
cctv leaked the "secret", and the strongest combat power of our army was exposed: except for the united states, no third country can do it


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in the sixth episode of the cctv documentary "quenching" titled "working together to create excellence", the "systematic" combat power of my country's air force was shown to the outside world for the first time! the kj-500, in cooperation with the electronic warfare aircraft, j-16, wz-7 and the h-6k carrying the eagle strike-12, not only successfully defeated a missile sneak attack by the "enemy carrier-based aircraft" in the far sea by relying on the electronic warfare aircraft, but also discovered the "enemy aircraft carrier formation" by relying on the wz-7's supernatural reconnaissance capability, and guided the h-6k to launch the eagle strike-12 supersonic anti-ship missile to attack it!

although everyone used to regard the kj-500 as just an "early warning aircraft", in the air forces of major powers, the kj-500 also has the ability to "command and control" the air fleet. after discovering the threat target, it can directly command the fighters, drones or bombers in the formation to perform the corresponding combat missions. and with the establishment of my country's wide-area monitoring network, the kj-500 can also rely on various sensors distributed on drones, unmanned boats, and even satellites to greatly expand its early warning and control range, making itself a key "node" in "system" operations!

in this episode, cctv used the pla air forcea "systematic long-distance ocean training" in 2024taking the mission process as an example, it shows us what the air force's "systemic combat" is all about. from the beginning of the film, the ground crew rushed to various parking points to prepare for takeoff. this training should also be in an "emergency state", which is in line with the "close to actual combat" training policy emphasized by our army in recent years. through the lens, we found that in this air force's "systematic long-distance sea and ocean training" mission, in addition to the kj-500 serving as the air warning command, there are also j-16 and h-6k, as well as the "wuzhen-7" high-altitude long-endurance unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, which rarely appeared before but is very important!

although the film did not disclose which airport the air force took off from for this exercise and where the mission sea area was, the officers and soldiers on the kj-500 said, "our formation needs to reach the target sea area within 20 minutes." if we calculate based on the cruising speed of the kj-500 of 550 kilometers per hour, the mission sea area may be about 200-300 kilometers away from the mainland. after each aircraft took off, the kj-500 began to push "situation information" to each aircraft group, sending all the currently available intelligence to each aircraft in the formation in advance so that they can prepare for the response. this is actually using the power of the "system" to allow our formation to seize a certain advantage in a "hidden" state, so that the "enemy" will be at a disadvantage before encountering us.

after arriving at the mission area, the formation began the "multi-aircraft coordinated training" mission. relying on its detection capability of hundreds of kilometers, the kj-500 first discovered two "enemy aircraft". but perhaps because of the long distance, it failed to obtain all the target parameters, so the crew continued to track and monitor it. but soon after, the kj-500 crew suddenly issued a "missile attack" alarm, although it did not specify the target of the missile. but from the subsequent kj-500 crew's order "no. 1, retreat quickly, and quickly descend in altitude", it should be the j-16 or wrs-7 in the front of the formation, not the kj-500 and h-6k deployed relatively far back.

faced with this sudden "enemy situation", the crew of the kj-500, which is the "airborne early warning and control center" of the current fleet, did not panic. after ordering the fighter planes in front to descend and evade, they immediately issued an order to "increase the interference power" to the electronic warfare aircraft in the formation. although the "electronic warfare aircraft" did not appear in this episode, in the shots of the previous aircraft taking off, the rear half of the y-9g (gaoxin-11) electronic warfare aircraft did slowly pass through the camera, and its iconic "big bulges" and "radar skins" on both sides of the rear fuselage were still very conspicuous. so at this time, when facing the "enemy" missile attack, the kj-500 will order the y-9g "electronic warfare aircraft" in the formation that has the ability to interfere with and destroy enemy radars and data links to take action!

after dealing with the danger of the "enemy aircraft" missile attack, the kj-500 immediately began to deploy a "counterattack": first, it ordered the j-16 to "quickly move forward" and "search for the fighter take-off platform along the direction of the aircraft (enemy aircraft) attack." this shows that the air force has set the "us aircraft carrier battle group" as the "imaginary enemy" for this far-sea and ocean system exercise, so the "enemy aircraft" that just appeared on the kj-500 radar and took the lead in launching a missile attack on our fighter formation should be the carrier-based fighter from the "us aircraft carrier." however, the "enemy carrier-based aircraft" immediately turned off the fire control radar and took evasive action after launching the missile, which led to the kj-500's temporary "failure to locate" its whereabouts. this means that the kj-500 cannot provide the "enemy aircraft" position information to the j-16 that is forward to search for the enemy to help it intercept or pursue operations.

however, the temporary successful escape of the "enemy carrier-based aircraft" after the sneak attack does not mean that our air force's offshore formation has no way to deal with it! since the kj-500 is temporarily unable to search for "enemy aircraft" or "enemy aircraft carrier" due to the distance and position, the wz-7 high-altitude unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, which has a range of thousands of kilometers and can come and go freely in the enemy's firepower circle, can now rely on the high-definition cameras, infrared imaging, synthetic aperture radar and other equipment carried on board to become a pair of "clairvoyant eyes" of the kj-500 extending hundreds or thousands of kilometers ahead of the formation!

after the camera turned from the distant sea to the land, the "air force aviation uav control room" appeared in front of everyone. our air force uav control room is deployed in a field tent, and a number of auxiliary vehicles are parked outside the tent. in addition to an officer in the middle of the tent, there are at least 12 computers and operators on both sides. there are also 3 large-screen monitors hanging on the front wall, which should display the real-time reconnaissance images of the wz-7 and the battlefield situation information of our formation - this is the rear ground control center for the control and information processing of the wz-7.

the "enemy aircraft" or "enemy fleet" information sent back by the wz-7 will be processed here, and after verification, it will be immediately uploaded to the kj-500 early warning aircraft in front, and then the kj-500 will assign the "enemy" strike mission to the h-6k. after receiving the strike mission from the kj-500, the h-6k will set the attached strike parameters to the yj-12 supersonic anti-ship missile it carries and immediately launch it at the target.

although the film only shows the h-6k launching one eagle strike-12 supersonic anti-ship missile, which naturally cannot harm the us aircraft carrier battle group in actual combat, but a h-6k can carry up to four eagle strike-12s with a range of more than 400 kilometers. in actual combat, we will definitely dispatch multiple h-6k formations to launch a "saturation attack" on the us aircraft carrier battle group.

even though the eagle strike-12 is a rare and excellent supersonic anti-ship missile in the world today, and it also has the ultimate strike capability of flying over the sea, its short range is still extremely dangerous for the launch platform. therefore, the h-6k also began to carry the latest air-launched version of the eagle strike-21 hypersonic missile for training. after all, this new generation of anti-ship missile with a top speed of 8-10 mach and a range of 1,500 kilometers can keep our strike platform out of the long-range interception circle of the us aircraft carrier battle group at all times!

it can be said that the "system strike" capability of the chinese air force announced by cctv in this episode of "quenching" has proved that our army has the ability and determination to launch a devastating attack on "foreign forces" that blatantly interfere in our internal affairs! at the same time, the people's liberation army also demonstrated this "system strike" capability that only china and the united states have in the world today to "strike" nato or some neighboring countries that want to "make trouble" in the sea and air near china. after all, getting a broken warship to the south china sea or crossing a strait does not mean that they really have the strength to challenge the chinese army!