
the former director of the red cross hospital was investigated for promoting the separation of medicine and pharmacy


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the former dean was sentenced to three years.

written by | ling jun

huang yunqi is the former party secretary and president of the red cross hospital of wuzhou city, guangxi. while in office, he vigorously promoted the implementation of "separation of medicine and pharmacy" in wuzhou city. the "wuzhou model" in which the hospital participated in building has also been hailed as "the best template for separation of medicine and pharmacy in china."

however, nearly four years after leaving his position as the hospital's top leader, on september 13, he was under disciplinary review and supervisory investigation by the wuzhou municipal commission for discipline inspection and supervision for suspected serious violations of discipline and law.

huang yunqi

it is worth noting that in july 2016, zeng hong, the former director of wuzhou red cross hospital, was sentenced to three years in prison for the crime of accepting bribes. the notice showed that from 2009 to 2013, zeng hong took advantage of his position as hospital director to accept bribes from the contractor of the hospital's outpatient complex building construction project, totaling 42,000 australian dollars and 40,000 yuan.

after zeng hong was investigated, huang yunqi was promoted to the director of the hospital. public information shows that huang yunqi is 64 years old this year, has a postgraduate degree, and is a chief physician. he graduated from the medical department of guangxi medical university (undergraduate) in 1983, and then went to the department of neurology of the first affiliated hospital of hunan medical college for further studies. he has more than 30 years of clinical experience in internal medicine.

as a hospital manager with a clinical background, huang yunqi is good at diagnosing and treating various neurological diseases. he has served as the director and vice president of the department of neurology at wuzhou people's hospital. he was also the only chief physician in the field of neurology in the southeastern region of guangxi.

the wuzhou red cross hospital where huang yunqi works was founded in 1911. it is a class iii hospital with a history of over 100 years and one of the earliest red cross hospitals in the country. it currently has 1,200 beds and treats more than 700,000 people annually, covering southeastern guangxi and western guangdong. it is the largest and most comprehensive class iii comprehensive hospital in wuzhou.

the hospital's wechat official account shows that huang yunqi served as the hospital's president from 2016 to 2019. during his tenure, wuzhou red cross hospital was famous throughout the country for its "separation of medicine and pharmacy."

since 2016, my country has encouraged "adopting various methods to promote the separation of medicine and pharmacy", and the reform of separation of medicine and pharmacy has begun. it is based on this policy background that wuzhou city has established a prescription information sharing platform. as a pilot unit, wuzhou red cross hospital has launched the first prescription information sharing platform for public tertiary hospitals in china.

after half a year of operation, huang yunqi introduced the results to the media - the number of extended prescriptions in wuzhou red cross hospital has been increasing every month, most of the hospital's clinical departments have issued extended prescriptions, and more than 30,000 prescriptions have entered pharmacies through the sharing platform. the extended prescriptions written by doctors every day account for 14% of the total outpatient prescriptions.

"there are risks in trying, but it does not mean being reckless. wuzhou red cross hospital is willing to take the lead in 'separation of medicine and pharmacy'," huang yunqi hopes that in the future 70% of outpatient prescriptions can be extended to pharmacies, leaving only 30% including emergency prescriptions in the hospital.

after implementing the "wuzhou model" of separation of medicine and pharmacy, huang yunqi and the hospital received widespread attention. an official media outlet once affirmed this in an article, saying that the overall environment is gradually eliminating the status of medicine in hospitals. however, even so, as a core hospital in a region, the courage of wuzhou red cross hospital to "revolutionize itself" is still rare and precious at the moment.

however, there are also doubts, such as the difficulty in ensuring the quality of drugs after prescriptions are released. huang yunqi explained that the separation of medicine and pharmacy does not mean that prescriptions are out of control or that hospitals do not manage prescriptions. prescriptions that enter the sharing platform must have been screened for reasonable drug use. whether it is an in-hospital prescription or an external prescription, the main responsible party is the hospital.

by june 2017, the "wuzhou model" had more than 100 prescription sharing platform pharmacies. huang yunqi once introduced that most clinical departments of wuzhou red cross hospital have issued extended prescriptions, and the extended prescription drug catalog has increased to more than 700 types, with a daily prescription volume of about 300, a prescription drug collection rate of more than 90%, and a significant reduction in queues at the hospital's outpatient pharmacy.

after the pilot project in wuzhou red cross hospital, more than 20 secondary and above hospitals and more than 100 pharmacies in wuzhou have also been connected to the prescription information sharing platform. the construction of the electronic prescription platform is the most important part of the "wuzhou model".

however, just one year later, the industry began to question the "wuzhou model". in 2018, the times weekly published an article titled "prescription drugs that cannot be sold are like housing prices that cannot be reduced", saying that although the "wuzhou model" had been established, it was still unclear how to clarify the interests of all parties.

there are even industry insiders who revealed that the bidding standards for pharmacies include that the types of drugs must be synchronized with those of hospitals and delivered by the same distributor. "this is also a disguised form of designation." in the end, only a few companies will win the bid, and the sharing platform is encrypted. non-cooperative pharmacies have no idea what drugs the hospitals on the platform need.

the report believes that the "wuzhou model" has sequelae, and there are still many unclear points in the interests of all parties connected by the prescription sharing platform. in recent years, few people in the industry have mentioned this model, and even the official website of the wuzhou red cross hospital has not made any relevant introduction.

in 2019, huang yunqi was promoted to party secretary of the hospital and no longer served as the director. it is worth noting that in june of that year, the wuzhou audit bureau issued an audit notice to audit huang yunqi's performance of economic responsibilities during his tenure as director of the wuzhou red cross hospital. the notice stated: we welcome all cadres and employees to visit, write letters or call, and report relevant situations to the audit team in a realistic manner.

at the end of 2020, huang yunqi resigned as the party secretary of the hospital. since then, he has remained active in clinical practice. on september 21 last year, world alzheimer's day, he participated in an online science live broadcast hosted by the guangdong provincial drug administration affairs center. at that time, he was the "chief physician of neurology."

as of now, the specific reason why huang yunqi was investigated is still unknown. in october 2023, wuzhou red cross hospital issued an announcement to the public to report clues to the centralized rectification of corruption in the medical field, and to collect corruption issues in the hospital in the fields of medical supplies procurement and medical insurance fund use.