
wang yao, the "african local emperor", lives a luxurious life and is praised by official media. there is indeed something complicated behind this.


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what is the origin of the "african local emperor"? it sounds very impressive!

today we will take a look at the legendary story of wang yao, the "african version of wang sicong", who was born in the 1980s.

this guy lives a life in africa that is envied and hated by others.

but don't rush to criticize this "local tyrant" for not only knowing how to spend money, but also being really good at it.

not only is he successful in his career, he has also received numerous likes from official media. what is the secret behind this?

hey, even though wang yao is so successful now, don’t think that he is some rich second generation!

to put it bluntly, this guy comes from an ordinary family.

his father is a worker in a state-owned enterprise and his mother works in a small company. the family conditions are just so-so, barely enough to eat and dress warmly.

but our wang yao is not the kind of person who waits for pie to fall from the sky.

this kid showed extraordinary academic ability in high school.

can you believe it? he was admitted to beijing university of international business and economics with the second highest score in liberal arts in the school!

after entering university, wang yao worked even harder and managed to obtain a double degree in chinese language and literature and business administration.

this guy is still not satisfied. he is simply a sponge of knowledge and wants to dabble in various fields.

wow, this wave of operations has laid a solid foundation for future entrepreneurship, it is really a precautionary measure!

in 2009, the opportunity finally knocked on the door!

relying on his own strength, wang yao took over the overseas business of a large state-owned enterprise.

don't be fooled by his young age, he was sent to tanzania to be responsible for the important task of selling domestically produced civil aircraft.

oh my god, this job sounds so impressive!

two years later, this talented person was promoted and given a raise, and became the person in charge of the entire east africa region.

this is simply a life of cheating. are you envious, jealous and hateful?

but do you think wang yao is satisfied with this? then you don’t know him well enough!

this guy has a big dream in his heart - to start a business!

so he gritted his teeth, stomped his feet, resolutely quit his stable job in a state-owned enterprise, and started his own entrepreneurial journey.

at the beginning, wang yao worked his way up from the bottom and started a small business of wholesale and retail of second-hand clothing.

but don’t underestimate this starting point. this guy’s business is getting bigger and bigger, like a snowball.

gradually, his tentacles extended to various fields such as international trade, beauty and health care, tourism and culture.

in this hot land of africa, wang yao has been able to show his talents and is like a fish in water!

this kid was very quick-witted. he had an idea and established a technical school similar to china's "lanxiang technical school".

this move was simply a stroke of genius. it not only solved the local employment problem, but also provided a steady stream of talent for his own career development.

all i can say about this wave of operations is: it’s really smart!

in this way, wang yao took one step at a time and transformed himself from an ordinary chinese boy into an "african local emperor".

this is simply the real-life version of a loser’s counterattack. i’m impressed!

at this point you may think that wang yao is invincible, right?

however, things happen unexpectedly. the sudden outbreak of the new coronavirus pandemic in early 2020 dealt a severe blow to the global economy.

our "local emperor" wang yao was not spared and his business suffered a considerable impact.

but this shrewd man is not someone who gives up easily, his brain is working 24 hours a day!

he keenly smelled the business opportunity and resolutely entered the short video field.

this wave of operations is simply a stroke of genius!

wang yao found that many people's impression of africa is still stuck on the outdated labels of "poverty" and "backwardness".

he thought: no, i have to let everyone see the real africa! this is a great opportunity!

so he began planning a series of videos showing what africa really looks like.

his first viral video was titled "being a godfather to an african baby", and the title immediately attracted the attention of countless spectators.

immediately afterwards, he released "beijing school in the slums", which once again sparked heated discussion.

but what really made him famous was "an african dude who can make lanzhou ramen", which was released in august 2020.

you can imagine this scene: a dark-skinned african man, wearing a neat chef's uniform, skillfully making lanzhou ramen...

the contrast is so strong! netizens were shocked when they saw it: oh my god, what kind of magical operation is this?

has chinese culture taken root in africa to this extent? this is incredible!

wang yao is not a man who relies on one trick to succeed in everything. he has released a series of videos full of contrasts.

for example, the african girl wearing cheongsam, the scene was so beautiful that netizens exclaimed: i am jealous of her beauty and figure!

