
expanding, improving and bringing good schools to people's doorsteps - decoding the "small shop answer" for high-quality development of education


한어Русский языкEnglishFrançaisIndonesianSanskrit日本語DeutschPortuguêsΕλληνικάespañolItalianoSuomalainenLatina shanxi news, september 9th. on july 15 this year, the xiaodian district government signed a cooperative school-running agreement with shanxi normal university and unveiled the establishment of the shanxi normal university affiliated school. this nine-year school can provide a total of 3,300 places, providing high-quality educational resources for children in the surrounding area to go to good schools. in the golden autumn of september, the school welcomed the first four classes of first-year junior high school students.
education is the future of the country and the nation. high-quality development is the lifeline of education at all levels and types. we must integrate the promotion of educational equity into all aspects of deepening comprehensive education reform and promote the fundamental transformation from "having a school to go to" to "going to a good school".
in recent years, xiaodian education has adhered to the fundamental mission of "educating people for the party and cultivating talents for the country", carried forward the xiaodian reform and development spirit of "being the first to win the best and leading the way", based on the overall development situation, conforming to the expectations of the people, and adhering to the path of high-quality and balanced development. focusing on the "1315" work ideas, it focuses on improving "education quality" and "education quality", facing new challenges, creating new paths, and improving service quality. with the strength of education, it achieves the strength of talents and empowers the strength of science and technology. with the warmth of education, it wins the satisfaction of the people, and continues to write the three articles of "having a school to go to, going to a good school, and providing excellent services", and the construction of a strong education district has taken solid steps. in january 2024, xiaodian district was selected as an experimental area for compulsory education teaching reform by the ministry of education (63 nationwide and 2 in shanxi province). on the new journey of high-quality development of education, xiaodian education is living up to its youth and pursuing its dreams.
solving new problems
facing new challenges in building a strong education district
in recent years, xiaodian district has experienced rapid economic development, and the number of school-age children has increased year by year, which has put forward new requirements and challenges for the development of xiaodian education. in 2024, the number of first-year primary school students will reach 18,646, and the number of first-year junior high school students will reach 16,657. the district is facing severe challenges in the compulsory education stage, with a shortage of 7,989 places. a series of thorny problems such as teacher shortage, school building shortage, and supporting facilities shortage need to be solved urgently.
the xiaodian district party committee and the district government faced the difficulties and attached great importance to it. they promoted the guarantee of students' "schooling" as the "first livelihood project" and successively introduced provincial and municipal brand schools such as shanxi normal university, shandong university affiliated high school, normal college affiliated high school, and shandong university affiliated primary school, which became a new engine leading and driving the leapfrog development of xiaodian education. in view of the current situation of teacher shortage, the district's 2024 career personnel supplement plan will be used to recruit teachers within the establishment, and the construction of the teaching team will be fully promoted through various forms such as hiring public-funded normal students, introducing talents, and recruiting labor dispatch teachers. faced with the increase in the number of students and the shortage of teaching facilities and equipment, the district party committee and the district government raised more than 50 million yuan to fully ensure that the newly built schools are fully equipped with facilities and equipment. the xiaodian district education and sports bureau predicted, researched and deployed, and formulated policies in advance, using a series of innovative measures to solve the problem of a shortage of nearly 8,000 places. pressing the "fast forward button" to improve the quality of education has written a "people's livelihood answer sheet" that prioritizes education.
radiate and guide to run schools close to the people
xiaodian district continues to comprehensively promote the group-based operation of compulsory education, rationally plans to introduce high-quality school resources, adopts three group-based operation models: high-quality schools incubate new schools, introduce famous schools to lead new schools, and urban schools promote rural schools, to promote high-quality and balanced development of regional education. in 2024, 6 new primary schools and 2 junior high schools will be built, which can increase 11,100 primary school places and 3,000 junior high school places, totaling 14,100 places. faced with the reality that there are many graduates in urban areas, the number of residents is increasing year by year, and the pressure on junior high school enrollment is particularly high, xiaodian district rationally utilizes and integrates teaching resources, and adjusts some schools such as taiyuan no. 38 middle school, dongzhonghuan primary school, and nanzhonghuan primary school into nine-year schools, and tries every means to expand the capacity of junior high schools, increase school enrollment plans, and ensure that students can enroll relatively nearby. all 384 children of key areas and key protection groups in the administrative area will be implemented in accordance with policy regulations. the expansion of schools has accelerated, which has improved the satisfaction of the people.
