
pregnant through ivf for 4 months, scared of miscarriage: the tragedy of a 41-year-old woman in shanghai is not that simple


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li yueliang☽

ms. yan from shanghai was on the verge of collapse because of an incident recently.

at the age of 41, she is already an advanced mother.

in order to get pregnant, she chose to do in vitro fertilization.

anyone who has had similar experiences should know that in vitro fertilization is an extremely distressing and painful process.

egg retrieval, transplantation, injections and medication, repeated operations, repeated blood draws, running to the hospital every day, the physical pain and psychological torment, probably only those who have experienced it can empathize.

ms. yan prepared for the ivf process for a total of three years. it could be said that she felt like she was living a year every day. finally, this year, she got her wish and became pregnant.

looking at the belly growing bigger day by day, the whole family is immersed in happiness.

but unexpectedly, an accident made her three years of hard work come to naught.

one evening, when ms. yan went downstairs to the post station to pick up a parcel, a large golden retriever without a leash in the community suddenly pounced on her, and she was so scared that she stepped back repeatedly.

because the incident happened suddenly and she was frightened at the time, ms. yan sprained her waist while backing away.

at that time, she felt pain in her waist, and then a sharp pain in her lower abdomen. ms. yan was frightened, and an ominous thought flashed through her mind: is the child okay?

to be on the safe side, ms. yan immediately called the police and then went to the hospital.

after the examination, the bad news came:

the child can't be saved!

this news was like a bolt from the blue for ms. yan's family.

she never expected that her child would die in the womb.

the joy of becoming a mother was cut short before it even had a chance to materialize.

she was sad and angry, and demanded that the dog owner, mr. li, pay 120,000 yuan for nutrition expenses, test tube fees, etc.

later, considering that uncle li had been a neighbor for many years, the kind-hearted ms. yan took the initiative to reduce the fee to 90,000 yuan.

but unexpectedly, the usually "amiable" mr. li turned hostile when faced with a dispute over interests.

he said with certainty: test tube pregnant women like ms. yan, who know that it is not easy for them to get pregnant, should not go out easily. therefore, ms. yan herself should be responsible for this miscarriage.

he even said that ms. yan's miscarriage did not necessarily occur at the moment the golden retriever appeared. maybe she had already miscarried before, or maybe it happened later. he framed her. there was no direct causal relationship between ms. yan's miscarriage and the appearance of the golden retriever.

after three years of trying to get pregnant, she ended up having a miscarriage. the culprit was the golden retriever without a leash.

the dog owner, who should have taken responsibility, is still trying to shirk his responsibility.

ms. yan really didn't want to argue any more, so she angrily took the dog owner to court.

the shanghai pudong court held that the dog owner violated management regulations by failing to leash his dog, which was an illegal act and he was at subjective fault.

in the end, the court ruled at first instance that the dog owner should compensate the plaintiff ms. yan for losses of 90,000 yuan.

although ms. yan won the case, the 90,000 yuan is far from enough to compensate for the pain her family suffered.

pregnancy is a difficult process in itself, not to mention that it takes three years of in vitro fertilization to conceive a child. the effort behind it is beyond the imagination of others.

more importantly, is there any chance that ms. yan, who is now 41 years old and whose body has been severely damaged, will she still have to become pregnant and become a mother?

just because the dog owner did not put a leash on the dog, such serious consequences were caused to others.

many netizens also expressed indignation:

if you own a dog, you must be responsible.

don't say that you are a pet lover and then shirk responsibility when something happens.


li yueliang☽

in fact, tragedies caused by not putting pets on leashes have been happening one after another in recent years.

what is most infuriating is the attitude of the dog owner after the accident.

in 2018, mr. tang from huzhou, zhejiang, took his son to play outside.

when they reached the factory more than 100 meters away from their home, a big dog suddenly jumped out from the roadside and started biting mr. tang's son.

mr. tang quickly drove the dog away, and the dog immediately fled into a factory workshop nearby.

the child was seriously injured, with blood coming out of his calves and around his eyes.

mr. tang and his family took the child to the hospital for emergency treatment and later received three rabies vaccine shots. however, unexpectedly, the child unfortunately fell ill and died just 13 days after being bitten.

the sudden death of the child plunged the family into a huge depression.

but what’s even more infuriating is that dog owners have been evading responsibility.

mr. tang recalled that on the day of the incident, the dog was driven away and fled into the factory gate in a familiar manner. so he went to the factory to find the dog owner to discuss compensation.

but the dog owner simply did not admit that the dog was his.

in desperation, he had to call the police.

