
germans divided over cancellation of "parent taxis"


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[global times special correspondent in germany qingmu] according to the german "westdeutsche allgemeine zeitung" report on the 12th, the city of essen has expanded the parking ban around local schools to eliminate the risk of traffic accidents caused by "parent taxis" (parents driving their children to school) parked randomly. similar regulations have also been introduced in other parts of germany.
according to deutsche presse-agentur, a survey of more than 1,000 german parents showed that 23% of parents drove their children to school at least three times a week in spring and summer, while in autumn and winter, the proportion was 28%. most parents who do not send their children to school have criticized this: they are worried that "parent taxis" will bring additional traffic risks. 62% of respondents said that there are too many cars near schools in the morning and after school. another survey result in 2022 also showed that one-third of primary school teachers see "dangerous situations" caused by parents driving their children to school at the school gate almost every week.
in response, organizations such as the german traffic club, the education and training association are calling on schools and daycare centers to hold a september action day to get as many children as possible to walk or ride bicycles to school or nursery, with the slogan: "children can do it - no 'parent taxi' required!" in the past few years, tens of thousands of children have participated in the action. some schools have set up special gathering points for students to walk, ride bicycles or take buses to school together. these organizations also called for a ban on parking in front of schools and penalties for violators.
katrin, a parent living in munich, told a special correspondent of the global times that when they were young, their parents rarely picked up and dropped off their children. those who lived close to their homes mostly walked or rode bicycles to school, while those who lived far away took buses or trains to school. now her two children also ride bicycles to school by themselves. she believes that parents driving their children not only affects traffic, but also has a negative impact on children's independence, environmental protection and other education. but frank, a parent in frankfurt, disagrees. he explained that traffic accidents in germany are currently high, especially social security issues are prominent, and there are attacks almost every day. therefore, he and his neighbors take turns to send their children to school. he said that this is the love of parents for their children, "in order to let parents let go, the government must guarantee traffic and social security."