adjust policies to make high-quality resources available to everyone
xiaodian district optimized and adjusted the enrollment policy, and made overall arrangements for enrollment according to the resource allocation of public schools and the distribution and demand of school-age children. all school districts are dynamically adjusted and public buffer zones are set up. when the enrollment plan is exceeded, the district education and sports bureau will make overall arrangements for schools with vacant places. the admission policy of high-quality schools such as taiyuan no. 5 middle school longcheng campus, shandong university affiliated middle school fendong school, and taiyuan normal university affiliated middle school longcheng campus has been adjusted, expanding students' choices for high-quality educational resources and enabling every child to enjoy basic public education services. the sunshine and rain of fair education interpret the original intention of the reform of high-quality and balanced education.
talent introduction to strengthen the teaching staff
in order to effectively solve the problem of teacher shortage and unreasonable structure of subject teachers in the district, xiaodian district has focused on implementing the action of introducing educational talents, and went to southwest university to carry out campus recruitment in 2024, recruiting a total of 114 people, of which 69.9% were postgraduates and 30.7% were graduates of "double first-class" schools; 31 public-funded normal students and 13 talents were introduced. at the same time, the district education and sports bureau and the human resources and social security bureau established a teacher recruitment mechanism, and based on the number of students this year, 534 high-quality teachers were publicly recruited from the society. the fresh blood of the teaching team has laid the foundation for high-quality development of teachers.
building a new paradigm
open up a new path for building a strong education district
as an experimental area for compulsory education teaching reform of the ministry of education, xiaodian district has built a "pin"-shaped reform framework with "three fulcrums supporting each other" based on the seven major reform tasks, adapted to local conditions, and educated people. it has taken "moral education and character building" as its starting point: promoting the construction of the school curriculum system with "five-pronged education" as the outline; implementing "respect and activation" classroom teaching reforms guided by core competencies; and promoting high-quality digital development of education with information technology as the support. it has built an educational ecology of "respecting activation, practicing innovation", and continuously improving students' sense of gain and happiness.
among the three fulcrums, "respect and activation" is the core idea of ​​the compulsory education teaching reform in xiaodian district. respect every student in classroom teaching and discover their shining points; pay attention to every student and find their interests; activate every student and awaken and stimulate their internal motivation. let respect become the habit of xiaodian educators, the quality of xiaodian educators, the culture of xiaodian education, and the ecology of xiaodian education.
the "品"-shaped project, which supports each other and advances as a whole, has achieved a transformation in the way of educating people to "awakening people's autonomous development" and created a new practical path for xiaodian to become a strong educational district.
scientific research tackles new practical problems
in order to provide teaching and research support for the "respect and activation" classroom teaching reform action, xiaodian district focused on the compulsory education teaching reform experiment, built a brand teaching and research room construction strategy system, and formed a good teaching and research ecology. select outstanding teachers, set up 111 full-time and part-time teaching and research teams and more than 30 expert teams; formulate evaluation standards, select teaching and research training base schools; take the base schools as the leader, and build a teaching and research training community; focus on seven key tasks, determine research projects, and use projects to drive teaching and research and training. 100 articles of "the ministry of education's compulsory education teaching reform experimental zone results-education and teaching case collection sailing chapter" were compiled for primary and secondary school stages, forming reform experiences that can be promoted and replicated.
developing five aspects of education simultaneously to build a new curriculum system
xiaodian district takes the brand activity of "five educations in one, good habits make a good life" as a starting point to further promote the "five educations in one" school curriculum integrated construction action, focusing on the five habits of respect, reading, healthy exercise, artistic aesthetics, and labor, to promote the all-round development of students' morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics, and labor. research and formulate the "implementation measures for compulsory education curriculum in xiaodian district" to guide schools in the region to formulate curriculum implementation plans and standardize curriculum implementation. according to national requirements and based on their own reality, schools analyze curriculum resources and student needs to build a national curriculum, local curriculum, and school-based curriculum system. focusing on the characteristics of the curriculum system, set time and theme to carry out exhibition activities.
