
minister of commerce wang wentao holds consultations with eu executive vice president and trade commissioner valdis dombrovskis


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on the morning of september 19, local time, chinese minister of commerce wang wentao met with european commission executive vice president and trade commissioner valdis dombrovskis at the eu headquarters to conduct comprehensive, in-depth and constructive consultations on the eu's anti-subsidy case against china's electric vehicles. both sides clearly expressed their political will to resolve differences through consultations, agreed to continue to promote negotiations on the price commitment agreement, and fully committed to reaching a solution acceptable to both sides through friendly dialogue and consultations.

china pointed out that the european commission initiated an anti-subsidy investigation on electric vehicles without an application from the eu industry, and the ruling was non-compliant, unreasonable and unfair. although china cannot agree with or accept this, it has always been sincere and worked hard to properly resolve the issue through dialogue and consultation. the chinese industry proposed a price commitment solution within the time limit of the investigation procedure of this case, and further improved it according to the concerns of the eu, fully demonstrating the maximum flexibility and sincerity. china urges the eu to earnestly implement the important consensus reached by the leaders of china, france and the eu on properly handling economic and trade frictions through dialogue and consultation, and take positive actions to meet each other halfway. if the eu insists on implementing unreasonable tax measures, china will firmly make necessary responses to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises.

china stressed that it has always used trade remedy measures prudently and with restraint to safeguard fair and free trade. the trade remedy investigations launched against the eu were all initiated at the request of domestic industries, in line with chinese laws and wto rules, and conducted in strict accordance with laws and regulations, in an open and transparent manner. china has the responsibility to safeguard the legitimate demands and legitimate rights and interests of domestic industries.

the two sides also exchanged views on other economic and trade issues.