
liu yonggang: pengpai ai capabilities have achieved autonomy, productization, backendization, and full staffing


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on september 14, the paper's innovation and development conference was held in shanghai. after a decade of development, the paper released the "four new strategies" of new content, new technology, new scenarios, and new engines.
at the meeting, liu yonggang, president and editor-in-chief of the paper, delivered the paper's ten-year development report titled "embracing systemic change and embarking on a new journey for the paper."
"there is a kind of news called the paper," he proposed, using generative artificial intelligence to create the paper's second growth curve.
the following is the full report.
dear leaders, distinguished guests, and colleagues:
time is vast, and pengpai is as exciting as yesterday. ten years ago, pengpai set out from shanghai and began its journey of transformation, integration, and development. ten years later, we gather here to witness its new start.
on behalf of the paper, please allow me to say thank you to our leaders, users, shareholders and customers who have given us care and expectations, encouragement and criticism, support and understanding over the past ten years, and to all our colleagues who have worked day and night and moved forward courageously!
in the past ten years, we have taken the lead in responding to, always followed, and fully implemented the strategies and deployments of the central government and the municipal party committee on the transformation and development of media integration.
on august 19, 2013, general secretary xi jinping delivered an important speech at the national conference on propaganda and ideological work, calling for the acceleration of the integration and development of traditional media and new media. less than a year later, the paper was born, becoming the first traditional media in china to transform itself into an internet-based new media.
in february 2016, the general secretary pointed out at the party’s news and public opinion work symposium that we should speed up the construction of a new pattern of public opinion guidance and strive to create a batch of new mainstream media. the paper began its comprehensive transformation from new media to all media.
in september 2020, the central government issued the "opinions on accelerating the deep integration of media development". the paper further promoted the reform of the system and mechanism, and clarified the positioning of building a "full-chain content ecological service provider".
in october 2023, the national conference on propaganda, ideology and culture proposed xi jinping's cultural thought for the first time. this year, the third plenary session of the 20th cpc central committee proposed to promote the systematic reform of mainstream media. under the deployment and guidance of higher-level departments, the paper has formulated a new round of action plan for deepening reform and high-quality development, and is working hard to build a leading news platform and a new type of global mainstream media.
in the past ten years, we have remained true to our original aspirations, led the mainstream, and maintained integrity and innovation. the paper has always adhered to the requirements of party media and party websites, continuously promoted content innovation, strengthened the layout of the full platform matrix, built an intensive and efficient content production system and full media communication matrix, and continuously strengthened the role of mainstream media as a ballast, adhesive, and weather vane.
first, we must bear in mind the mission of the party media, constantly innovate the paradigm of thematic reporting, and strengthen the guidance of mainstream values.
with a high degree of political awareness, sense of mission and honor, we have devoted ourselves to various thematic publicity and planning and public opinion guidance work, and launched a series of "phenomenal" integrated media innovation products at various important nodes and critical moments. we have fully demonstrated our ability to guide public opinion and have a social influence while focusing on the center and serving the overall situation, and have gained the attention, trust and high recognition of all parties.
second, we must insist that content is king, continuously expand the online public opinion front, and strengthen the supply of mainstream content.
after ten years of development, the paper has received more than 268 million downloads and more than 450 million daily online readings. with 110 accounts on various platforms, the paper has become a benchmark product for the transformation of domestic media integration, an important platform for the party’s public opinion on the internet, and an important source of information for foreign media to observe china. over the past ten years, the paper has won more than 500 honorary awards, including more than 50 international awards and more than 100 national awards.
the third is to embrace technological revolution, continuously promote product function iteration, and strengthen independent technological empowerment.
from the first domestic news question-and-answer product "ask", to the high-quality user interactive community "the paper", to the professional content aggregation open platform "the paper", from the 24-hour live broadcast channel to the "a thousand miles of rivers and mountains" slow live broadcast ecosystem to the "warm news" co-creation platform, we continue to use the latest technology to break through the traditional media content production and distribution system. after ten years of development, the paper has achieved independent research and development of full-stack technologies for media application scenarios and large-scale external empowerment.
fourth, we will always adhere to the right path and make innovations, continuously optimize strategic organizational operations, and strengthen support for overall reform.
over the past ten years, from "content is king, mobile first" to "mainstreaming, platformization, ecology, and globalization", from a new type of mainstream internet media to a full-chain content ecosystem service provider, and then to "sticking to the original intention of the media and embracing the ai ​​era", we have integrated the traditional media editing and production standards and the mobile internet communication laws, comprehensively implemented organizational and process reengineering, comprehensively innovated the content operation system, continuously adjusted and optimized the business model, and iterated the development strategy in line with the times.
in the past ten years, we have been based in shanghai, serving the whole country and looking to the world.
we are committed to creating a "visual window" for the world to see china and shanghai, building and operating shanghai's city image platform - ip shanghai. through new international communication practices of co-creation, sharing and participation of everyone, we will go global elegantly and become one of the fastest growing city image accounts on overseas social platforms.
we actively serve the overall situation of diplomacy and international communication, build a media bridge for public diplomacy and city exchanges, and launch activities such as "china-singapore forum", "50-person interview series on 50 years of china-japan relations", and "running flow: starting from shanghai - global city humanities dialogue".
in september 2021, the paper launched the global fact-checking brand "the paper", targeting false information related to china on social platforms at home and abroad, and advancing to the forefront of the international public opinion struggle with the attitude of a "light cavalry".
in the first half of 2024, the paper's reports were effectively reprinted, quoted and captured more than 19,700 times in mainstream media and major news platforms around the world, covering dozens of authoritative multilingual media in countries including england, france, germany, spain and italy.
