
from two bearings, we can see that china's manufacturing transformation and upgrading is accelerating towards becoming a manufacturing power (striving for a strong country and striding forward on a new journey)


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manufacturing is the foundation of a country and the basis of a strong country. riding on the "number" and moving towards the "new", china's manufacturing transformation and upgrading are moving forward with firm steps.
general secretary xi jinping emphasized that "china cannot lack manufacturing at any time", "we must unswervingly make manufacturing and the real economy stronger, better and bigger", and "accelerate the construction of a manufacturing power."
bearings, the "joints" of industry.
in june this year, at the liuao offshore wind farm in zhangzhou, fujian, 16mw wind turbines equipped with domestically produced main shaft bearings achieved mass operation and were connected to the grid at full capacity.
on line 6 of the suzhou metro in jiangsu province, the "china railway no. 872" shield machine equipped with domestically produced 3-meter-class main bearings has made new contributions.
the two bearings, from nothing to something, and from something to excellence, reflect the solid pace of chinese manufacturing from small to large, and from large to strong in the 75 years since the founding of the people's republic of china.
china has the most complete industrial system in the world, with the overall scale of its manufacturing industry ranking first in the world for 14 consecutive years, and the output of more than 220 products ranking first in the world... the solid confidence, innovative momentum and surging vitality demonstrated by china's manufacturing provide strong support for advancing chinese-style modernization.
the solid foundation of china's manufacturing industry can be seen from the complete industrial system
general secretary xi jinping emphasized: "manufacturing is the lifeblood of the national economy" and "my country is a big country and must develop the real economy, continuously promote industrial modernization, and improve the level of manufacturing."
luoyang bearing group is a manufacturer of main shaft bearings for 16mw wind turbines. wang xinying, party secretary and chairman of the group, said frankly: "more than 10 years ago, we could not even touch high-end bearings, but we had to tackle this tough problem no matter how difficult it was."
"strengthen internal strength" by establishing national key laboratories and other innovation platforms; "borrow external forces" by working closely with tsinghua university and other universities and research institutes. from new energy vehicle bearings to wind turbine main shaft bearings, to rail transit bearings, luozhou's new products have been rolled off the production line one after another and applied to major equipment such as "chang'e", "tiangong" and "china sky eye".
luozhou has taken "one type of product" to the extreme, and china railway construction heavy industry has specialized in "one product" - tunnel boring machines.
research and develop main bearings to fill in the "last piece of the puzzle" for the localization of the shield machine industry chain. in 2019, china railway construction heavy industry established a research and design institute, and after more than 1,000 days and nights, it finally successfully developed a 9-meter-class shield machine main bearing.
"this is the world's largest diameter and highest load-bearing shield machine main bearing, which can be used for the world's largest shield machine." liu feixiang, chief scientist of china railway construction heavy industry, said with emotion, "in the past, we could manufacture whatever equipment we had, but now we can manufacture whatever equipment is needed."
behind the two bearings is the solid confidence demonstrated by china's complete manufacturing industry system.
in 1949, the first molten iron in new china surged out of anshan iron and steel group. today, my country has been the world's largest steel producer for 28 consecutive years, and its "hand-torn steel" continues to break world records. in 1956, the first jiefang truck rolled off the faw production line. today, my country's automobile production and sales have ranked first in the world for 15 consecutive years, and its production and sales of new energy vehicles have ranked first in the world for 9 consecutive years.
from "cannot manufacture" to "can manufacture" and then to "manufacture well", we have completed the industrialization process of developed countries in hundreds of years in just a few decades. the manufacturing industry has 31 major categories, 179 medium categories and 609 small categories, with the most complete industrial categories and industrial system in the world. the resilience and competitiveness of the industrial chain and supply chain continue to improve. in 2023, the added value of manufacturing will account for 26.2% of gdp, accounting for about 30% of the world.
with a strong physique and strong muscles, today's made in china has a rock-solid foundation and confidence.
looking at the innovative momentum of china's manufacturing from the perspective of industrial chain collaboration
general secretary xi jinping emphasized: "the core of manufacturing is innovation, which is to master key core technologies. we must rely on self-reliance and independent innovation to achieve this."
the breakthrough of the main bearing of the 9-meter shield machine is the result of an innovative "relay" involving raw materials, industrial mother machines, engineering applications and other links.
