
xiangshan forum: the pla made two unusual statements: recovering taiwan will require a heavy blow, and there is a time limit


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at the xiangshan forum, the pla made two very unusual statements: there is a time limit for recovering taiwan, and the us representative remained silent. what special signal did the pla convey on the taiwan issue? what are the conditions for recovering taiwan? what was the us representative's response to this?

as china's national defense capabilities increase, we no longer shy away from discussing sensitive topics at the beijing xiangshan forum, especially issues such as taiwan that are directly related to china's territorial sovereignty. this time, the people's liberation army made it clear in front of the us representatives during the forum.

there are two sentences among them that are particularly worthy of attention.

first, once the people's liberation army strikes, it will be a heavy hammer strike.

meng xiangqing, a professor at the national defense university, talked about the differences between china and the united states on the taiwan strait issue during an on-site interview. he believes that the recent phone call between the military and theater leaders of china and the united states two days ago means that sino-us relations are gradually stabilizing, but the beginning of the stabilization of sino-us relations is still relatively fragile. the fundamental reason is that the united states has a directional error in its perception of china.

among the mistakes made by the united states in its perception of china, one very important one is on the taiwan issue.

meng xiangqing pointed out that the taiwan issue is the first red line that cannot be crossed in sino-us relations. the united states should not have any illusions, otherwise it will inevitably lead to serious disasters. he reminded the us: "don't think that the chinese people's liberation army will not take action. once the chinese people's liberation army takes action, it will be a heavy hammer."

second, the pla has a time limit for taking taiwan.

during the exchange with the us, lieutenant general he lei of the people's liberation army also focused on the taiwan issue and asked the us directly: "the taiwan issue is china's internal affairs. why do you, the united states, interfere? is there anything that needs the united states to coordinate? you are simply meddling in other people's affairs!"

as for the united states' repeated emphasis on not wanting to have friction or conflict with china, this was also refuted.

lieutenant general he lei pointed out: "if there is an accidental firing between china and the united states, why is it in the taiwan strait? why not in the vicinity of the united states? the united states ran to china's doorstep to make trouble, and the accidental firing was caused. in the final analysis, it is the united states that interfered in china's internal affairs!"

later, lieutenant general he lei further clarified china's attitude. first of all, china does not want china and the united states to have an accidental conflict in the taiwan strait, but china is not afraid of an accidental conflict. moreover, although china has no timetable for recovering taiwan, it has a time limit. as long as any of the three situations in china's "anti-secession law" occurs, china will completely resolve the taiwan issue and realize the complete reunification of the motherland.

by looking up article 8 of the anti-secession law of the people's republic of china, we can know that lieutenant general he lei is talking about three situations here: first, the "taiwan independence" secessionist forces cause the fact that taiwan is separated from china under any name or in any way; second, a major incident occurs that will lead to taiwan's separation from china; third, the possibility of peaceful reunification is completely lost.

the law stipulates that if any situation occurs, china will take non-peaceful means and other necessary measures to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

faced with the clear warning from the people's liberation army, chase, the deputy assistant secretary of defense of the united states, who was at the scene, had a very stern expression on his face and remained silent for a while. it was the former deputy assistant secretary of defense of the united states, sanders schmidt, who tried to smooth things over, saying that there were indeed misunderstandings and misjudgments between china and the united states, and that this was why there needed to be even greater strengthening of exchanges and dialogues.