
hello, teacher! | gong jiaqi from zhaozhou county no. 2 primary school: use a brush to paint dreams and light up the future with passion


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editor’s note:
a teacher is one who teaches by example. in the new era of longjiang, batches of excellent teachers teach with virtue and establish themselves with virtue, embrace the stars and the sea, and are determined to uphold the original intention of education, take root in the depths of education, and move forward in the direction of "great teachers". on the occasion of the 40th teachers' day, northeast net launched the "hello, teacher!" media column, focusing on 40 teacher representatives in longjiang, deeply excavating and vividly showing the touching stories of the vast number of teachers in longjiang who take root in longjiang, conduct rigorous research, and devote themselves to educating people, and feel their educational feelings and teaching life. at the same time, in-depth reports will be made on longjiang's "models of the times", national models of teaching and educating people, and the most beautiful teachers, and micro-video broadcast activities will be launched simultaneously.
northeast net, september 7th(reporter huo xiaohan) gong jiaqi, a second-level teacher at zhaozhou county no. 2 primary school, has been engaged in education and teaching for 8 years. with a strong sense of responsibility for education and mission for the construction of his hometown, he has poured all his passion and ambition into the career of teaching and educating people, and has reaped his own fragrance on the three-foot podium.
gong jiaqi guides students in painting.
gong jiaqi regards "educating people with beauty and cultivating people with culture" as her ideal pursuit. with her dedication to the cause of education, she firmly fulfills the duties and mission of an educator.
in teaching, gong jiaqi takes teaching every class carefully and educating every student as her work creed. she is good at using vivid language and rich body language to make boring art knowledge vivid and interesting, allowing students to learn and grow in a relaxed and happy atmosphere. gong jiaqi tries her best to provide every student with opportunities to express their potential desire for exploration and create beauty. based on the development of students' personality, she actively builds a "multi-dimensional" classroom through activities such as "print painting hometown", "hand-painted wall painting", and "beauty of tie-dyeing" in art clubs, giving full play to students' creativity, subjectivity, and initiative. with emotion as the bond and the surrounding world as the source, relying on "multi-dimensional" teaching expression, to create a learning situation of "beauty, wisdom, and fun", and an interpersonal situation of teachers and students of "closeness, help, and joy", creatively making common and easily available materials in life, providing students with a stage for self-display, so that every aspect of every student has the opportunity to be fully displayed, and constantly tapping the potential of students, so that they can constantly surpass themselves and enjoy the joy of success.
in addition to her daily teaching work, gong jiaqi also actively organizes students to participate in various art competitions and exhibitions. she encourages students to create boldly and express their thoughts and emotions. under her guidance, students have achieved excellent results and have won awards and honors in provincial and municipal art competitions many times.
in gong jiaqi's class, there is no label of "poor students". she believes that every child is a unique individual. gong jiaqi pays attention to observing the characteristics and interests of each student, formulates personalized teaching plans according to their actual situation, pays attention to the growth trajectory of each child, listens to their voices, and strives to teach students in accordance with their aptitude. let the children not only learn knowledge, but also learn how to learn and how to face the challenges and difficulties of life. gong jiaqi also pays attention to the emotional changes and psychological needs of students. whether it is confusion in learning or problems in life, she will do her best to provide help and support.