
in 2009, a female singer from liaoning disappeared in singapore and repeatedly told her mother in her dreams: i am trapped on the 6th floor of a building


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crying for help in a dream

"mom, i'm trapped on the sixth floor of the building, please come and save me!"

ever since her daughter mysteriously disappeared in singapore, zhang xiangyun has often been awakened by the same dream.

although she is an atheist, she does not believe in metaphysics such as dreams.

but the dream was so real, not only could i see my daughter asking for help, but even the address was clear...

where is that daughter?

can zhang xiangyun find her daughter through this dream?

the last contact

november 7, 2009, is a day that zhang xiangyun will never forget.

that day, she received a call from her daughter han yanfei.

han yanfei's voice on the other end of the phone was filled with happiness.

"mom, i'm going to the maldives for vacation with my boyfriend! the beaches there are so beautiful. i will definitely bring you some souvenirs."

zhang xiangyun heard the excitement in her daughter's tone and felt both happy and worried.

i was happy that my daughter seemed to have found someone to rely on, but i was worried whether this boyfriend whom i had never met was reliable.

however, she still smiled and told her daughter to be safe and enjoy her vacation.

in the early morning of the next day, han yanfei's roommate xiaoai received a short message: "we're here. it's so beautiful. i'll show you photos later."

this became the last trace left by han yanfei.

after that, neither zhang xiangyun nor xiao ai could contact han yanfei anymore.

clues in dreams

after confirming the news of her daughter's disappearance, zhang xiangyun felt dizzy.

she couldn't believe that her daughter just disappeared like that.

the day-to-day waiting almost broke her spirit.

just when she was about to despair, a strange dream appeared.

in the dream, han yanfei was standing in a tall building by the sea, calling for help: "mom, i'm on the sixth floor of this building, come and save me!"

the dream was so real that zhang xiangyun could still smell the salty smell of the sea breeze when she woke up.

afterwards, this dream began to appear frequently, with the same scene and the same words each time.

reason told zhang xiangyun that this was just a fantasy of a man who missed his daughter so much.

but the mother's intuition kept reminding her: maybe, this was really her daughter asking her for help?

with this crazy idea, zhang xiangyun decided to go to singapore in person to find her daughter.

the difficult journey of finding a girl

when zhang xiangyun set foot on the land of singapore, her heart was filled with anxiety and hope.

this strange city is mysterious and daunting to her, but for the sake of her daughter, she is willing to overcome all difficulties.

every morning, zhang xiangyun gets up early and starts her search journey with her daughter's photo and a simple english vocabulary book.

she walked every road in singapore, from the bustling city center to the remote industrial area, and she was unwilling to miss any possibility.

however, reality is always cruel.

every inquiry was met with a shake of the head, and every search ended in disappointment.

zhang xiangyun often broke down and cried on unfamiliar street corners, but after wiping away her tears, she would pick herself up again and continue her seemingly futile search.

the turning point of the case

just when everyone was about to give up hope, the case took a dramatic turn.

one morning, local police found a male body on the beach in east coast park.

after identification, the deceased turned out to be huang yongshun.

what is even more shocking is that the police investigation found that huang yongshun was not a malaysian tycoon at all, but an ordinary white-collar worker working in singapore and had a happy family.

this discovery was like a heavy hammer, completely shattering the only remaining hope in zhang xiangyun's heart.

immediately afterwards, the police found an unidentified female corpse in the nearby sea.

zhang xiangyun was extremely anxious, fearing that it was her own daughter.

however, the results of the dna comparison disappointed her again: the deceased was not han yanfei.

thick fog

rather than revealing the truth, these discoveries made the entire case even more confusing.

the police investigation hit a dead end, and even huang yongshun's family knew nothing about what he had done.

zhang xiangyun was forced to return to china, but her heart could not be at peace.

the dream about the seaside building began to become more frequent, and each time it became clearer, as if urging her to continue searching.

the mother who never gives up

after returning to her hometown, zhang xiangyun started a new "job": recording in detail every dream related to her daughter.

she bought a thick notebook and carefully wrote down every detail of her dream, hoping to find clues.

she contacted the singapore police again and told them the contents of her dreams.

however, all i got was a polite and perfunctory response.

reason told her that these dreams might just be fantasies caused by a man who missed his daughter too much, but her mother's intuition insisted that there must be something hidden in them.

the search alone made zhang xiangyun exhausted both physically and mentally.

sometimes, she would wake up in the middle of the night, unable to distinguish reality from dreams;

sometimes, she would mutter to herself in front of her daughter's photo, as if she was having a conversation with her.

many times, she was on the verge of collapse, but every time she wanted to give up, her daughter's cry for help in her dream would ring in her ears, giving her the courage to continue searching.

but then again.

why would my daughter go to singapore?

traps on the road to dreams

all this can be traced back to han yanfei's personal experience.

han yanfei was born in 1983 and grew up in a happy family.

however, fate always likes to play tricks on people.

the marriage that began as an adult fell apart after just two years, leaving behind only a scarred heart and a divorce certificate.

then, my father's business suddenly collapsed and went bankrupt.

the once warm little home was suddenly shrouded in the shadow of economic difficulties.

just then, something a friend said gave her hope.

"singapore lacks talented singers like you."

"the bars there are high-end and the salary is generous. you will definitely be able to show your talents there."

these words were like a shot of adrenaline, giving han yanfei hope of escaping the predicament.

in the spring of 2009, with a beautiful vision for the future, 26-year-old han yanfei boarded a flight to singapore.

little did she know at that moment that a nightmare was waiting for her.

the cruel reality

it turned out that the so-called "high-end bar" was actually a shabby and cramped shop, with the air filled with a mixed smell of cheap perfume and alcohol.

han yanfei not only had to sing in such an environment, but also had to act as a waiter, serving plates, pouring wine, and dealing with drunk guests.

what made her even more desperate was the trap in the contract.

the high penalty for breach of contract made her dare not act rashly, and she had to continue working with humiliation.

every night, when she dragged her exhausted body back to her rental house, she would stare at her haggard self in the mirror in a daze:

is this really the life i want?

false love

just when han yanfei was about to give up hope, the god of fate seemed to finally smile at her.

a man claiming to be a wealthy malaysian businessman walked into the bar where she worked.

his name is huang yongshun. he is handsome and elegant, and he doesn't fit in with the other guests in the bar.

huang yongshun took special care of han yanfei, often ordering her favorite songs and giving her generous tips.

gradually, the two began to talk, and han yanfei discovered that huang yongshun was not only successful in his career, but also humorous and considerate.

in the difficult situation in a foreign country, huang yongshun was like a warm harbor, making han yanfei feel the long-lost sense of security.

however, what she didn't know was that this relationship was pushing her into a deeper abyss.

unsolved mysteries

today, many years have passed since han yanfei disappeared, but the truth remains unclear.

this case left three unresolved mysteries: the whereabouts of han yanfei, the cause of huang yongshun's death, and the identity of the unidentified female corpse.

these mysteries not only tormented zhang xiangyun, but also became a problem for the singapore police.

despite the slim hope, zhang xiangyun still did not give up looking for her daughter.

she believed that as long as there was a glimmer of hope, she would never stop looking.

her persistence touched many people, and some volunteers joined her in the search for her daughter.

zhang xiangyun has a heartfelt advice for those young people who are chasing their dreams: it is good to pursue your dreams abroad, but you must be vigilant and protect yourself.

keep in touch with your family and don't face difficulties alone.

because some beautiful dreams, once they begin, may turn into nightmares from which you can never wake up.
