
strengthening finance to prevent risks, zhejiang state-owned enterprises help the high-quality development of regional economy


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hangzhou, september 13 (xinhua) -- the 8th ipaf conference was held in hangzhou, zhejiang province from september 11 to 13, with 120 representatives from more than ten countries and regions in asia attending the conference. the hangzhou declaration was officially released during the conference, opening a new chapter in the coordinated development of the asset management industry in the asia-pacific region.
the 8th ipaf conference. photo provided by the organizer
in the midst of a major change that has not happened in a century, it is of great significance to prevent and resolve financial risks and maintain financial security and stability. this ipaf international conference was hosted by a chinese local asset management company for the first time. gao bingxue, party secretary and chairman of zhejiang international trade group co., ltd. (zhejiang international trade), said that he would take this conference as an opportunity to continuously optimize the business layout of the financial sector, promote financial synergy and industrial-financial synergy, enhance core competitiveness and overall energy level, and help the high-quality development of the real economy.
strengthening finance to prevent risks and shouldering the responsibilities of state-owned enterprises in the new era
2024 is a critical year for the implementation of the soe reform and upgrading action plan, and it is also a year of tackling tough problems that connect the past and the future. deepening the reform of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises and building a solid "pillar" for the national economy is an important move to better stimulate the endogenous driving force and innovative vitality of the state-owned economy, and it is also a major move to further comprehensively deepen reform.
gao bingxue said that as a state-owned enterprise, zhejiang international trade is currently focusing on transformation and development to serve the overall situation. in accordance with the overall direction of "strengthening finance, expanding medicine, and transforming commerce and trade", it insists on mergers and acquisitions, innovation and empowerment, strengthens capital operations, and cultivates new strategic industries to promote the optimization of industrial layout and transformation and development.
at present, the macroeconomic situation and the internal and external environment are relatively complex. the central financial work conference further emphasized the importance of financial services to the real economy. gao bingxue said that zhejiang international trade will give full play to the role of state-owned enterprises in financial services to the real economy and in preventing and defusing regional risks. it will not only actively build a diversified and professional financial product and service system, but also serve as the main force in serving the real economy and the ballast stone for maintaining financial stability.
on the one hand, we focus on "finance + industry" to enable finance to better empower new quality. in recent years, zhejiang international trade has insisted on innovation-driven development. through its fund platforms, it has focused on the layout of new tracks such as new generation information technology, medical health, intelligent manufacturing, new energy, and new materials, centering on three major scientific and technological innovation highlands and specialized and new fields, injecting financial vitality into the development of enterprises and gradually forming a virtuous cycle of "technology-industry-finance". up to now, zhejiang international trade fund platform has supported and cultivated more than 100 key enterprises in and outside the province, and promoted the listing of nearly 30 companies, including 13 on the science and technology innovation board.
on the other hand, we focus on "finance + people's livelihood" to make finance better serve the overall situation. zhejiang international trade actively integrates into the common prosperity scene, and supports people's livelihood undertakings such as education, medical care, health, agriculture and charity by providing diversified financial services. we cooperate with jiangshan city to establish a 100 million yuan rural revitalization fund, and achieve an investment income of 10 million yuan in 2023, all of which will be invested in local characteristic industries and common prosperity projects.
at present, the global economic situation is becoming more complex and changeable, and the importance of preventing and resolving financial risks and maintaining financial security and stability is becoming more and more apparent, and the task of disposing of non-performing assets is increasing. in this context, zhejiang international trade will focus on "finance + security", give full play to the role of its subsidiary, zhejiang zheshang asset management co., ltd. (hereinafter referred to as zheshang asset), as a "special force" to prevent and resolve regional financial risks, and innovate mechanisms and models around "relief" and "assistance", and actively help prevent and resolve regional financial risks.
deepen exchanges and cooperation to build a solid financial security barrier for regional development
regional financial security is an important issue in the process of regional integration. in the context of increasing economic globalization, the importance of regional cooperation in maintaining financial security and stability has become increasingly prominent.
amidst the unprecedented changes in a century, with the increase of various uncertainties in the economic development of asian countries, asian financial development is facing unprecedented challenges.
in order to build new consensus and jointly meet challenges, the hangzhou declaration was released at this conference. by promoting regional cooperation, improving institutional arrangements, strengthening knowledge sharing, and promoting common development, the four core tasks will provide strong guarantees for the stability and sustainable development of asian finance.
as the organizer of this conference, zheshang asset management is the first official member of ipaf in china's local asset management company industry. over the years, it has actively participated in various ipaf activities and international cooperative research organized by ipaf. it has established a good partnership with the asian development bank, the ipaf secretariat and ipaf members, and has made positive contributions to the security and stability of asian finance.
ying chunxiao, member of the party committee of zhejiang international trade group, secretary of the party committee and chairman of zhejiang merchants assets, believes that opportunities and challenges coexist in the current economic structure and financial environment. as the market situation changes, the uncertainty of the market environment faced by the asset management industry has also increased, which has put forward new and higher requirements for asset management companies.
ying chunxiao said that the 8th ipaf conference held in zhejiang will help deepen regional cooperation and promote more practical results. at the same time, it is also an opportunity for the exchange of views, sharing of wisdom, and enhancing consensus, which is conducive to discovering the connection points of co-construction and sharing, and exploring paths and methods for high-level financial opening.
next, zheshang asset management will take this meeting as an opportunity to give full play to the counter-cyclical tools and financial rescue functions unique to asset management companies. closely focusing on the various needs of "government, banks, and enterprises", focusing on the mission and responsibility of "preventing and reducing regional risks and serving the real economy", and deepening the "non-performing + investment banking, finance + industry" business development model, comprehensively prevent and reduce regional financial risks, escort the stable development of the local economy, and practice the political and people-oriented requirements of finance with its own high-quality development. (end)