driven by the honor of being a national experimental zone for labor education in primary and secondary schools, xiaodian district has taken many measures to formulate regional labor education implementation documents and evaluation standards, develop labor textbooks, hold the first labor skills competition, build a labor practice base, and hold a series of national labor model and moral model campus activities, so that more than 100,000 students can admire the pioneers of model workers, learn the spirit of model workers, and strive to be "little model workers", and more than 40,000 students can go to the fields, plant in spring and harvest in autumn, and experience the joy of the "second classroom". under the background of "double reduction", the xiaodian district education and sports bureau has fully exerted the comprehensive education function of labor, realized the use of labor to cultivate morality, increase intelligence, strengthen the body, cultivate beauty, and innovate, and promoted the all-round development of students' morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics, and labor. in april, the reading demonstration activity "looking for the most beautiful reader" held in guangming primary school was colorful; in may, the labor demonstration activity "labor creates happiness and technology leads the future" held in liujiabao township no. 1 school was fruitful; in june, the art achievement display activity "blooming artistic style to inspire the power of a strong district" held in shahe street primary school was lively... xiaodian district has incorporated the cultivation of "five good habits" into the comprehensive quality assessment system for students, and conducted a diversified and comprehensive evaluation of schools. the brand of "five educations and good habits make a good life" is drawing a vivid background for urban and rural education in xiaodian.
digital empowerment opens up a new track in education
"promoting the digitalization of education" is not just a slogan in xiaodian, but a pioneering effort. xiaodian district has formulated the "implementation plan for the deep integration of information technology and subject teaching" according to local conditions, and implemented the "seven measures" for the deep integration of information technology and subject teaching to explore new tracks for the development of digital-enabled education.
continue to optimize the regional education digital infrastructure. in 2024, xiaodian district will continue to promote the digitalization and intelligence of education around the "china education modernization 2035" and "education informatization 2.0 action plan". it is expected to invest more than 49 million yuan in various funds throughout the year to install, supplement, update and upgrade facilities and equipment to promote the construction of smart campuses.
a part-time team for "digital empowerment education" was established. in april this year, the education and sports bureau of xiaodian district held a kick-off meeting for the scientific research team and selected 20 people as part-time instructors and teaching researchers for "digital empowerment education". in may, a promotion meeting for digital empowerment education was held to make it clear that efforts should be made in digital transformation, in the construction of digital campuses, and in the application of smart education platforms.
deepen the full application of the "national smart education platform for primary and secondary schools". carefully organize primary and secondary school teachers in the district to participate in the teacher training established by the "national smart education platform for primary and secondary schools". at present, the goal of all teachers in the district opening accounts and being able to skillfully use the functions of the "national smart education platform for primary and secondary schools" and learn from and use the high-quality resources of the platform in teaching has been achieved, which has improved the "application ability" of teachers in informatization.
we have carried out online and offline teacher information literacy improvement projects. we have carried out online and offline teacher training in batches in the mode of "display-empowerment-leadership". we have conducted primary and intermediate information literacy improvement training for all teachers online, and intensive information literacy improvement training for 126 backbone teachers offline. the empowerment courses cover chat gpt, vr, ar, classroom teaching case display, optimized teaching design, application of artificial intelligence applets, digital course evaluation, collective lesson preparation and other related contents.
innovative applications promote new models of maker education courses. since the implementation of the xiaodian district artificial intelligence maker education project, through the project construction, curriculum development, key teacher training, curriculum development, teaching and research, etc., 100 maker classrooms have been built in 90 schools, 8 district-level textbooks for primary and secondary schools have been developed, and a special artificial intelligence maker teacher and teacher skills improvement training base has been built. key teacher training was carried out in batches and groups, and more than 200 teachers were trained. through dual-teacher teaching and teacher-student co-education, primary and secondary school students in grades 3 to 5 and grade 1 of junior high school participated in maker course learning.
