more than 800 words.
as the country's first "small, fast and smart" local legislation to regulate the safety of electric vehicle charging, although the "regulation" is short in content, it provides strong legal guarantees for preventing and resolving electric vehicle charging safety issues in residential areas in changde city.
in recent years, hunan has leveraged its "small, fast and flexible" legislative advantages, striving to ensure that legislative topics are small, articles are few, content is precise and measures are practical, and has formulated a number of "small, fast and flexible" regulations with hunan characteristics.
targeted measures, legislation from a "small incision"
compared with the "big" legislative model, the "small, fast and smart" model has the significant characteristics and advantages of precision, speed and efficiency. it is an important legislative form that reflects local characteristics and solves stubborn governance problems.
in late august, the reporter walked into yongle garden community in wuling district, changde city, where charging piles were lined up and electric vehicles were parked in an orderly manner.
"our community has more than 400 households and more than 1,200 people. it used to be an 'old, dilapidated and small' community." yang juxiang, director of the community's property management committee, told reporters that due to the lack of public charging piles, residents used to charge their batteries in the corridors or at home, which posed a serious safety hazard. after the implementation of the regulations, it became a legal requirement to organize the construction of electric vehicle charging facilities in built residential communities. the local government put the construction of community charging piles on the agenda, and residents now have a place to charge their electric vehicles.
in 2022, regarding the "small-scale" topic of electric vehicle charging safety, laws, administrative regulations and local regulations of the province have not yet made clear provisions. the standing committee of the changde municipal people's congress faced the problem directly and went straight to the point, listing the "changde city residential community electric vehicle charging safety management regulations" as a 2022 legislative project.
from the public solicitation of "small, fast and smart" legislative proposal projects on march 15, 2022 to the decision of the directors' meeting on march 29 to include them in the legislative plan, a total of two weeks took place, which fully demonstrated the characteristics of the "small, fast and smart" legislative project with fast approval.
subsequently, relevant special committees of the changde municipal people's congress, the changde municipal justice bureau, the drafting department and other relevant units participated in the process, conducting collective research, collaborative investigations, integrating resources, and concentrating on tackling key issues. when problems were discovered, they were negotiated on the spot. if problems could not be resolved through on-site consultations, they were promptly reported to the main responsible persons of the unit and even the municipal leaders in charge for decision-making, which greatly improved the efficiency of legislation.
the "small, fast and smart" legislation involves simple issues, has a simple structure and concise provisions, and is less difficult to review, meeting the necessary conditions for further shortening the review period. the draft regulations were reviewed for the first time on may 16, 2022, and voted on and passed after the second review on june 28. it took less than three months from the formal establishment of the project to the vote, which greatly improved the efficiency of legislation.
adhering to the problem-oriented approach, in recent years, the people's congresses at all levels and their standing committees in our province have done a good job in the three aspects of "direction, norms, and implementation" of high-quality legislation, identified the "small incisions", made good use of "small and fast", continuously explored and innovated local legislative experience, and insisted on "urgent needs first".
in 2023, the standing committee of the provincial people's congress formulated seven local regulations, including four "small, fast and smart" projects; the standing committees of the municipal and prefectural people's congresses formulated 30 local regulations, including 20 "small, fast and smart" projects, providing solid legal guarantees for promoting solutions to urgent problems facing the people.
breaking the routine and running at an accelerated pace of legislation
on november 30, 2023, the sixth session of the 14th provincial people's congress standing committee voted to pass the "several provisions on the prevention and control of severely polluted weather in hunan province", which is the first provincial local regulation in the country on the prevention and control of heavily polluted weather. it is reported that in november of that year, the provincial government proposed a relevant proposal, which was reviewed and approved by the provincial people's congress standing committee at one time and will be implemented on january 1, 2024.
during their research in zhuzhou, the research team of the standing committee of the provincial people's congress found that the urban sewage pipe network had serious problems of wrong connection, missed connection and mixed connection, and promptly put forward legislative suggestions. it took only more than half a year from entering the legislative plan to drafting, revising and then reviewing and passing the "several regulations on the construction, operation and management of urban sewage pipe networks in hunan province".
in recent years, the people's congresses at all levels in hunan province have insisted on taking practical problems that need to be solved as the starting point for legislation, integrating the forces of all parties to run the legislation "accelerated". although the legislation is "fast", no procedure can be omitted.
written opinions were solicited from relevant provincial departments, 14 municipal and prefecture governments, and various grassroots legislative contact points; legislative experts were invited to discuss key issues such as targeted governance measures; legal provisions were reviewed and voted on in accordance with legal procedures... the introduction of each local law strictly implements the requirements of scientific legislation, democratic legislation, and legislation in accordance with the law, gathering public opinion and concentrating people's wisdom.
when revising the "measures for the implementation of the red cross society of the people's republic of china law in hunan province", the standing committee of the provincial people's congress conducted in-depth research in various cities, prefectures, counties, and districts, and widely solicited opinions. more than 99,000 legislative research questionnaires alone were distributed to the public to fully listen to the suggestions and demands of the general public.
"'small, fast and smart' legislation has a small scope, quick response and flexible form, which is more conducive to solving prominent problems that the people have strong reactions to and concentrated opinions on." a relevant person in charge of the provincial people's congress legal affairs committee said that in the future, "small, fast and smart" legislation will continue to be promoted to inject new impetus into helping hunan's high-quality economic and social development and solving the people's urgent problems.
make laws and regulations more down-to-earth, more in line with the people's wishes, and more able to alleviate people's concerns
provincial people's congress legal affairs committee, standing committee legal affairs committee
with the acceleration of the process of socialist democracy and the rule of law in my country, "small, fast and flexible" legislation is increasingly becoming a practical issue that local legislation in the new era must pay attention to, study and practice, and promoting "small, fast and flexible" legislation is increasingly becoming a consensus among local legislators.
whether it is implementing local legislation, supplementary local legislation, or exploratory local legislation, "small, fast and flexible" legislation requires that local legislation should be "simple" in style and avoid being "large and comprehensive". the provisions should be "tailor-made" for the problems, with as many provisions as needed and as many provisions as mature, facing the existing problems and proposing targeted legal measures.
legislation is a major issue, which requires both "bulky" and "small and quick". we need to always maintain the attitude of "following up the people's expectations with legislation", fully grasp the functional characteristics of local laws such as implementation, supplementation and exploration, so that laws and regulations can be more down-to-earth, more in line with the people's wishes, and better address the people's concerns.
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