
the actress added "height-increasing powder" to her son's food, and the doctor urgently reminded her: this drug does not exist


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recently, the hot search on weibo about actress deng sha adding height-increasing medicine to her son's food has attracted widespread discussion and attention from netizens.

deng sha revealed in a personal video that her son is 11 years old and 146cm tall. in order to make her child grow taller, she specially made a dish of stewed yam and pork ribs, and then sprinkled "height-increasing powder" into the dish, calling it a "height-increasing meal."

pediatric expert and chief physician ma huijuan, secretary of the party committee of zhejiang provincial zhongshan hospital, disagrees with this practice and reminds parents not to follow it blindly.

ma huijuan said that a child's height is actually "70% determined by fate and 30% by hard work." it is mainly determined by genetics, and secondly, many factors such as endocrine, nutrition, environmental diseases and social and psychological factors will affect the final height.

height-increasing drugs do not exist

avoid excessive anxiety and overtreatment

"there are currently no oral height-increasing drugs that have a direct growth-promoting effect. some parents have too high expectations for their children's height and will let their children take dietary supplements. some manufacturers use the guise of 'height-increasing drugs' but actually add banned drugs. they have a short-term height-increasing effect, but prematurely promoting epiphyseal closure will affect adult height and may even cause other side effects." ma huijuan emphasized that children need balanced nutrition during their growth and development period. they can supplement vitamin d appropriately during periods of rapid height growth, such as infancy, early childhood, and adolescence. if they do not get enough vitamin d from sunlight and food, and the amount needed for sudden height growth increases, they can take exogenous supplements.

as for the 11-year-old son of actress deng sha, who is 146 centimeters tall, ma huijuan said that according to the standard height comparison table for children, this is a normal height. parents should correctly understand the physical development rules of children and avoid seeking excessive treatment due to excessive anxiety. for children who deviate from the normal level, the reasons need to be found, and appropriate nutrition, exercise, sleep and other lifestyle adjustment guidance and necessary medical intervention should be given.

so, which children’s height issues should be paid attention to?

ma huijuan introduced that the growth rate varies at different ages and seasons. according to the expert consensus on clinical practice of child physical development assessment and management, the following situations are considered slow growth: children under 3 years old: the annual growth rate is less than 7 cm; children from 3 years old to pre-puberty grow less than 5 cm per year; adolescent children grow less than 6 cm. girls with breast development before 7.5 years old or menarche before 10 years old, and boys with enlarged testicles before 9 years old may indicate precocious puberty. in these cases, it is recommended to take the child to the hospital for growth and development examination.

keep speed in autumn and winter

sleeping well and exercising well are important

it’s autumn now, but parents are still paying attention to their children’s growth and development. the pediatric department of zhejiang zhongshan hospital has received many inquiries from parents. many parents have found that their children grow very fast in spring and summer, but grow slowly in autumn and winter. is there any way to maintain the growth rate? children’s allergies, rhinitis, bronchitis, and asthma are prone to recurrence in autumn and winter. will this affect their growth?

ma huijuan said that in autumn and winter, due to the slowing of metabolism, children's growth rate is slower than that in spring and summer, which is normal. in addition, occasional colds and coughs will not affect growth and development, so there is no need to worry too much. however, if allergic rhinitis recurs repeatedly, adenoids are enlarged for a long time, and nasal congestion is severe, which affects the child's sleep, it may cause insufficient secretion of growth hormone and affect the child's growth.

"the quality of sleep is positively correlated with the secretion of growth hormone. good sleep quality and long deep sleep time will lead to sufficient secretion of growth hormone. therefore, it is important for children to go to bed early and sleep well at night." ma huijuan added that outdoor exercise every day can also help children grow taller. studies have shown that children who exercise regularly are 4-8 cm taller than their peers who do not exercise. in autumn and winter, it is recommended to carry out outdoor activities under suitable temperature conditions, mainly vertical exercises such as jumping, reaching high, and playing basketball. (reporter liu qian of chao news and correspondent chen ying)