
the documentary "the wandering earth 2" is finally here: how difficult is it to kick open the door to chinese science fiction movies?


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maybe you don’t know that a few hours ago, the documentary "the wandering earth 2: adventure again" started its preview. if you open various platforms now, you can probably still see the hot reviews that have just been released.

it's a bit annoying to say this, but we received a small-scale internal preview invitation from the film's producer and production company, jihe, and we watched the film on september 7th.

it's really hard for xiaofa to hold it in for so long. i've been thinking about it for a week and i have to say some things out loud.

this movie actually had its own douban page a long time ago, but now "the wandering earth 2" has been released for more than a year. the audience has been waiting for it and thought they were being stood up, but it finally arrived.

however, good things come to those who wait. this time, the 3d version of "the wandering earth 2" is released, so this documentary can give us a glimpse of the whole picture.

the weather was not very good on the day of the preview, with a little rain. the film screening was scheduled for 4pm, but around 3pm, many people who were also invited arrived at the scene. probably for confidentiality, there were no promotional materials in the theater, but the 3d version of "the wandering earth 2" roll-up banner was already erected in the hall.

there is no need to elaborate on "the wandering earth 2", or the ip "the wandering earth". people's memory of it is that it is completely different from other chinese science fiction movies they have seen, but no one can tell how and why it is different.

now, "the wandering earth 2: adventure again" tells us the answer.

the film begins with the familiar dragon logo. perhaps everyone is accustomed to this, but as a media practitioner, when i saw my colleagues shooting a film with the dragon logo, applause immediately broke out in the theater.

as a result, after a few minutes, the movie suddenly paused, and all the audience, including xiaofa, were confused. many people could be heard saying "huh?" immediately, a staff member came out to explain - sorry, the sound needs to be adjusted.

then the windows volume ui appeared in the upper left corner of the screen, which made everyone laugh. then everyone applauded to show encouragement, and the film rewound back to the dragon logo and started again.

the story begins more than 500 days ago, when director guo fan officially announced that "the wandering earth" would begin work on the second part.

seeing the big words on the screen saying "xx days left before the film is released" reminded xiaofa of the experience of watching "the battle at lake changjin" in the cinema a few years ago, when he was upset by the conspicuous time prompt.

however, although the film was shot according to the timeline of "the wandering earth 2" from the initial preparation to the final successful release, what was filmed is not a diary.

among the several time points specially marked in the film, there was a sentence “there are still more than a hundred years before the film is released” in the middle. at that time, everyone thought it was a typo.

as a result, the film really starts from more than a hundred years ago. through the description of experts, it introduces liang qichao and a novel he wrote, "the future of new china". the book boldly predicts that china will be prosperous and strong in 60 years, and all nations will come to pay tribute.

although "new china's future" is often classified as a political novel, the chinese fantasy it exudes has more or less planted the seeds of science fiction in the hearts of chinese people.

so when "the wandering earth" was released, many movie fans thought it was a landmark chinese science fiction film.

in fact, the core difference between chinese and western science fiction, or even whether there is a difference, is a question that can probably be debated for three days and three nights. however, i personally think that the chinese science fiction that xiaopoqiu wants to express is different from the people's historical perspective in which a superhero saves the world alone.

anyone who has seen the movie should be able to understand this. i still remember the line "those over 50, step out."

why does the documentary talk about this at the beginning? actually, it wants the audience to know what the basis for the birth of "the wandering earth 2" is.

after talking about the roots of chinese science fiction literature over the past century, "the wandering earth 2: adventure again" quickly returned to the main topic and began to explore the gains and losses of "the wandering earth 2" from a technical perspective.

it’s not that china has never had special effects blockbusters, nor has it never had particularly impressive set design and makeup, but those blockbusters in the past were basically empirical.

that is to say, there will be great people in a certain field related to film production, but it is difficult to replicate their miracles.

the breakthrough of "the wandering earth 2" is that it touches upon a corner of the film industrialization.

yes, you read that right. it is 2, not 1, that is truly related to the industrialization of the film industry.

the first thing to emphasize is that the film industrialization here does not refer to the assembly line production of blockbusters, but refers to the production of film resources in a more efficient, scientific and replicable way during film preparation.

1 was more like throwing a stone to test the waters, a preparation before the war, and it was only during the filming of "the wandering earth 2" that the crew got a little exposure to the film industrialization.

producer gong geer revealed that the crew had only 700 to 800 people when filming the first episode, but it reached more than 1,900 people when filming the second episode. at that time, not only did they have to deal with the epidemic prevention task, but they also had to coordinate hundreds or thousands of foreign extras.

this situation is quite groundbreaking in the history of chinese film.

of course, the number of crew members is not the criterion for judging the industrialization of the film industry, but the management model of the crew is.

in the crew of "the wandering earth 2", the team division of labor is very clear, and the resources produced by different departments are also quite industrialized.

for example, in the icons and texts that few people notice, "the wandering earth 2" achieves unity in style and form.

the font, character spacing and other subtle details were adjusted, and various logos were all specially designed. the relevant team mass-produced a large number of replaceable stickers specifically for shooting operations.

