
more than 100 indian workers arrested, samsung factory strike casts a shadow on "made in india"


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according to reuters, on september 16, police in tamil nadu, southern india, arrested more than 100 indian workers working at a samsung electronics factory, saying they were carrying out a strike march without permission. the indian police's action marked an escalation of the samsung workers' strike.

according to reports, more than 100 workers were temporarily detained by the police in a local temple. they were released that night, but the union leaders who organized the strike were still detained elsewhere. the workers said that domestic prices in india have risen rapidly recently, but the factory's treatment has not increased, making income insufficient to balance family expenses.

workers at a samsung electronics factory near chennai, the capital of tamil nadu, have been on strike since september 9. the factory was established in 2007 and mainly produces washing machines, refrigerators, televisions and other home appliances, which are sold across india. the factory currently produces products worth more than $3 billion a year, accounting for 30% of samsung's total revenue in india.

according to reports, the factory has about 1,800 employees, of which about 500 participated in the strike, and more than 800 signed a statement in support of the strike. samsung quickly replaced the strikers with other personnel, but the factory's current output is only 25% of the usual level. according to india's mint, the strike happened just before india's "holiday season" in october, which is the peak period for home appliance sales. the factory is increasing production capacity and increasing inventory. therefore, it is expected that the strike will have a significant impact on samsung electronics india's performance.

the strikers have two main demands. one is to increase wages. the strikers' representatives said that the wages of the factory have long been lower than those of workers in similar industries. the strikers asked samsung electronics to increase the average monthly salary of workers from 25,000 indian rupees (10,000 indian rupees is about 847 yuan) to 30,000 indian rupees, and reduce excessive overtime. another demand is to ask samsung to allow workers to form a union and establish contact with the center of indian trade unions (citu). previously, samsung electronics had not allowed workers to form such unions.