
being a good "four members" and working hard to relieve difficulties and strengthen confidence - hunan has carried out a special action to deliver and solve the "two heavy" and "two new"


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zheng xuan, omnimedia reporter of huasheng online
advance the implementation of major national strategies and the building of security capabilities in key areas, promote a new round of large-scale equipment upgrades and trade-ins for old consumer goods... "two heavy" and "two new" are major decisions and deployments made by the cpc central committee and the state council, which take into account both the present and the long-term.
since september, a special action focusing on "two heavy" and "two new" has been launched in hunan. going to the grassroots, industrial parks, and enterprises, delivering policies, solving problems, and providing excellent services... the whole province is fully linked to make the policy dividends of "two heavy" and "two new" benefit all over hunan.
being a good "four members", the working group went to the park enterprises in batches
on august 30, a mobilization meeting for the province's special action to improve the quality of "two heavy" and "two new" was held. according to the deployment, the province's cadres will focus on promoting the implementation of major policies and measures such as "two heavy" and "two new" within one month, and focus on promoting the resolution of a number of urgent problems faced by enterprises and the public.
the deployment was in place and action was taken immediately. the province quickly started the "rhythm" of delivering and optimizing the "two heavy" and "two new" services. seven working groups were set up at the provincial level to provide guidance in batches to cities and prefectures to promote the orderly implementation of special operations.
on september 6, du zhonghua, member of the party leadership group and deputy director of the provincial development and reform commission, led the first working group of the provincial "two heavy" and "two new" special action to wangcheng district and ningxiang city in changsha to interpret policies on the spot and answer questions for enterprises.
how to apply for equipment renewal projects? what conditions must be met for equipment renewal and technological transformation in the industrial field? "after listening to the briefing, i feel much clearer!" many companies such as changsha decathlon and commscope communications reported that the policy interpretation brought them "timely relief."
different industries have different production scenarios and different policy needs. the working group visited enterprises in depth to understand their business characteristics and provide advice on how to apply policies.
feiyi co., ltd., located in ningxiang economic development zone, is the only leading enterprise in the world that can provide overall solutions and complete sets of equipment for solid waste paste filling in the entire mining field. at present, the company has applied for a special loan for large-scale equipment renewal, and the working group has provided guidance and suggestions on the follow-up work on site.
in just a few days, seven working groups set out one after another, each working group "sinking" to two cities and prefectures, and quickly launched the "two heavy" and "two new" special actions. in zhuzhou and xiangtan, the third working group held a policy tour; in shaoyang and yongzhou, the seventh working group guided enterprises on-site to apply for subsidies...
at present, provincial working groups are going deep into industrial parks and enterprises to understand the situation, find out the needs, collect problems, and provide on-site services. their goal is to serve as "policy propagandists, difficulty coordinators, work liaisons, and investigation researchers" to ensure that policies are delivered, problems are solved, and services are optimized.
online and offline efforts are made to deliver favorable policies to thousands of enterprises and households
on september 10, a live broadcast of the "two heavy" and "two new" policies was launched on the douyin account of "chenzhou high-tech government affairs". the government affairs anchor was eloquent and attracted 4,000 viewers within 2 hours of the live broadcast, with more than 200 interactive messages.
in order to explain the policies thoroughly and make good use of them, yueyang city launched a special section for "two heavy" and "two new" policies on the official mobile service platform "yueban yuehao", covering 11 columns such as overall plan, industrial field, and old-for-new exchange of consumer goods. enterprises and consumers can browse relevant policies by simply clicking on the corresponding options on the mobile phone screen according to their own needs.
in accordance with the province's unified deployment, in recent days, all cities, prefectures, counties, districts, and parks have referred to the province's practices and deployments, established and improved promotion mechanisms, and made efforts online and offline to promote an efficient start to the special action to deliver and optimize the "two heavy" and "two new" areas.
changsha city has compiled a policy list and an electronic pocket book through the "changsha huiqitong" platform, set up 224 working groups and 51 special working groups, and more than 10,000 enterprise liaison cadres have linked up with more than 14,000 regular enterprises and key small and medium-sized enterprises. the first round of visits has been completed.
in xiangtan high-tech zone, the park made its own "two heavy" and "two new" policy notices, and 6 working groups delivered the policies to more than 200 enterprises. the online "xiao gao talks about government affairs" video account was launched, and 7 cloud interpretation and cloud guidance videos were released.
loudi city has comprehensively sorted out the list of enterprise-related policies such as "two heavy" and "two new", and adopted a combination of "policy supermarket" platform + "enterprise lectures" to increase the intensity of policy publicity and interpretation.
in xiangxi prefecture, more than 1,000 cadres from eight working groups visited counties, cities, towns and enterprises at least three times, each time for at least three days. during the action, each working group also invited deputies to the national people's congress and members of the chinese people's political consultative conference to participate, to ensure that the policies were truly implemented in enterprises and at the grassroots level.
focus on solving urgent problems and fully stimulate the vitality of enterprise development
since the launch of the province's special campaign to provide better solutions to the "two heavy" and "two new" problems, scenes of delivering policies in "various forms", solving problems "proactively knocking on doors", and providing better services "with heart and soul" have been staged one after another.
"the national development and reform commission is wholeheartedly helping, and its favorable policies are beneficial to enterprises and heartwarming." recently, relevant person in charge of huaan gangbaoli high-tech automotive plate processing (loudi) co., ltd. came to the office building of loudi municipal development and reform commission and presented a banner to express their gratitude.
huaan gangbaoli high-tech automotive plate processing (loudi) co., ltd. is a wholly foreign-owned enterprise jointly funded by the spanish gangbaoli steel group and valin arcelormittal automotive plate co., ltd. on september 10, the company's third phase project, the world's first integrated production line for laser ablation and welding door rings, was put into production.
"it took only nine months from the start of the project to the start of production." a relevant person in charge of the company said that this was inseparable from the efficient and high-quality services provided by the development and reform department in project construction and in the processing of tax exemption and reduction procedures for imported equipment.
it turned out that during the purchase of imported equipment, staff from the loudi municipal development and reform commission visited the company and found that the project was in compliance with relevant industrial policies. they proactively issued a "confirmation letter for domestic and foreign investment projects encouraged by the state" to the company and processed tax exemptions and reductions for imported equipment, which played a positive role in promoting the early completion and production of the project.
in order to enable more enterprises to have a deeper understanding of the policies and enjoy considerate services, the yiyang municipal development and reform commission took the lead and the municipal working group followed the "one enterprise, one case, one enterprise, one policy" model, went deep into counties, cities, and industrial parks, collected 243 problems from 173 enterprises above the designated size, established enterprise files for optimal solutions, and classified them for resolution.
at present, all parts of the province are vigorously promoting the special action of "two heavy" and "two new" delivery and solution. changsha free trade zone has set up a third-party public welfare service center for delivery and solution of airport services, and hired specialized institutions and professionals to help enterprises solve practical difficulties in production and operation, such as employment training and labor disputes, and stimulate the vitality of enterprise development.
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