guo fan holds this point very tightly - i guess you didn't know that he has done graphic design.

this unification of art resources can also be seen in other places, such as white-style clothing, buildings, and machines, and ui designs of the same style.

but this doesn't mean it's rough. many things are quite delicate. for example, in the movie, there is a scene where a crashed black hawk helicopter appears.

just for this one helicopter, a small team worked hard for a month. they tried their best to restore the true appearance of the black hawk through various means such as online verification and offline search, for fear of being seen as timid by knowledgeable audiences.

then this lifelike helicopter was quickly processed into a wreckage, which is what we see in the movie. and don't forget, "the wandering earth 2" is a science fiction film, not a modern war film.

in addition, the united nations headquarters was also the location that the crew's overseas co-production team specially applied to enter the united nations for location scouting, and then combined with the construction drawings of the united nations golden hall dug out by the art team, the reality was replicated in the movie.

in order to ensure authenticity, the stone under the rostrum was specially worked on to ensure that the color and texture were sufficiently restored.

more importantly, a considerable portion of the above work is completed by young people.

why do people want to restore the real scene so much and apply the unified style brought by the industrialization of film to shooting?

guo fan once asked liu cixin this question: "what is science fiction?"

liu cixin's answer was: "science fiction is the history of the future."

a science fiction story is not a scene, but a flowing history. to restore this history, we must imagine, construct, and finally actually present the city’s appearance, communication methods, and lifestyle of these future people.

so you can also understand why guo fan's team has to focus on details like fonts in a science fiction film. it is these things combined that give the audience a sense of reality that comes from future history.

compared with the above, special effects are not something worth talking about.

whether it's a space elevator or detonating the moon, there are only two things to pay attention to when making special effects: spend money and work hard. until "the wandering earth 2" is about to be released, a lot of people are still rendering and modifying it.

in addition to the greatness of "the wandering earth 2", "the wandering earth 2: adventure again" also tells many stories about the team's failures.

delays in filming due to weather reasons are minor issues in the entire filming process; the most troublesome thing is still the technical issues.

for example, in the scene in andy lau's mirror house, the entire team used professional camera equipment titan to shoot the scene. this was also the first time that titan was used for shooting in a domestic film.

this titan was successfully shipped back from abroad, but due to the epidemic, the british salesperson could not come over, so the two parties could only make a video call to remotely guide the installation.

as they were installing the machine, they discovered that the british had sent fewer spare parts. in order to solve this life-threatening problem, the crew had to rely on their own efforts and make some parts themselves as temporary substitutes.

as expected, an accident happened. later during filming, the titan went on strike and it took the crew six hours to repair it.

there are really more and more pitfalls like this. as a team crossing the river by feeling the stones, guo fan and his team don't know what to do.

after thinking about it, we finally hired a bunch of students from the university as interns. they did nothing every day but record the mistakes made by the crew. after the filming, we will summarize these mistakes and avoid them in the future.

but no matter whether the filming went smoothly or not, guo fan was always in a state of high pressure and appeared irritable and angry when working.

this is a very normal state. no matter who it is, if he sleeps only 4 hours a day and works non-stop, and usually either shoots or looks at the filmed materials, he will become like guo fan.

but we all know the result. the wandering earth 2 was a success. with the power of its predecessor, it took the chinese science fiction film industry a step further and showed a style that had never been seen before.

i don’t know how you guys evaluate it, but i feel that the best thing about “the wandering earth 2” is that it attempts to summarize a system for shooting chinese science fiction films.

unification, batching, customization... the resources needed for the film were produced on a large scale, and finally a nearly realistic fictional world was created.

for example, when domestic crews want to shoot something profound, they always like to invite experts to support them. however, most crews just want to use the names of experts to gild the program, and very few really shoot according to the experts' ideas.

in the wandering earth 2: another adventure, the experts from the chinese academy of sciences complained that they really hated being invited by some crews, but the wandering earth 2 was different. for example, the scene of blowing up the moon, how to blow it up, was all brainstormed by the experts.

in other words, if you really have the ability to do so, blowing up the moon as shown in the movie might be the best solution.

create a true history and let the audience not be out of the play. it sounds simple, but there are not many chinese science fiction films that can achieve this level. you can count on your fingers and think about it.

after watching this documentary produced by jihe, xiaofa’s biggest feeling is just one: romance.

when watching the wandering earth 2 in the cinema, i wonder how many of you watched the credits at the end of the film. for most people, this might be a bit boring.

but if you think about it from another perspective:

nearly two thousand people drew more than 5,000 concept drawings, nearly 10,000 storyboard manuscripts, and nearly 100,000 props and costumes, and spent more than 1,400 days to create this 173-minute film.

therefore, i hope that my fellow fans will have the opportunity to go to the cinema to support the 3d version of "the wandering earth" and the documentary "the wandering earth 2: adventure again" and watch them to the end.

as these names scroll across the screen, you may hear the roar of the engine of china's film industry.

written by: zhang dadong & xin

edit: mangshan soldering iron tip

art: huan yan

image, source

the wandering earth 2 public information