in the past ten years, we have tried our best, felt extremely honored and were grateful.
from the launch of the paper, the suspension of the newspaper, the investment of state-owned capital to major reporting, product iteration, and team building, at every critical moment of the paper's transformation and development, leaders at all levels, shareholders, partners, and users have given us the greatest support and understanding.
summarizing the past is to better cope with the future. this is an era in which traditional media are constantly facing challenges, new media are emerging in an endless stream and are constantly becoming traditional media. in the midst of a major change that has not been seen in a century, we deeply feel that if we do not advance, we will regress, and if we do not change, we will be eliminated.
the third plenary session of the 20th cpc central committee put forward new strategic requirements for building a working mechanism and evaluation system that adapts to all-media production and dissemination, and promoting systematic reforms in mainstream media.
how can mainstream media boldly explore the path in systemic change? how can they play a greater role in the omnimedia communication system? in other words, in the era of deep mediatization where everything is connected, in a fully digitalized and platformized society, how can mainstream media establish a new value positioning and social role?
we believe that systemic change is a major opportunity, adhering to the original media intention of content being king and value leading is the foundation of our existence, generative artificial intelligence is a positive impact, and providing more infrastructure and public products is an innovative path.
next, the paper has the following thoughts and plans:
1. stay determined to achieve your goals and seize the major opportunity of systemic reform of mainstream media.
the key to the success of the paper over the past decade is that it actively responded to the central government's strategic requirements, adhered to the top-level design, and seized the strategic opportunities for the development of media integration. promoting the systematic reform of mainstream media is a major reform strategy established by the third plenary session of the 20th cpc central committee. we will actively benchmark the central government's deployment in terms of content supply, technology empowerment, reform and innovation, and promote reform and development in a systematic, holistic and coordinated manner. we will use content to demonstrate results, technology to improve efficiency, and services to gain benefits. we will strive to build a leading domestic head news platform and build a new type of global mainstream media. at the same time, we will take the opportunity of systematic reform to innovate business models. in addition to traditional businesses such as copyright and advertising, we will comprehensively strengthen the revenue of all-scenario innovative businesses and the revenue of all-chain ecological services, and break out a healthy, benign and sustainable development path for the paper.
2. stick to the original intention and comprehensively strengthen the supply of core content for all scenarios.
adhering to the original media intention of content being king and value leading is the foundation of mainstream media, and strengthening the supply of core content in all scenarios is the responsibility of mainstream media.
to this end, the paper will focus on the construction of core narrative capabilities, deepen the layout of high-quality content, and upgrade the four major content sections of current affairs, services, supervision, and depth, so that current affairs are more insightful, services are more connected, supervision is more constructive, and depth is more public. at the same time, we will strive to build a "ship" to go out to sea, build an overseas discourse system that is effectively implemented and powerful, establish a global creator co-creation mechanism, and achieve multi-language global distribution through ai technology.
in response to new content application scenarios, pengpai will accelerate the layout of the in-vehicle content ecosystem and fully cooperate with car-machine ecosystem service providers such as alibaba, tencent, and huawei, as well as car companies such as byd and great wall. as a comprehensive partner of huawei, pengpai will fully embrace the hongmeng ecosystem, achieve native and symbiotic cooperation with more smart terminals, and build a full-scenario smart life.
3. promote ai+ and use generative artificial intelligence to create a second growth curve.
ai is not only a technological change, but also a change in production relations, which will bring about major adjustments in organizational structure, management process, and institutional mechanisms. for mainstream media, the impact of ai will become increasingly huge and profound.
in march last year, the paper proposed to embrace the ai ​​era. after more than a year of hard work, five generative ai services or algorithms have been registered with the cyberspace administration of china. the paper's ai tools and capabilities have achieved "autonomy, productization, backendization, and full-staffization." at the same time, we simultaneously launched a comprehensive ai adjustment of our internal organizational structure and management processes.
we will rely on the newly established "derivative everything" intelligent technology co., ltd. to fully launch the construction of a super ai platform, use technology to lead the paper news to iterate and upgrade from the "mobile network era" to the "intelligent internet era", and use aigc cutting-edge technology to provide innovative media creation and office experience, deeply empower the intelligent upgrade and mechanism optimization of the media, government and enterprise organizations, and create the paper's second growth curve.
4. provide good services and more infrastructure and public products for the industry.
in the intelligent era where everything is media and everything is connected, how can we strengthen the construction of the omnimedia communication system? how can we shape a new pattern of mainstream public opinion? in practice, we feel that providing infrastructure and public products for the content production and dissemination ecology is an important basic project.
the paper has been exploring how to build standard definition and technology capabilities based on content supply and communication influence, and thereby shape brand appeal and value leadership. next, we will further provide the industry with new media overall technology output, ai solutions and service platforms, content review and risk control systems, fact-checking tools and platforms, media resources and distribution services, content creation and management services, etc., so as to achieve better guidance in the public opinion field with rules, tools and "cleverness".
dear leaders, distinguished guests, and colleagues! because of you, the paper people have upheld the sentiment that “the infinite distance and countless people are all related to me” and the belief that “what i firmly believe, i will tell again and again”. we have worked tirelessly day and night and have created a world-renowned and domestically leading new mainstream media brand in shanghai from scratch, and created the media ideal of “there is a kind of news called the paper”.
also because of you, the new surge that sticks to its original aspirations and is full of ideals and expectations will meet the huge waves of the times and continue to sail towards a vast and boundless future.