deepen the high-quality development of the "three classrooms" and help improve the quality of quality and balance. the xiaodian district special delivery classroom began in march 2021. in 2023, 4 pairs of "dual-teacher classrooms" urban-rural integrated paired schools and 2 group schools were added to further expand the coverage of high-quality resources, and successfully promoted the sharing of educational resources and teaching quality improvement between weak rural schools and high-quality schools and group schools in urban areas. smart campus construction and "national smart education platform for primary and secondary schools" are fully applied. a series of "cloud reading" actions were organized, attracting 85 schools to participate. the platform visits have exceeded 460,000 times, and the cumulative number of participants in the activities has reached 55,534. from brand old schools to booming new schools, information technology has become a "booster" for xiaodian education, giving birth to "new quality productivity" in the field of education.
improve service quality
win the "satisfaction" of the masses with the "warmth" of education
people's livelihood has warmth, happiness has depth, and doing "key little things" is an important mission of xiaodian education. "it is difficult to pick up and drop off primary school students at noon, and it is difficult to guarantee lunch and rest; the children finish school early and no one picks them up; i don't know how to communicate with the children at home..." xiaodian district has taken many measures to solve the urgent problems that the people are worried about.
providing safe lunches to warm people’s hearts and benefit people’s livelihood
xiaodian district has included the "rest assured lunch" project in the government's livelihood projects for three consecutive years, focusing on the "difficulty in ensuring lunch breaks" raised by the masses. this year, lunch break services have been added on the basis of the "rest assured lunch". the "rest assured lunch" project has been fully covered in the eight newly opened schools, and a total of 64 schools have completed the "rest assured lunch" project, providing dining and lunch break services for more than 26,000 students, effectively solving the worries of parents such as difficulty in dining, transportation, and supervision, further reducing the burden on parents, so that children can eat well and sleep well in school.
promote home-school co-education and enjoy "cloud reading"
reading enlightens the mind, and the fragrance of books nourishes the soul. the xiaodian district education and sports bureau has transformed digital technology, the "biggest variable", into the "biggest increment" for improving the quality of reading. home, school and society have worked together to launch the "cloud reading" online book sharing activity with the help of the "reading platform", giving reading the wings of "cloud". a series of "cloud reading" actions such as "classics of china", "learning new ideas and being successors", "welcome to children's day to tell stories and praise hometown", "learn science and love science", "focus on the national two sessions to enhance democratic awareness", and "graduation voice meet the future" were organized and carried out. a total of 85 schools participated in the event, and a total of 55,534 people participated in the event. parents and children read, learn and grow together. with the help of the "reading platform", the online book sharing activity of "cloud reading" between home and school was launched. using the power of technology, reading became a bridge connecting hearts and hearts, and a warm network of "book fragrance action" was jointly woven. a close relationship has been established between parents and children, which has promoted the formation of a good ecology of co-education for all people.
promote the integration of sports and education to strengthen the mind and body and help growth
xiaodian district actively implements the concept of "health first", focuses on the physical and mental health development of young people, and combines mental health education with physical exercise, art performances and other activities for overall planning. in cooperation with the xiaodian district social psychology association, it has conducted mental health assessments for primary and secondary school students in the district for three consecutive years and established a "one file for one life" file; carried out the "10,000 teachers visit 10,000 families" activity, established files for 6,985 key students and visited their homes to protect students' mental health; held "100 psychological lectures on campus" and other activities to provide mental health support for teachers, students and parents. at the same time, vigorously develop physical education and give play to the role of sports in strengthening the heart. with the theme of "strong body, active life and shared health", it carries out national fitness activities, carries out a series of children and youth theme fitness activities "run, youth" and various forms of sports activities, such as community sports activities and "8.8" family parent-child fun competitions. children, teenagers and parents in xiaodian district actively participate, develop a sunny and healthy lifestyle, gather positive energy for healthy growth, cultivate children's healthy body and sound personality, and form a sports-loving and positive atmosphere throughout the district.
the people's yearning for a better life is our goal. xiaodian district will take high-quality development as the lifeline of education, integrate the promotion of educational equity into all aspects and links of deepening comprehensive education reform, insist on running every school well, educating every student well, and achieving every teacher, so that every child can enjoy fair and quality education, and use heart, emotion, strength and wisdom to hand in the "xiaodian answer sheet" for the high-quality and balanced development of compulsory education. (end) (source: taiyuan daily)