
the united states anti-doping agency "calls for a new investigation", the ministry of foreign affairs responds


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chinese foreign ministry spokesperson mao ning hosted a regular press conference on september 13.

a reporter asked: according to an investigation report released by swiss prosecutors,wada's decision to approve 23 chinese swimmers to compete was impartial.the chief executive of the united states anti-doping agency later criticised the report and called for a new investigation.has the ministry of foreign affairs seen this report? what is china's comment on it?

mao ning: we have noted this report. for specific questions, i suggest you ask the relevant chinese authorities. as a principle, china always strictly abides by the world anti-doping code and adopts a zero-tolerance attitude towards the use of doping. i would also like to emphasize thatsports issues should not be politicized, athletes from all countries should be treated equally, and an environment of fair competition should be effectively maintained.

german official says warships passing through taiwan strait are to "maintain freedom of navigation"; china responds

a reporter asked: german defense officials said that the warships passing through the taiwan strait are to "maintain freedom of navigation". what is the ministry of foreign affairs' comment on this?
mao ning: the one-china principle is the basic norm of international relations and a universal consensus of the international community. the taiwan issue is not an issue of "freedom of navigation" but an issue concerning china's sovereignty and territorial integrity.
we respect the navigation rights of all countries in relevant waters in accordance with chinese laws and international law, including the united nations convention on the law of the sea, but firmly oppose any provocation or threat to china's sovereignty and security under the banner of "freedom of navigation."

china news service (cns1952)comprehensive from china news network