there is also an african grandma who can weave chinese knots. her skillful technique is even better than my grandmother’s!

there are also african brothers who are learning how to grow vegetables from chinese farmers. their seriousness is so great that even my dad feels inferior to him!

these videos are not only eye-opening, but also successfully demonstrate the results of cultural exchanges between china and africa.

wang yao’s actions have simply opened the door to a new world!

he not only allowed netizens to see a brand new africa, but also aroused everyone's strong interest in this magical continent.

many netizens left crazy comments in the comment area: wow, africa is so interesting! i must go and see it if i have the chance!

some even expressed their desire to establish business ties with local friends. wouldn't that drive economic development?

in this way, wang yao relied on his intelligence and keen sense of the market to carve out a path in the field of short videos.

his number of fans is rising rapidly and he has successfully attracted countless fans.

i can only say this wave of operations is: high, really high! wang yao, you are really a talent!

seeing this, you may think: isn’t this just a rich second-generation who knows how to spend money and have fun?

oh, you are totally wrong to think so!

let's take a closer look at the true face of this "african local emperor".

that’s right, wang yao does live a luxurious life that makes people envious and jealous.

his mansion is 1,200 square meters! it's bigger than my entire neighborhood!

the cars they drive are all limited edition luxury cars, easily costing several million or more.

not to mention that this guy's pets are all unique.

others think it’s great to raise a golden retriever or a husky, but some people just raise lions and giraffes!

this operation is like bringing the zoo home!

but don't be fooled by the bells and whistles.

our wang yao is not just a prodigal son.

on the contrary, this "african local emperor" is well aware of the truth that "it is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish."

look at the technical school he set up in africa, this is simply a stroke of genius!

it not only solves the employment problem of local people, but also provides a steady stream of talents for its own business.

this move can be said to kill two birds with one stone, as it not only does good but also benefits oneself.

wow, i have to admire this brain!

wang yao also actively promotes chinese culture and promotes china-africa friendship.

look at his short videos, they show how charming africa is!

it has broken so many people's stereotypes about africa. isn't this bringing glory to the country?

no wonder it has won so many fans and even official media have frequently given it thumbs up.

you see, this guy doesn't just know how to spend money, he also remembers to contribute to the country while having fun!

this kind of pattern and vision are simply amazing!

no wonder it has been praised repeatedly by official media, this operation is truly brilliant!

not everyone has wang yao's ability to both have fun and do a good job.

he is adept in the business world and also spares no effort in public welfare.

this attitude of enjoying life while giving back to society is truly admirable!

you see, they not only made money in africa, but also won respect.

this is the real winner in life, isn’t it?

after reading wang yao’s legendary story, do you feel your blood boiling and want to fly to africa to pan for gold immediately?

wait a minute, let's not be impulsive, let's think carefully about the secret of success of this "african local emperor".

first of all, he has real skills, and this point cannot be ignored.

from a top student to a career elite and then to a successful entrepreneur, wang yao did not rely on luck.

he has climbed up step by step based on his own strength. this spirit of hard work is really awesome!

secondly, this guy’s business sense is as sharp as a dog’s nose.

whether it is founding a technical school or transitioning to short videos, he always seizes opportunities and goes with the flow.

to be honest, i am ashamed of myself for not being able to adapt to changing circumstances.

but what i admire most is wang yao’s vision.

this guy is not just trying to make money for himself, but he knows how to take from society and give back to society.

he not only pursues personal interests, but is also committed to promoting china-africa friendly relations and spreading chinese culture.

the ability to make money and do good things is simply the standard of a winner in life!

so if you want to be a winner in life, it is not enough to have money, you also need talent and vision.

wang yao’s story tells us: only by combining personal ideals with social values ​​can we win true success and respect.

the legendary experience of this "african local emperor" teaches us a vivid lesson.

it made me understand that success cannot be achieved overnight, but requires continuous learning, hard work and innovation.

at the same time, we must always maintain a sense of social responsibility and never forget to give back to society.

to be honest, i was deeply inspired by wang yao’s story and it made me think in new ways about my life.

maybe we can't all become "african emperors", but we can strive to become better versions of ourselves in our own fields.