
"international sharp comments" regarding the situation in the south china sea, these three meetings conveyed a clear message


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from september 11 to 13, within just three days, three highly anticipated meetings were held successively: from the meeting of heads of delegations of the china-philippines bilateral consultation mechanism on the south china sea, to the 11th beijing xiangshan forum, to the 22nd senior officials' meeting between china and asean countries on the implementation of the declaration on the conduct of parties in the south china sea. not only did they all involve the south china sea issue, they also revealed a common message - properly handling disputes through dialogue and maintaining stability in the south china sea is the common expectation of the region and is in the best interest of the region.
let's first look at the bilateral meeting between china and the philippines. according to chinese sources, the two sides exchanged views candidly and in-depth on maritime issues between china and the philippines, especially the xianbin reef issue. china reiterated its principled position on the xianbin reef issue, urged the philippines to immediately withdraw the relevant ships, and stated that it would firmly safeguard its sovereignty and the seriousness and effectiveness of the declaration on the conduct of parties in the south china sea. at the same time, philippine diplomatic officials posted pictures of the meeting with the chinese side on social platforms, saying that they had a candid exchange of views with the chinese side...
this clearly shows the outside world that it is the philippines that unilaterally caused the current escalation of tensions in the south china sea; china, out of consideration for maintaining peace and security in the region, hopes to resolve the dispute with the philippines through negotiations and consultations. the philippines' sensible approach is to correct its wrong actions as soon as possible, keep its word, and conduct dialogue and communication with china in accordance with the declaration on the conduct of parties in the south china sea. facts have repeatedly proved that only by sitting down and talking can problems be resolved, and confrontation and provocation will only escalate the situation.
at the same time, the responsibilities of major powers in maintaining regional peace and stability were also discussed at relevant meetings. in the past few months, the philippines has frequently "made waves" in the south china sea, intruding into china's ren'ai reef, huangyan island, xianbin reef, etc. recently, the philippine coast guard ship "stayed" in the xianbin reef lagoon, trying to replicate the "running aground" on ren'ai reef and seek long-term existence. behind this series of provocative actions, there is always the figure of the united states. for its own selfish reasons, the united states encouraged the philippines to attack china on the south china sea issue, leading to tensions in the regional situation.
at this beijing xiangshan forum, chinese people once again expressed their position on the south china sea issue. one detail worth noting is that when the chinese representative asked the us: the us claims that it is in the asia-pacific region for the security of the asia-pacific region, but is the asia-pacific region safe now? why do the risk points appear around china? applause broke out at the scene. luo wanwei, chairman of the philippine international security studies institute, said at the forum that the philippines had a very friendly attitude towards china before, but now it is colonized by the strong anti-china attitude of the west. "our foreign policy must follow the asean way, not the american way." singapore's defense minister ng eng hen said in his speech that he hopes that china and the philippines will continue to engage in dialogue on the south china sea dispute, and all parties concerned hope to enjoy peace. the us side should realize that in resolving international conflicts and regional hot issues, major powers need to take more responsibility, rather than doing the opposite.
after 22 years of successful practice, the declaration on the conduct of parties in the south china sea has become an important part of the recognized legal order in the south china sea. article 5 of the declaration stipulates that all parties should not take actions that complicate or expand disputes and affect peace and stability. at the 22nd senior officials' meeting on the implementation of the declaration on the conduct of parties in the south china sea held on the 13th, all parties agreed that maintaining peace and stability in the south china sea is of great significance, and called for strengthening dialogue, exercising restraint, properly handling differences, enhancing mutual trust, and maintaining stability at sea. this echoes the voices of the above two meetings, reflecting that regional countries generally oppose the philippines' unilateral provocations in the south china sea. some analysts pointed out that the philippines should no longer blindly follow the united states and cooperate with the so-called "indo-pacific strategy" of the united states. it is time to change this idea.
"harmony is the most precious", this is the ancient chinese wisdom. at the xiangshan forum, the chinese representative presented a calligraphy work with these three words to the us side, sending a signal of peace. at the same time, china also made clear its attitude, advocating to resolve differences through dialogue, which does not mean that it will make any concessions or compromises on the core interest issue of sovereignty in the south china sea. in this regard, the philippines and its instigators should not make any misjudgments. under the changing situation of a century, it is the common aspiration of regional countries to implement the global security initiative and build the south china sea into a sea of ​​peace, friendship and cooperation. china will continue to work towards this goal, and the philippines must also turn back as soon as possible, return to the regional consensus, and make choices that truly conform to its own interests. (international sharp comments commentator)