the dog owner was not afraid at all when faced with the police's questioning, and kept asking them whether they had any evidence.

after careful investigation and search, the police finally found the dog bowl, dog feed, and traces of the dog's presence.

the evidence was irrefutable and he could no longer deny it and could only admit that he raised the child.

however, he admitted it but did not want to take responsibility.

he sat in the police station for more than an hour without saying a word and did not mention anything about compensation.

mr. tang collapsed in despair:

the death of a child is a heavy and huge blow.

now they have finally found the person who hurt him, but that person is trying his best to shirk responsibility and make excuses, forcing them to take legal action.

the whole incident made mr. tang’s family and netizens feel extremely aggrieved.

they usually don't put their dogs on a leash and let them run around freely. when something happens, they are clueless and even when evidence is thrown in their faces, they still act like a scapegoat and refuse to take responsibility.

people like this are really infuriating.

there are many more things like this.

the child encountered a vicious dog while playing by the stream. the dog bit him madly, eventually causing the child to lose strength and drown in the stream.

the family was heartbroken and took the dog owner to court.

however, the dog owner gritted his teeth and said:

the dog only injured, not killed.

and she said it with certainty:

dogs are animals, and the child is also responsible if he leads the dog away.

to be honest, these few short sentences are chilling.

normally we call our pets "sons" or "good boys", but once something happens, we call them "livestock" or "beasts". it is really ridiculous.

why have more and more people become disgusted with some "dog owners" over the years?

it is because some dog owners’ uncivilized dog-raising behavior is too extreme.

some dog owners buy pets out of novelty and curiosity, but find that raising them is too troublesome and costly, so they abandon them irresponsibly, causing those pets that originally had homes to become stray cats and dogs, biting people outside.

a few days ago, an old lady in guangxi was seriously injured by a dog bite.

the surveillance footage showed that she was knocked to the ground by the dog and was bitten and bleeding in many places all over her body.

some sharp-eyed netizens discovered that there was a collar around the dog's neck, so it must have had an owner before, but was just abandoned.

people often post online saying that many pets are abandoned during the chinese new year.

during the chinese new year, they go back to their hometowns or travel, so they throw their pets onto the streets and leave them to fend for themselves. whether they starve to death, wander around, or even attack and hurt people, it is none of their business.

there are also many people who walk their dogs outside and ignore their dogs’ poop, which makes the whole environment dirty and messy;

some people lock their dogs on the balcony and go out for a few days, causing the entire community to be woken up by the barking of dogs in the middle of the night;

there are also people who never put their dogs on a leash when walking them because they are afraid that their "darling sons" will feel uncomfortable, but they don't consider other people's feelings.

raising a dog is not the problem, how to raise it is the problem.

it is these uncivilized dog owners who have caused everyone to have prejudices against dog owners.


li yueliang☽

dogs are animals and they don't understand the rules of the human world.

but don’t dog owners understand?

they clearly know that letting the dog out will be dangerous and may hurt others, but some people just have an arrogant mentality:

"my dog ​​is very well behaved. it won't bite anyone."

"even if my dog ​​bites someone, it's okay, because it's been vaccinated anyway."

they feel:

anyway, it's a dog biting a person, not a person biting a dog, so your own dog won't suffer any loss.

but they never thought that they would also fall.

a dog bit a child in a certain place. the two families negotiated for 5,000 yuan in compensation, but the dog owner refused, thinking that the other parent's failure to provide guardianship led to the child being bitten.

so the family that was bitten went to the dog’s house to argue, but they were bitten by the dog again.

the child's father threw the dog to death in anger.

the dog owner cried.

but no matter how angry she was, there was nothing she could do.

because beating a dog to death when it bites someone is considered emergency self-defense and there is no legal fault.

not only do they have to endure the pain of losing their pets, but they also have to bear the losses caused by dog ​​bites, and they cannot deny paying this money even if they want to.

in this world, there are always some people who are arrogant and do whatever they want, and are even so selfish and indifferent that they don't take the lives and safety of others seriously.

but if people are too selfish, they may suffer the consequences.

in 2021, the wife of wang, a section-level cadre in anyang city, henan province, bit an elderly man while walking her dog.

however, they refused to compensate, apologize, admit their mistakes, or take responsibility. their arrogant attitude made the reporters present very angry.

but unexpectedly, the matter fermented too quickly, and a "dog disaster" uprooted the "king of anyang". seven cadres from four units including him were all punished.

a person's blessings are related to his practice and moral character.

before you get a dog, learn to be a human being first.

behind all "dog troubles" there is often "man-made disasters".

when people lose their conscience, they are not far from being backlashed.