"unbreakable by crushing and unbreakable by grinding", the material must first be hard enough. taking the inner gear ring of the main bearing as an example, the 8mm thick ring layer must have a rockwell hardness greater than 58, and conventional medium-carbon bearing steel is far from meeting the standard.
what to do? china railway construction heavy industry cooperated with universities and spent more than two years, more than 30 groups of tests, and millions of fatigue tests to select the best ratio of steel elements. several steel companies went through dozens of technical discussions and tests to turn the formula into a product.
with the materials, precision processing is also needed. with the r&d started in 2020 and the product rolling off the production line in 2022, and the localization rate exceeding 90%, the domestically produced 9-meter high-speed cnc gear milling machine tool jointly developed by china railway construction heavy industry and its partners has helped the main bearing to roll off the production line smoothly.
the research and development of 16mw wind turbine main shaft bearings also requires the "group efforts" of relevant parties.
"there was no relevant reference material for the main shaft bearings of large-megawatt wind turbines. at the critical moment, the main engine manufacturer goldwind technology sent the operating data of various types of wind turbines, which solved the 'urgent need'." yao dong, director of the wind power department of luoyang bearing sales corporation, said with emotion, "working together and cooperating in innovation, there are unlimited possibilities for made in china."
large, medium and small enterprises are integrating innovation, and all parties of industry, academia and research are working together. large aircraft are flying in the blue sky, high-speed maglevs are flying close to the ground, and domestic large cruise ships are put into commercial use... a large number of major landmark innovations are leading china's manufacturing to continue to climb to new heights. in 2023, the added value of high-tech manufacturing will account for 15.7% of the added value of industrial enterprises above designated size, an increase of 6.3 percentage points from 2012.
we should promote the new and upgrade traditional industries; innovate and strengthen emerging industries; focus on the forefront and lay out future industries... my country develops new quality productivity according to local conditions and constantly creates new momentum and advantages for development. at present, strategic emerging industries account for about 13% of gdp, and the number of high-tech enterprises in the country has reached 463,000.
climbing forward with the spirit of unremitting self-improvement, today's made in china is full of new creations that are changing with each passing day.
the surging vitality of chinese manufacturing from the perspective of high-end, intelligent and green development
general secretary xi jinping stressed that "we should promote the high-end, intelligent and green development of manufacturing industry."
comprehensive improvement, high-end layout, continuous "updates" of bearing products:
on march 10, the bearings of the changbai mountain 40-meter-diameter radio telescope developed by luoyang axle passed the acceptance inspection. in the future, the radio telescope will accurately "guide" the lunar probe.
on march 14, the world's first 25mw wind turbine main shaft bearing rolled off the production line at luoyang axle research technology, setting a new record for the world's largest single-unit capacity of wind turbine bearings.
products are more high-end, and production must be smarter. walking into the final assembly plant of china railway construction heavy industry changsha second industrial park, there is a real workshop and a digital workshop, online and offline, synchronized in real time.
"look, this is a set of digital twin images of the front of the shield machine cutterhead. the different shades of color represent the stress and wear of the blade." wang yongsheng, deputy director of the digital twin research institute of china railway construction heavy industry, said that by analyzing these data in real time, engineers can optimize the next generation of products in a targeted manner.
the "two bearings" are a microcosm. china's manufacturing industry has achieved fruitful results by continuously promoting industrial optimization and upgrading.
climbing to both ends of the "smile curve". the energy density of mass-produced power battery cells has reached 300 watt-hours per kilogram, which is at the international leading level; the efficiency of crystalline silicon-perovskite stacked batteries has reached 34.6%, repeatedly breaking world records; the annual export of the "new three" of new energy vehicles, lithium batteries, and photovoltaic products has exceeded the trillion yuan mark... made in china is accelerating its move towards the middle and high end of the global industry.
we are advancing in-depth into the "integration of digital and real". the penetration rate of digital r&d and design tools in key industrial enterprises has reached 80.1%, the cnc rate of key processes has reached 62.9%, and the industrial internet has achieved full coverage of major industrial categories... the pace of industrial digitization and digital industrialization is accelerating.
continue to work towards "green and low-carbon". promote green and low-carbon transformation, build a green manufacturing system, cultivate and expand green industries... in the first two years of the "14th five-year plan", the energy consumption per unit of added value of large-scale industries decreased by 6.8%.
aiming at "high technology", pursuing "high efficiency" and moving towards "high quality", today's made in china is showing a new look, opening up new space and stirring up new vitality.
"we will focus on promoting new industrialization, developing new quality productivity, maintaining a reasonable proportion of manufacturing, organically combining the construction of a manufacturing power with the development of the digital economy and industrial informatization, and accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system with advanced manufacturing as the backbone." said jin zhuanglong, secretary of the party leadership group and minister of the ministry of industry and information technology.
source: people's daily
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